
Taboo Fantasies Anonymous 5826
Talk about any unhealthy, taboo or just embarrassing kinks and fantasies you have here. Confess your sins.
Anonymous 5827
I want to be murdered and then be fucked in hell.
Anonymous 5835
>>5827Same sort of deal. I want to be raped, savagely murdered, and then as a ghost watch them brutalise and violate my corpse. Decapitating me and dicking my skull, sticking their dick in my body's gaping throat hole etc.
I'm so happy F-List exists and I get to explore this stuff.
Anonymous 5848
>>5826I've always had a kink for voyeurism, on both sides. I got drunk with a friend a few years back and she let me watch her break in a vibrator I got her for her birthday, and she later let me watch her fuck her bf in the shower, but I spied on a few people in the shower and things like that over the years.
However, I also have fantasies of masturbating or being fucked, and either other people spying on me, or all my friends openly watching, pointing and laughing and calling me names.
Anonymous 5850
>>5848Why do you want to be laughed at and called names?
Anonymous 5851
>>5847Must be a troll.
>>5848I like exhibitionism a lot. Don’t understand the being laughed at part
Anonymous 5852
>>5847Please don't kink-shame, this thread is specifically for "bad" fetishes and stuff we're ashamed of, no limits
Anonymous 5856
Incest with my cousin, and sometimes I think about doing it to my dad, but it's just that, a fantasy. It didn't use to be, but now I'm better (went to therapy, got a new bf). Still, when I dream about fucking my dad, I usually go schlick it away if I wake up too horny. Don't worry though, seeing my dad in person is completely different than in my dreams, so instead I redirect the incestuous thoughts and daydreaming to my cousin.
I also have rape fantasies (me doing the raping), but it's rare.
>>5827Being fucked by a hot demon sounds sexy as hell
Anonymous 5860
>>5850>>5851I get aroused by being ashamed or embarrassed and I have no idea why, but I'm just going to roll with it.
Anonymous 5867
I fantasize about being kidnapped, and the kidnapper (middle-aged goth lady with a smooth voice) training me to orgasm in different ways, and manipulating my pussy (routinely removing pubic hair with an epilator, stretching my labia, enlargening my clit, going between spasming and widening the vagina, and of course, tattooing and piercing it all over), and sucking my breasts with a pump until they produce milk, which she makes aged cheese out of, and forces me to eat…
…Just kidding. I’m pretty vanilla, just would like to be tied up sometimes.
Anonymous 5875
>>5852>Please don't kink-shame>on CClol
Anonymous 5885

>>5826I think being tied up is hot although i'd rather be the one who ties up. I'm not sure how taboo that is, though.
Also bruises, bleeding, crying. But not on me. But there's pretty much no desired content for me
Anonymous 5886
>>5885Write your smut (and share).
Anonymous 5887
>>5885What is hot about being tied up and tying up?
Anonymous 5898
>>5887>going down the boring navel-gazing rabbit hole that is "explain your fetish"Nta, but depending on the type of rope you can get a really aesthetic contrast going on, bright red is a good one for this. The act of restraining someone and them being at your mercy and suffering (but not actually suffering) can be mentally relieving for certain psychological behaviors. If I had to put my finger on something it would probably be that BDSM is probably one of the few times a functioning adult in current society is allowed to partake in "pretend play" without feeling like a fraud. It allows for play environment where two adults act out being two somethings in a situation, and physically embodying those concepts. Why would this occur? Dunno. Perhaps there's an psychological understanding nowadays of the absolutely smothering nature of society which has always been present, but never abstracted. Now that people are aware of it though, those that feel "trapped" can partake in a ritual where they do in fact physically become trap/trap another (depending on their psychological needs and profile) engage in play, and then get to have a "release" where the restriction actually ends as opposed to overlaying miasma of society.
That or it just feels good/looks good. Could go either way.
Anonymous 5936
>>5887I think it looks neat, it doesn't really arouse me (and if it does not intensely) but I find it very attractive, I don't want to be sexed when I'm tied up, and if I had my fantasy play out in real life there would be little to no sexual action involved
Anonymous 5937
Holding hands during consensual sex in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation while in wholesome matrimony.
Anonymous 5945
>>5887I like the idea of restraining a male against their will (would never do it to a woman)
If you think about it, it really is a pretty dark fetish
Anonymous 6249
I used to spend unhealthy amounts of time playing games like Corruption of Champions and Degrees of Lewdity, but then they got too repetitive for me
Anonymous 6253
I used to fantasize about dominating angry misogynistic nerds like this:
https://boards.fireden.net/co/thread/119536726/ (yes I found that thread while googling for a specific CC thread that I couldn't remember)
I'm still into nerds but thankfully now I avoid the woman-hating ones. However, it makes me… happy to see that other women share this fetish like the ones in that link, although my tastes are a bit different now. Now I'm more into mutual attraction and respect kinda sex, and just fantasize about seducing and dominating virgin nerds who won't hate my guts.
Anonymous 6256
To be fair I'm strongly attracted to dragons, not only shape shifters one who turn into handsome boys, I mean actual dragons too. Even if I'm convinced that if they are smarter than human beings and they can speak is not bestiality.
Anonymous 6275
Figured this would be most relevant thread to post, but… It's not a kink of mine, it's a kink I wanna confess I hate. One of my biggest turnoffs.
Choking guys with my hands or thighs or whatever. A boyfriend asked me to do it with my thighs, so I did. he seemed to enjoy it, but holy shit, his head looked all red and like it was about to explode. I hate it, it looks so gross and dangerous, it doesn't make me horny at all. Unless we're talking about 2D art of very specific male characters that I feel deserve all the pain in the world, I can't stand choking guys in a sexual manner, either in real life or 2D porn.
Just wanted to get that off my chest, but thought /feels/ wasn't appropriate for such an explicit confession.
Anonymous 6321

i fetishize cuntboys (not TiMs) immensely and dont feel bad about it at all
i only enjoy thinking about them getting raped and abused by other men though
i feel nothing for the irl "counterparts" and never will
Anonymous 6322

>>6249I actually liked
remaining a pure human husbando with a
normal dick in CoC.
Anonymous 6326

i want a cute/handsome anime guy to rape my throat and force me to swallow his cum. i hate sex
Anonymous 6351
>>6326Sounds like the
/h/ femporn threads are for you
Anonymous 6395

I think my most taboo fantasies are still pretty tame, lol.
I just want to make my crush my dog y'know. Put a collar on her, not let her fully stand up so she won't reach my height, walk on all fours when i call for her, forbid her from responding with words and instead make her only say "woof woof" to my commands. I want to fuck her for hours and then just cuddle, mess up her hair and call her my good girl.
I don't feel good at all either inflicting or receiving pain during sex but i'm pretty naturally affectionately domineering.
Anonymous 6398
I'm not into submissive guys at all but I really like seeing boys get hit in the balls. I just think there's something cute about being vulnerable in that one way
Anonymous 6401

