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Anonymous 5479

Are straight women comfortable being naked around each other? More comfortable than straight men being naked around each other?

Anonymous 5481

I grew up with my friends changing and showering together, but I never did, I guess because I was a litte insecure about it, but for them it was really normal (also, some straight/bi friends showered together and it was also, really normal). But I don't know about straight men, I guess they end up seeing their dicks all the time in the restroom?

Anonymous 5486


Most of the time

Anonymous 5500

I can comfortably be naked around the women in my family when I come out of the shower, and my mom does the same all the time, even shitting naked with the bathroom door open in front of me and my sister sometimes (hence why I've gotten so used to it).
I would feel comfortable being naked around female strangers (such as at the swimming pool changing rooms), but I feel they would be weirded out by me being so natural about it lol. I suppose it depends on the culture.

IMO men are probably less comfortable with each other's nakedness, but maybe they don't mind seeing each other's dicks as much as I think.

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