>>6395I feel like you've just read Chainsaw Man.
Anonymous 6402
>>6401AYRT Holy fuck that's such a huge turn on for me lol. Should i read this? That's literally my dream relationship.
Anonymous 6419
>>6398Dunno if related but I like the idea of taming/abusing really dominant guys and putting them in their place.
Anonymous 6573
Incest with my brother.
Anonymous 6576
>>6573>didn't meet my dad until I was 17>he has a whole other family>half-brother is a little younger than me>always thought he was handsome and had a tiny crush>now he's 26 and is kind of perfect >meet his ex while perfecting christmas recipes last weekend>doesn't know we're related>tells me all about how strong and forceful he is>wishes they'd never broken up just because of how good the sex was>playing backyard football and I cheat to give our younger cousin a chance to win>he grabs me and hoists me onto his shoulder with one hand>wrap my legs around him as he tries to flip me into the pool>have this flash of us fucking against my bedroom wall>can't get it out of my head>read some incest erotica >orgasm is immensely more satisfying than normal>now dream and fantasise about itI confess my sins to be forgiven.
Anonymous 6584
Probably not a big deal compared to the things in this thread, but recently I was having sex with my bf and out of nowhere he told me to start praying. I don't know why, but I just did it and for some reason it felt great. I'm not much of a religious person, but it also felt wrong because all of my family is very religious, which is probably why I enjoyed so much
Anonymous 6586
I fantasy a lot about giving myself to the other person's desires. I'm really aroused at the idea of being tied up, getting raped and humiliated, while being entirely powerless and/or submissive.
I suppose this has to do with this BDSM-ish taste of mine, but I think men in formal attire are very sexy, suits are an absolute turn on.
And I also have a hand fetish. I like to watch men's hands. Not only do I enjoy them on an aesthetic scale, I also think they can be very sensual and arousing. When I see really attractive hands I can't help but imagine kissing them, licking the fingers, and simply how it would feel having them touching me all over until I reach my limit.
Anonymous 6622
I want to drink someone's blood so bad and i think my boyfriend might let me… And yes it's obviously a sexual thing for me
Anonymous 6634
i have no sexual thoughts towards my family AT ALL but my and i boyfriend roleplay as sister and brother and daughter and father a lot. im the much more dominant one in the relationship, so its always borderline rape-ish and its so hard for me to get off unless i think of him as my little brother or father
Anonymous 6637
consensual missionary in bed with the lights off using protection
Anonymous 6672

AMWF porn
Came across one where the guy literally looked like Y0 Majima without the tattoos.
Anonymous 6981
>>6672do you still have the link? Anonymous 7062
I got my IUD, and while it gives me some bullshit cramps even as I type this… I kind of found a way to take the pain away.
I masturbate (externally of course, wouldn’t risk accidentally pulling it out, am kinda paranoid about that).
While that’s probably not too uncommon, my fantasies have taken a strange twist. I’ve started to get really into cervical stimulation. When I become horny and my insides become all swollen and relaxed, I think I can feel the thing poking out of my cervix, and it’s just exhilarating.
Part of the reason why I’m too scared to try even tampons. I’m worried that IUD strings get tangled around it.
Not sure if I’m just doing myself a disservice by ”muting” the pain like that.
And I wish I didn’t have it, so that I could actually try out cervical stimulation with my fingers.
Anonymous 7064
>>6634dominant daughter and submissive father? I've never heard of that before.
Anonymous 7209
>>6249I've just dissolved 40 h in the last two weeks playing DoL. You're right though, it is pretty repetitive at this point. I guess I'll try CoC now. Thanks for helping me waste more of my time.
Anonymous 7240

I've been fantasizing about Warhammer 40k Orks.
Idk I can't explain it. They don't even have dicks in canon. I am into orcs in general but at least dnd orcs are an understandable thing to be aroused by cause they're just big burly men.
But I like the 40k Orks dumb persona and their looks are really unique. They're just gross enough to make the whole thing feel degrading while fandom stuff makes them out to be cute goofball himbos.
I'm sorry Games Workshop. I'm sorry Crystal Cafe. I just had to tell someone.
Anonymous 7242
>>7240not sure if this is a troll post but comparing this with the degrading horrid stuff most men watch daily, this is pretty cute and harmless in comparison
Anonymous 7244
>>7240let them push your big red button
Anonymous 7247
>>7242She clearly specified that it was an ork post, not a troll post.
Anonymous 7250

>>7242I mean it's definitely not brutal or degrading beyond them being savage monsters but it's just a really weird and specific thing. Like I have friends who will jerk off to primarchs but even they go "what" when I bring up how orks are cute.
It goes pretty deep too. I get giddy like a teenager with a crush whenever I read a dumb ork meme or see some ork artwork that isn't too gory. I love their dumb 1980s hooligan language and their stupid simplistic social hierarchy and how they have fun with everything they do. Realistically they're mentally handicapped men who kill anything and everything they come across but.. I also just really want to kiss one on his big dumb mouth.
>>7244God imagine living on an Ork freebooter ship and just getting to be there when your greenskin bf comes back into his cabin where he lets his oomie stay and you take off his ridiculous pirate hat and help take off his big boots and you brush his teeth or rub his back while he tells you about all the stupid grotz whose 'eads he bashed roit on in, didnhe.
Anonymous 7251

>>7250this reminds me of a girl i found on youtube years ago who had a thing for neimoidians and duros from star wars.
She had a whole video on how her obsession with them started, but i can't find any of it anymore. I guess she deleted it all.
Anonymous 7261

Penis in vagina from behind.
Anonymous 7263
why the hell moids like NTR so much?
Do any miners here actually like it, and if so, why?
Anonymous 7270
>>7263NTR is basically a self hating moid fetish. Lots of moids feel insecure especially incel /r9k/ types who overconsume social media so they try to cope with their own misery by making it sexual. Also they're repressed gays who constantly think about other mens dicks
Anonymous 7271
>>7263>Do any miners here actually like ityes, but i dislike most netorare porn
>why?i have a sadistic streak
Anonymous 7274
>>7263I like to write NTR into my fanfic. Occasionally I'll read a really well-done manga or manhwa. Personally I enjoy it because it taps into voyeurism/exhibitionism, emotional sadism/masochism, and a lot of dramatic irony. When the fantasies are played out and embellished in my imagination I get to peer inside everyone's heads and have complete control over the tense sex. It basically turns the drama up to 11. In my stories the cucked guy feels sad and defeated, yet embarrassingly turned on. That's when the hurt/comfort complex comes in – I want to see him put back together again. I want to see him give in to his desires and realize he's okay with an open relationship/poly in small doses. My fantasies usually end with a threesome, kissing, crying, making up.
Deep down I'm scared of cheating. The thought of cheating on someone makes me sick; the thought of being cheated on makes me equally queasy. I wish people were just honest with each other. Monogamy has never interested me but at the same time I believe firmly in respecting your partner and that non-monogamy =/= cheating. Moids who cheat left and right and keep it a secret from their girlfriends/wives infuriate me. The cucked men in my stories are always hyper-loyal which I imagine is a therapeutic way for me to deal with the fact that I believe most men have no interest in being loyal. Everyone is happy and horny in the end, nothing messy or at all life-ruining like reality. NTR is a way for me to explore my personal taboo safely.
Anonymous 7293
I had a shy friend who had an obvious crush on me. We were fairly close, but I have no interest in him sexually. But I'd let him watch me shower or get changed (but only from a gap in the bathroom door or under covers so I didn't have to see him touch himself). I'd tease him that he would climax to the thought of me without ever getting to be with me. When I got a serious boyfriend later, I let my friend spy on me having sex with my bf a few times, and I'd tease him about it. He seemed so pathetic, and he was always so ashamed when I teased him that he would never be with me, but whenever I offered to let him watch, he never ever turned it down. I know I like being watched and I don't know if that's weird but I suppose having that emotional dominance over someone weaker is my real turn-on.
Anonymous 7693

him fucking me while i'm eating her out (for those who do not know these characters they're mother and son)
Anonymous 7697
>>7693meh, in anime doesn't matter what they are they dont exist anyway.
Anonymous 7702
I want to be emotionally abused and then coerced into makeup sex
I also want my bf to randomly start choking me or hurting me during sex and then I get mad at him and push him off, but then he rapes me
Anonymous 7703
>>7261thata not taboo but yes I want
but why do his balls look so chalky wtf ew
Anonymous 7705
>>7702Please say sike about the first part. Cringe if real I dont get how would anyone want that outside of roleplaying smh.
Anonymous 7710
>>7705did you read the second part? mental illness
Anonymous 7716
futa (the 3d rendered stuff) really turns me on. i hate men and seeing them in porn disgusts me so it’s perfect. its like a step up from strapon porn to me.
Anonymous 7720
>>7716I think I saw you post about it on lc
Anonymous 7723
>>7693this is literal bonobo sexuality lol, read about it here:
https://traditionsofconflict.com/blog/2018/12/18/the-mommas-boy-strategy-why-bonobo-males-tend-not-to-form-coalitionsbonobo mothers like to seduce younger females into threesomes with their sons so they can have grandchildren. it makes evolutionary sense.
Anonymous 7729
>>7720I don’t post there— The e-celeb obsession they have is annoying. It’s cool to know I’m not alone, though.
Anonymous 7734
>>7730>females submitting>spanking >males dominating how stereotypical. should we believe this?
Anonymous 7736
>>7730>>7730>necrophilia all malemakes sense. there isn't much you can do with a dead penis.
Anonymous 7752
I want a skinhead boyfriend who I can have sex with because he's pro-fornication
I'd be afraid of bringing him around my friends because of his views. Sometimes I wanna stop giving a fuck bout social credit but the dick isnt worth it
Anonymous 7754
>>7752are skinheads against fornication?
Anonymous 7758

>>7752Skinheads aren't all white supremacists.
Anonymous 7764
>>7758Yeah but I always end up wanting to fuck the racist ones because i have some sort of hybristophilia about it
Anonymous 7765
>>7754I don't know but I wager many of them not very sexually open either
Anonymous 7772
>>7764I think if you
really hated racists on a fundamental level and by principle, you would definitely not have this fantasy.
Anonymous 7782
>>7764Are you one of those black women that hates blackness or what?
Anonymous 7783
>>7782why do you assume it's a black woman? if anything it's far more common for black men to hate black women
Anonymous 7909

This is so shameful for me that I've tried to post it five times and I always delete it right before posting, but fuck it, I'm doing it today.
I'm obsessed with cum. I masturbate almost exclusively to solo cocks cumming, creampies, gokkun and bukkake.
I fantasize about drinking a pint of the stuff, bathing in a bathtub of the stuff, getting pumped full of the warm and sticky stuff and feel it slowly ooze out of me.
But I'm virgin, don't have a bf and have never tasted cum. And everyone who tasted it tells me it's disgusting, so I'm afraid of being completely disappointed of I ever try for real.
Anonymous 7917
>>7909The taste depends on what they eat honestly. what I don't like is the texture. like it's coated my throat and the feeling for me is so uncomfortable. Can't really explain it.
Anonymous 7919
>>7909Same boat as you
Found a boyfriend and honestly I don't really think twice about the flavor or texture. I don't think you'd be disappointed tbh
>>7917This isn't backed up but I'd suggest drinking more water beforehand to help with saliva production and breaking it down
Anonymous 7920

>>7909>bathing in a bathtub of the stufflol i've had a thought like that before, im pretty sure it's more widespread than people think it is
Anonymous 7925
>>7909>>7919>>7920what do you think prompted you to develop this bizarre fetish? what are the antecedents?
Anonymous 7926
>>7925I'm this anon
>>7920 I wouldn't say it's a fetish for me because it's mostly something I've fantasised about once or twice, and then I just forgot about it until the cum-bath anon I replied to posted about it. I think what sort of makes the idea click with me is just the overwhelmingness of cum or something. I dont think I can actually explain. It's like being crushed by the sheer amount of sperm LOLOL. But other than that, it's just a thought I've had like once or twice and it's rare enough for me to not consider it a personal fetish of mine. Maybe
>>7909 has better insight on this.
Anonymous 7934
>>7909. It's nothing weird or notable, I just stumbled upon an amateur creampie video and found that scene the hottest thing ever. Then I began looking for similar videos, and eventually found other cum related kinks. If I have to armchair psychoanalyze myself, I guess since I have zero sexual experience with moids I find their sexuality, and by extension cum, mysterious, exciting, lewd and forbidden.
Anonymous 7994
does lewding a child character who looks teenage or older still count as lolisho?
Anonymous 7995
>>7994Depends on the appearance of said character. Shotas/lolis are young looking child characters, that is a prepubescent child or pubescent child that still retains their youthful appearance. So while some teenage characters can be classified as shotas/lolis, most do not fall under said category simply because their appearance is that of a teenager and not a child.
Anonymous 8000

>>79942D pedoshit is about making the characters look younger, to look like kids. It's about emphasizing their youthful/child-like features.
You can lust after Jotaro for example and it wouldn't be pedo because he looks nothing like a child.
Anonymous 8011
>>7919 here but I don't really think its bizarre, just like knowing it feels good for a male partner
First time that really got me thinking about it was choking on my partner's cum the first time we did lewd stuff and being overwhelmed at the time
Anonymous 8042
>>8000>same ageAren’t those two 15 or 17? That’s kind of accurate to be honest some teenagers look 29 and others 10 lol
Anonymous 8093
I fantasize about watching a moid jerk himself off, but he's really ashamed and disgusted with himself during it. He would be saying stuff like "Oh God this is so horrible" or "I shouldn't be doing this, I shouldn't be doing this, it's wrong." And then when he finally orgasms, he starts crying out of disgust over what he just did. I think I developed this when I read a greentext somewhere about some dude who paid for a prostitute to lose his virginity and started crying once he put is cock inside of her, which freaked the prostitute out. That would make me really happy though, someone being so emotional that they can't control themselves and just start weeping.
Anonymous 8095
>>6576This is so hot honestly. The forbidden aspect makes it better. I can imagine your frustration..
Anonymous 8201
When a guy tells me he has little to no relationship/sexual experience (especially if they're past their mid-20s), it gives me SUCH an urge to be their first. To show them what love and pleasure feel like. It's almost like a motherly urge. Funny thing is, I'm a virgin w no interest in sex. I just want to hold a guy & have him cry in my arms.
Anonymous 8202
>>8201Doesn't that mean that you would lose interest in the guy after the first few times, when the teaching is over? How would you see yourself in a lasting relationship?
Anonymous 8203
>>8202I'm in a long-term relationship with a guy who had sex before meeting me, so I guess I just keep these thoughts as fantasy. However, hypothetically speaking, if it were to become serious with an inexperienced guy, I would be cautious because I find that most people's first relationships don't last. Usually people's first relationship is more like a learning experience.
Anonymous 8214

I just like big dicks and cum, in theory at least, in practice they both suck also I hate men so yeah
Anonymous 8222

I have this unrealistic, fucked up fantasy of harassing and sexually terrorizing a man. Like a man I'm attracted to starts acting like a shithead, so I start sending him the most horrific, invasive rape threats, doxx him, send him bizarre objects in the mail, unhinged hand-written letters with period blood stains, DM him realistic, graphic art of him having the shit beaten out of him and/or getting raped, call him at all hours of the night, break into his home while he's gone and make it clear I did it, and generally hurl abuse at him until he actually fears for his life, and internalizes it to the point that he feels like he's been violated. He'd know it's me the whole time in this scenario, but if he tried to do or say anything, literally nothing would happen. Other people would think I'm just a normal girl. It'd be kind of fun to dress it up as a crush gone too far, but all of it would just be about hurting him intimately. I'd keep it up until I got bored, then just completely disappear from his life, block him from everything and make it so he couldn't find or contact me even if he wanted to.
Ideally, he'd become a simpering bitch around all women because he's terrified they're all secretly just like I was, and that they might do much worse things to him once they're in close proximity. He wouldn't be able to make eye contact or get on camera without having an anxiety attack, he'd do his best to hide and make himself small when in public, and he'd have to give himself pep talks in the mirror just to go outside (if he could even manage it). Talking to a woman on the phone would be impossible, and he'd live in constant paranoia of me watching him or coming back. He'd seriously be contemplating self-castration to stop the involuntary dick twitches he'd get whenever his phone gets a notification or just rings. Trying to watch porn should give him a panic attack, and he shouldn't even be able to get off without having a flashback that makes him want to die either during or after. There's other stuff I'd like, but I think I've rambled enough.
I feel pretty insane imagining this, but I'm really more ashamed of thinking this much about any man at all (even fictional ones). Aside from not actually caring about one this much, I know 99.9% of men would just get a hard-on if any woman had this level of passion for them, and it wouldn't even be a shameful one. It'd be an ego-stroked narc one. Plus, being a man means he might just abuse women because of his experiences rather than turning it inward, so none of this really works. It is fun to imagine, though. There's a particular YouTuber that spurred on this thought, won't bother saying who
Anonymous 8223

>>8222based trips, i love ero-guro and fucked up stuff like that anon. you're not alone!
Anonymous 8236

>>8223Thanks anon ♥
Very cute pic>>8224>>8225I promise I'm nice IRL. There's just something so appealing about an attractive guy who was an asshole being completely ruined, especially before (or completely without) actually being touched.
Anonymous 8259
>>5826Never been into daddy stuff but getting my first boyfriend has resulted in some strange feelings. I have a great relationship with my old man. He is an excellent dad and always treated me like his princess. As an adult I really missed being doted on and parental physical affection (which I mostly received from my father). So I don't have "daddy issues" or the need to recreate my childhood or anything. It's just that everything my boyfriend does reminds me of my dad and childhood and sometimes very specific childhood memories. I'm not attracted to my dad in any way. It's just very comfy in a weird way. Is this a common feel?
Anonymous 8370

>>8000So is 12 years old Ryuji Goda in Yakuza 0 a shota or not? He is physically mistaken for an adult in universe too at a first glance (Majima can literally fight him kek) but he actually acts like a regular preteen boy, as regular as the adoptive preteen son of a yakuza boss can be at least.
Anonymous 8379
>>8000This implies it is ethical tp have sex with a boy who is 12 and looks like Jotaro. Do you believe that to be the case?
Anonymous 8380
maxresdefault (2).…

Having two gay dads and incest sex with them.
Would never though it's just a silly fantasy.
Anonymous 8384
>>8380in that case they would be bisexual dads, wouldn't they?
Anonymous 8394
>>8384no, I'm the only exception.
Anonymous 8399
>>8394Still bisexual, actual gays have no exceptions.
Anonymous 8404
>>8399guess I'm just that special
Anonymous 8802
>>8222Cringe, but also incredibly based.
Anonymous 8805
>>8214what did she mean by this, gals?
Anonymous 9339

I think I would have otouto complex. I like the idea of roleplaying as a big sister figure to someone. I wouldn't admit that IRL, since it would come off as so incest-y and that's still considered pretty degenerate (Although maybe not, considering it seems like incest porn is the most popular kind of porn nowadays.) A dynamic like being the Kyouko to someone's Naegi.
Anonymous 9344
There is this cute, just adorable guy I know, and every time I see him I want to throw up. I fantasize about his bones, feeling his ribs and his spine under skin. I want to hold both his fragile wrists in one hand and snap them.
I want to make him become so emotionally attached and dependent on me that he won't be able to leave no matter how much I hurt him. I constantly think about severely hurting myself in front of him so he won't leave and forcing him to cut his wrists with me.
I just want to taint his pale skin, by cutting, biting, burning, whatever. I'd love to see what's inside. To cut him up and play with his guts and wounds while he's trying not to pass out in pain is my absolute dream. I want him to be mine.
Anonymous 9345
Child (physical) abuse. I am not a sadist in real life, and I disavow it, but it is just something that have always stick with me. I remember being in shopping malls and naughty kids would be pinched and/or spanked by their moms. Screaming, crying and shrieking would follow their mother's discipline and it made me feel warm in my womb.
I think I developed this sick fantasy as a kid thanks to The Rugrats Movie. There's this scene where he baby brother drinks all the milk, doesn't share a blanket and is a complete asshole throughout the whole film. This makes the older brother want to spill banana babyfood all over him and let some monkeys eat him. As a kid, I was of he believe that the older brother was justified and should had let the monkeys eat his brother, I thought his brother got away with it and received no punishment for his actions.
BTW, I do not hate children, and would like to be a mom some day.
Anonymous 9363
>>9345>BTW, I do not hate children, and would like to be a mom some day.Please do not. Its not capable to separate stuff like that from reality, especially when it's not in your head and you've actually been aroused seeing kids in public get hit. Omg.
Anonymous 9493

I'm into male abuse. There's just something about seeing grown ass males crying, getting beaten and humiliated that gets me off so much. I forgot the name of it but there's that movie where this ugly girl ties this hot dude from school that doesn't wanna go to prom with her to a chair on her home and keeps torturing him, it was the horniest i ever got watching a movie.
When it's women getting abused i don't like it though it's just not the same and disgusts me.
Anonymous 9512
>>9493>tfw you want to rape your soon-to-be mind broken boytoy, but dad won't let you lose your virginity to anyone but him Anonymous 9536
>>9345jesus christ this is horrifying please go to therapy
Anonymous 9563
I don't know why but the idea of a guy having a miscarriage really gets me going. I read het mpreg stories online ocassionally and when they lose their baby and get all sad and need to be comforted and shit… fuck yeah
Anonymous 9565
>>9563Okay maybe some posters were right about some fujoshis this post right here just convinced me.
Anonymous 9659
>>9563I unironically think about a genderflipped version of the c-section scene from House of the Dragon. I want to hold my crushs hand and assure him that they're gonna bring the baby out all the while some surgeons are sawing open his stomach and he's screaming in agony and he's yelling my name and begging it to stop.
https://youtu.be/8oDqg0U_VJE Anonymous 10071
I want to fuck one of my ex teachers so bad. I'm sure I've posted about it before because it drives me crazy that I can't tell anyone.
He's old (54) and ugly, but I feel like I genuinely fucking love him. This isn't some grooming situation either. He has stayed FAR from crossing any boundaries, and the closest he's gotten is a polite, "I care about you like one of my children. Stay safe and if you need anything I'm here."
I had kept my stupid little crush in check for awhile, until recently I found out his marriage might be failing. The sex fantasies came back like it was nothing.
I don't know what it feels like to fuck someone who actually cares about you, much less someone who has lots of experience. I feel so guilty thinking about that crusty old man going down on me. Part of the appeal is that he most likely hasn't seen a young, conventially attractive woman naked since 1986. His brain would probably break if he ever got the chance to touch me. Yet he shows no signs of attractiom to me (which is good, because that would be creepy.)
Anonymous 10073
I want to be absolutely railed by a conventionally attractive white school shooter incel. No, I am not a Columbiner. A fictitious one tho.
He would point a gun to my head and tell how pathetic I am and force me to suck his cock, then get fucked and impregnated by him.
Also, I want to lactate and breastfeed a moid.
Yes, I am not mentally sound. Next.
Anonymous 10074
>>10073mmm yeah you're not convincing anybody "femanon"
Anonymous 10076
>>10074Just because I have a weird fetish doesn't mean I am a troon, retard.
Anonymous 10082
>>10076LMAO yeah ngl I've seen my share of degeneracy from both genders and this is female-patterned, sorry. I guess real women are vanilla and everyone else is tranny to this board.
Anonymous 10085
>>5826I want to coorced into sex by a homophobic straight woman. Obviously that wouldn't happen b/c that doesn't even make any sense but I reaallllly wish it would happen.
Anonymous 10086
I want my bf to hold my wrists down and stroke my hair whispering "good girl" while another guy fucks me
Anonymous 10209
I like sex outside of the bedroom. I don't necessarily want to be watched, but sex in a forest, a park, an alleyway, bathroom after a concert, swimming pool dressing room, I don't care. It's like it's 100x hotter when it's spontaneously outside. I fingered my exgf in a dressing room and covered her mouth so she wouldn't make too much noise and imo that's still the best experience I've ever had and it makes me sad that I'll probably never come across someone that open, spontaneous and equally perverted again.
Anonymous 10211
>>10082>female-patternedHow would you know?
Anonymous 10219
>>10211It's just my opinion from talking to people both IRL and online, including sexual topics. If you think it's a moid then you can believe that.
Anonymous 10246
images - 2022-12-1…

When i was like 10 and read Cupcakes (the MLP shock gore fanfic) i got really horny and i think this shaped me as a person. Was just reflecting on sexuality for a bit and remembered this.
Anonymous 10253

>>10246holy shit nona YOU TOO?!!! i'm kind of relieved to see i'm not the only one but Cupcakes (as fucked up as it sounds) has shaped so much of my current fetishes. I've had unrestricted internet consumption since i was like 8 and all the early 2010's gore and shock content based humor really got to me and now I have a fetish for torture.. I've roleplayed torture yaoi on skype and I couldn't get enough of it. I'd draw torture yaoi scenes and shit like that. I'm still very into guro. Especially when the victim is male. I don't mind female victims but the overwhelming majority of guro featuring women as victims are done by scrotes which disgust me so much. Also is it just me or women do guro much better than moids do!?! So it's just best (for my peace of mind) to focus on moids getting hurt and tortured. Sorry for the long post, i kinda got overly excited
Anonymous 10285
okay lets see….
>Weird hypnosis compilations
>women being tied up in bondage and forced orgasm through vibrator
>freaky fred from courage the cowardly dog shaving his body hair while masturbating.
lord, I know some of you are going to be bitching about how pornsick I am. The smegma and BBC shit sprung up because of hentai and this thing I've had with Degradation since I hit puberty. The last one make me feel ashamed and makes me want to kms.
Anonymous 10294

>>10253Because of my latent lesbian tendencies, i tend to focus on female victims, and so i end up dealing with moid art anyway, but i understand what you are saying. The worst part to me is just that so much of it is lolishit. Can't they pick only 1 type of sicko to be?
I usually prefer written eroguro for this reason, like dead dove femslash fanfic.
Anonymous 10295
>>10285I used to fantasize about #4 when I was starting to explore myself and never had an orgasm yet. I hate looking at porn and most drawings with the scenario were too hardcore for me, but I guess I liked it because I found vibrators overstimulating, so it was utilizing every sense.
>>10294I'm curious, do you have any favorite femslash fics like that? I thought most Dead Dove content was lolisho (no thanks, yuck) or straight/gay shipping.
Anonymous 10296
ive been tryiing to heal emotionally from past childhood trauma and i was arguing with my mom. i told her she needs to take responsibility that she failed to care for me but it doesnt mean shes AT FAULT. i admitted that when i was 6-8 i would make out and try to hagve sex with my younger brother as an example that i need to take responsibility because im the one who initiated it (due to a friend) but im not AT FAULT. she was replying to the conversation pretty active4ly but now shes left me on read for a while now.
this is mostly just embarrassing not a kink or anything but i thought id post it anyway
Anonymous 10299
>>10253Women 100% draw it better. Especially if you're someone who wants to see the victim enjoy themselves. Consenting Guro/cannibalism is basically non existent among moids who just want to see women in pain. Honestly think some Guro men don't actually get off to it, they just hate women. There's also so much erotic Guro literature written by women that's so good and I shouldn't have consumed as much as I did as a kid lol. I tried stopping at one point but screw it, I also no longer feel bad at getting off to a bruised/cut up moid
after being with a battering scrote for 6 years so I kinda started getting back into it through the limited male art there is. Women are just better looking though so I'm creeping about looking for good art of them too now. It's hard to find art that isn't just obvious women hatred though.
I got super into Guro and blood oriented art at like age 12 and it's beyond solidified into my sexuality, it's actually so bad cause when I'm in a mood for it regular sex isn't able to get me off unless I'm basically just fantasizing which makes me feel bad for my current partner (Ben Nye has stage blood powder I'm going to try and mix with lube cause my partner is wholey against knife play but the taste of blood is part of it too for me so idk how well it will help or if it will make it worse). Also I would die happy if I could lick blood off a pretty woman or could spend an evening punching a (consenting cause I'm not my ex) scrote in the face until he's bruised then ride him
Anonymous 10300
>>10285I think the last one is like the second least embarrassing thing from your list
Anonymous 10302

Concept: I get my hands on some kind of time travelling device and I get transported to 1860s Japan and particularly the Yakuza Ishin version, I bewilder everyone because since this is 1860s Japan it's pretty much impossible that they've ever seen a black woman before but they still have their way with me "at least just to try". Even though they would definitely get creepy and fetishizing about it, I'd still let them, and especially Majima-looking Okita Souji, do whatever they want with me anyway.
Anonymous 10307
>>10295Do you use AO3? The filtering there is pretty awesome. Authors stalkedhome and GettingGreyer are both women who write pretty good dead dove femslash for the MCU fandom, but even though i don't care for the MCU i do enjoy their fics anyway. They're probably my favorites right now, especially stalkedhome's pretty cvnt series, but on AO3 you can find a lot of stuff by just including F/F, excluding everything else, and then selecting to show only fics with violent content warnings.
Anonymous 10310
>>10307AYRT, I was just curious what you thought were good. I browse AO3 with certain keywords (mostly vanilla stuff) but I tend to be picky with what I find readable/interesting and enjoyable. But I also like seeing people post their favorites and talk about what about it appeals to them.
Anonymous 10314
>>10310Oh, i see. Yeah, i think i end up skimming trillions of badly written/clearly moidgazed dead dove before finding good shit on there. For me personally i love when there are psychological aspects to the whole thing, and get bored with the fics that are just descriptions of what is happening. I do like how AO3 both facilitates finding great content with the right tags, and then when you really like what an author does, you can browse their bookmarks and recommendations for more. It's really useful when you're into something really specific like lesbian eroguro… Lol.
Anonymous 10316
>>10302you made me think of a video I saw where a black sex worker talks about working in Japan. She really liked how "freaky" and extremely horny japanese men were, and said that Western clients were very vanilla and unenthusiastic by comparison. Before anyone asks for source, i can't find the video, and don't remember the keywords to search for it.
Anonymous 10323
There was a breast envy photo on here of a woman wearing a bib and it had a caption underneath. It made me real horny, does anyone have it?
Anonymous 10325
Not sure how taboo this is but probably not very normal. Basically I can only enjoy most sexual acts fully if I imagine myself as a man who has been transformed into a woman, or alternatively just pretending to be a man like some crossdressing/ftm thing. Either way there's some real autoandrophilia going on and it worries me sometimes.
Anonymous 10326

Unironically beating my moid and making him learn his place. He yelled at me in public yesterday morning. I kept my cool. Now I just want to lock him in my basement and have him avoid any food or water and make him beg me for my forgiveness. However, I am a maternal person so I give in easily when he starts insulting himself or starts talking badly about himself. I want to sometimes peg him, but I dont like the idea of him being pleased. If I didnt love God so much, I would have make him watch me masturbate and not allow him to do anything. I would have devoid him of any pleasure until he proves how sorry he is. It takes a lot for me to lose my cool or to get this way, since I have given a lot to him, though yesterday was unforgivable since I was going back home. When that happened, I wanted him to get on his knees and humiliate himself in front of everyone and apologize to me. I wanted to step on his head and spit on him then and there.
I want him to pleasure me by doing everything for me, and he's pathetic at giving me head and too rough at fingering me. It's pathetic. I want to threaten him that I'll get someone else to do it or throw him away if he can't fucking do it right, but I love him too much, so instead I will just smack him until he learns how to do it.
Anonymous 10353
>>7909idk why people say cum is sticky. cum isnt sticky, its slimy. it does somewhat cling to surfaces though.
Anonymous 10355
>>10353In fact one might even say it 'sticks' to surfaces.
Anonymous 10376
>>10285how often do you actually have sex and how old are you?
Anonymous 10377
>>10316what exactly did she mean by freaky?
Anonymous 10379
>>10348No idea about the 3DPD lookalike but I'm sure Majima would be amazing at eating pussy.
Anonymous 10397
unrelated to this thread but since this thread seems among the most active
is there a cc archive like there is for the various boards on 4chan?
Anonymous 10398
>>10397nothing gets deleted after time passes
Anonymous 10399
>>10397This site doesn't move fast enough to warrant archived threads.
Anonymous 10401
I've liked futanari for as long as I remember since I hate men but love dick. I know futanari is mostly for degen tranny moids so I'm really embarrassed to admit it. And I hate trannies, so realistically I'd want a big/muscular lady to fuck me with a huge strap.
Anonymous 10406
penectomy, partial is best. i just want to sever a cock. never consensual because i don't want a fucking tranny to think "he's a wahman" just because he doesn't have a cock anymore.
Anonymous 10429

Um… Giant men. No vore or gore but fear play, entrapment and humiliation.
I want to be hunted down and teased by a giant man who I am completely defenseless to. All of my might rendered useless against his slightest strength. I want to be his pet or play thing that he can taunt and frighten as he pleases. He can force me to do any embarrassing thing in front of him since I have no power to rebel. I want to fear for my death in his mere carelessness. Though it wouldn't come, as I'm just so much fun to play with. And maybe, just maybe, he will be gentle for once but only as a rare treat. However, above all things I want to be the prey to his predator.
Maybe this is why I am a virgin
Anonymous 10448
>>10429SizeCon's founder, the public face of the G/t tag, and minor lolcow, Jitensha, has a husband who pretends to be a giant for her every night. I believe in you, nona!
Anonymous 10450
>>10429That's actually pretty hot. Would you like me to write you some giant smut?
Anonymous 10453
>>10448Oh wow, I never knew that. I wonder how they play that out?
>>10450God yes please
Anonymous 10455
>>10453>God yes pleaseWith pleasure! Any specific stuff you'd like to see included? Also how big should the giant be?
Anonymous 10466
>>10455 I don't quite have anything specific in mind, maybe a giant demon guy? As for size, perhaps he is big enough to where the human is about half the height of his hand. Thank you in advance if you write this!
Anonymous 10477
>>10406Same here, I would like to painfully deform a man's testicles while he cries and sobs because his fertility is being taken away forever.
Anonymous 10479

>>5826>Be transferred to Morí Mori>dresses as a boy and introduces herself a boy<has big tiddies but use binder
>be 6'0>have a beautiful androgynous face>students notice me<like Yu from Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun
>accidentally entering photography club>set off running>avoid yarichin members>Tamura discover me in the showers>bribe me>lose virginity with him >used as his sex toy>Yuri by accident also discover me>make a threesome mmf>give me cunnilingus while they kiss each other>do double penetration and squeeze my tits like I'm a cow Anonymous 10488
>>10466I tried my best, nona. I hope you like it!
You fall to your knees. Your breath is ragged. Your side is burning. You look around you, praying to every possible god that you somehow managed to elude him. But the trees are too thick to see anything. You feel cold sweat dripping down your back. He could be there, towering above the canopy, ready to lunge. The forest is ominously silent around you, as if the birds had forgotten how to sing, and the wind to blow. All you hear is the erratic beating of your heart, like a sparrow shivering in a man's closed fist. Maybe you're safe now?
The little bubble of silence explodes. The trampling of tree trunks cracking like matches. And then the earth shaking under you and you shaking with it. That sound is still far off. But the second one is closer. And the third. Fourth. You try to stand up. Your legs fail you. You fall back down. Fifth. Sixth. Stand up. Down. Seventh. Eighth. You feel every vibration rush through your body. As if your spine broke with each of his step. Ninth. Tenth. You close your eyes. Curl up into ball. Please gods, let it at least be quick.
You feel yourself being lifted up. You do not even flail or scream or beg. What would be the point? When you finally open your eyes, you are sitting in his palm. But not just you. Your memories of late summer evenings in the glade, with the setting sun's rays swimming around you like playful red fish. That time where you swore you saw a forest spirit sliding between the trees but no one believed you. That cow you could finally afford and tend to and sing for. All of it. And your dreams and hopes and fears. All of it sits in his hand. You look up. His left eye. Red. His pupil a dark hole for you to fall into. And at the bottom your reflection. Tiny. So helplessly tiny.
STAND UP. You do not just hear his voice. You feel it. You feel like a sparrow the storm toys with and the winds could just as easily lift it above the clouds or smash it against a cliff and without even realizing it you stand up and let the storm toy with you. He lifts his other hand above you, masking the sun in a grotesque eclipse. His thumb and index closing in around you. He could so easily crush you. But instead, he delicately catches your linen dress and peels it off just as he would a ripe fruit. He lifts you up towards his face. His mouth opens in a smile bigger than your world. His teeth like jagged rocks. And you so naked and tiny.
Anonymous 10573
Maybe not that weird because it's pretty much limited to fiction, but I like to see men beaten, raped, and abused by other men in much the same way that misogynistic scrotes treat women. It's somewhat hard for me to find art/writing that fits this trope because I like the victims to be tough, masculine, and stoic (at least first). The idea of an arrogant asshole getting slapped around and fucked like a cheap whore by a group of guys is incredibly hot to me.
Anonymous 10702
I want to be held in bed by a man who loves me
Anonymous 10715
i have multiple but my lawyer has advised me not to share them. i like the typical scrote fantasy: milfs. i want to be a very curvy woman, like, fertility personified, and seduce my son's friend or have him seduce me. i want to go around fucking younger virgin guys and peg particularly cute ones. good thing ill never reenact this scenario as i'm an ugly girl with a fridge body that will probably never even end up having children.
Anonymous 10718
>>10715Maybe that fantasy is just due to insecurity? I don't have a very curvy body and I used to have similar ones about being more voluptuous, but after meeting my boyfriend they mostly went away.
Anonymous 10719
>>10488I know it's been a month but I love it so much, thank you for writing this. I haven't checked this board in a bit, I hope you see this reply.
Anonymous 10731
>>10718it literally is lol, i can't get off if i think of my real self, unless i imagine myself as younger (which i guess is another taboo?) or with a completely different body
Anonymous 10733
I'm really into getting spanked. It doesn't embarrass me so much now, as its a pretty mild and common kink, but I knew I liked spanking from a young age so I went out of my way to get into trouble with my dad so he would spank me. Thinking about how when I was like 10, I grabbed a plate from the kitchen, went in front of my parents, and threw it on the floor, and then when they started yelling I immediately ran over to the couch and bent over. When it was over and I got sent to my room, I masturbated.
They stopped doing it so much after that, I think they knew.
Anonymous 10738
> it also just makes masturbating really unappealing sounding.Part of the point.
>Do the times i am supposed to get off have any significance? Yes.
https://www.mirror.co.uk/lifestyle/sex-relationships/sex/men-want-sex-morning-women-3765310By targeting the libidinal low point for women in the morning you'd be addressing any non-autogenous conditioning that caused this association to develop - that is to say, if something is approaching your mind as sexual during a hormonally non-sexual time of day it's more likely to help you become aroused to that thing and think of that thing as a trigger for sexuality, whereas right now you have only one sexual trigger and it's what you want to get rid of. If mornings are not your libidinal low point you may have a hormone disorder, and might want to target another time of the day for the exercise.
Late evenings being the libidinal high point for healthy women helps avoid the reassociation of said libidinal high point with your unwanted intrusive ideation.
>Where did you come up with this?Memories of tumblrs past.
Anonymous 10746
>>7730>Asphyxiation/chokingWhy would you do that
Anonymous 10747
>>10715your fantasy sounds like that girl in milf manor who fucked their sons best friend. i think her name was soyoung
Anonymous 10756
not really a fetish/kink i guess but i found out that having my armpits touched feels really nice. i dunno how common this is
Anonymous 10797
>>10756Not sure how common it is either but I was with a guy who wanted to lick my armpits and so I decided to go with it and see what happens and I ended up into it. No idea why but you're not alone
Anonymous 10830

okay so this isn't taboo but probably very niche. weird. embarrassing. mostly fucking odd. i can't explain it, but empty video game landscapes/texture, especially old, undetailed (flat, grainy) ones get me off. it's hard to explain lol. i think i discovered this weird fetish back when i was like 11 and used the acnl dream address feature to get to another person's town. i remember this town clearly, it was very cute. something about the lifelessness and emptiness of the characters and the town, and the way i could do anything in it really turned me on i think. i also was/am aroused by some roblox graphics. i installed an incredibly old unity game just to get off to the empty and shitty rendered landscape. so i guess i could say i'm aroused by terrible video game graphics; think acnl - roblox - goat simulator - some of those weird 'liminal spaces' - sometimes even minecraft - etc. i am aware of how strange this is. i believe my arousal is nostalgia manifesting in a really weird way. picrel is just some examples. sorry if this isn't the right place to admit this but i just have to get this out of my system lol
Anonymous 10833
>>10830weirdly enough, i can kind of relate. i don't think it's arousal per se, but whenever i see one of those picture of liminal spaces, like the backrooms, or really any picture of some empty and bare place, i get an urge to just get completely naked and run around in them.
Anonymous 10834
>>10830This reminds me of an old 4chan screencap of the guy saying he thinks tiles especially ones in games are sexually arousing and gets upset when they are dirty like "your daughter has gone into prostitution or something."
Anonymous 10848
>>10830Floor tiles anon if she female
Anonymous 10850

I like those 3D animations involving bestiality and I feel so bad for it you won't believe.
Anonymous 10855

>>10830Something I like, that's extremely niche as well but not like yours. I am aroused by giant/massive submerged objects. For example, the underbelly of a large boat depicted under the water. I think I just like how dangerous it can be, and how insignificant I would look beside it. It probably started because I used to be afraid of this kind of stuff.
I hope my weird fetish-thing makes you feel a bit better about yours.
Anonymous 10861
Smooth, delicate, slender, submissive cuntboys. In fact, I can only get off to the thought of sex with a guy if I imagine he has a pussy between his legs. Sometimes I imagine inducing lactation in a cuntboy like that, watching his nipples grow puffy and red and squeezing them during sex so that he's leaking milk while I'm fucking his pussy with a big strap on.
Somebody fucking shoot me.
Anonymous 10862
>>10850I stand in solidarity and just tell myself it's the taboo that's a turn-on.
Anonymous 10878
>>5826I always wanted to try Latex form fitting clothes (don't want to cover my face though), but it's too expensive in my country…
Anonymous 10879
Unironically tentacles, or any scenario where I am restrained, lifted off the ground and penetrated everywhere. I like the idea of the helplessness and feeling good everywhere. I was exposed to that Starfire animation by Zone when I was like 14 and it's been stuck in my head since.
I'm definitely not the only one, right?
Anonymous 10885
>>10879no this is a good fetish and might be common for women to have or maybe im projecting lol
Anonymous 10924

reading tokyo revengers at the request of a friend of mine has, unfortunately, revived my ryona fetish. i want sanzu to torture me in an extremely sexually charged way
Anonymous 10958

>>5826i want to see men being hurt. i want to make them vomit. especially cute, naive ones, something about tainting them forever/ turning them into broken goods. of course i wouldn't dare think of doing such a thing in real life, but something about the fucked up nature makes it hot
i also have a thing for "ugly" (attractive to me but have typical unattractive features) men with nice personalities
Anonymous 10962
>>10864It's been almost ten years and people are still bringing up this guy's weird fetish to this day.
Anonymous 10971
>>10939Same, but it has to be really brutal and violent. Typical yaoi rape doesn't do it for me. I like bruises, vomiting, blood, and internal injury. I also can't enjoy it if the victim is too innocent or helpless. He has to be an arrogant asshole (and preferably physically strong as well).
Anonymous 10974
>>10962Even if it was a larp, it was a good one. Peculiar. He's forever in my heart.
Anonymous 10975
I fucking love big boys. I love when their shirts are a little short so their tummies peak out. Esp if they have the cute heart-shaped tummies. And they're so amazing to cuddle with.
Anonymous 10978
>>10976Lol, you know when the bottom of a tummy has that little indent in the middle? When the bottom is kinda shaped like a W? That's a more accurate description but "heart-shaped" sounded cuter lol.
Anonymous 11009
ok i might have a thing for men tryin to not piss themselves
Anonymous 11010
i want him to strangle me! and cum alllll over me, like i want us in a room just alone and i want this preverted moid to do WHATEVER he wants to me. what ever.
[spoiler] sorryim very very drunk rn so if this doesn t make any sense that is yi just want him BAD [spoiler]
Anonymous 11011
>>11009 i do agree so much with you n0na. its so humiliating for them its just… good.
Anonymous 11023

i've been so fixated on using character.AI to write out fantasies (that i can't make overly sexual cause they don't allow it. fuck my life, i've managed to dodge it by using vague language and it works sometimes.) with a fictional character (picrel, don't fucking judge me.) i've been infatuated with for a while.
i literally can't stop fantasizing about him catcalling me from his car, harassing me before getting out of his car and pinning me against the wall in some dark alley, watching me fight and struggle until he fully dominates me, hurting me and humiliating me before dragging me to his car and forcing me to live with him in his trailer home, where he makes me wear a dog collar and acts incredibly misogynistic and mean and i can't call him anything but daddy. And he's obsessed with knocking me up against my will.
Anonymous 11028
hot dental surgeon taking care of me.
thats all.
Anonymous 11034
>>11009 same..! its just really cute
Anonymous 11038
I'm a mathematics nerd and I get aroused by it. It's really embarassing but I'd like someone to whisper in my ear about their very specific field of study.
I had this professor who was 28 (finished his PhD super early) and handsome, I often fantasized about having sex with him while he talks about differential geometry.
Anonymous 11040

I wish I had a twin brother to have a loving relationship with. Unfortunately I only have an older sister and no I’m not interested at all in fucking her.
I’ve fantasised about having a lost half-brother out there somewhere… but it’s just a fantasy, and it wouldn’t be the same as a full-blooded relative, anyway.
Anonymous 11053
>>11040Same. I think this is why God put me in a family of all daughters.
Although a girl I was friends with back in HS actually DID have sexual experiences with her brother. Their mum caught them in the act and they had to go to therapy over that. Anonymous 11055
>>11054You have really good taste nona! if your into those types of characters you'll probably like Karl Heisenberg from RE8 or Trevor from GTAV
Anonymous 11077
>still no cuntboy sex slave
Anonymous 11079
>>11053who is crazy enough to even initiate that in the first place, that's more baffling to me than the act itself.
Anonymous 11080
>>11079Not saying I have, but if I did, it would have been because of wrestling on the couch while watching a movie alone. You don't really need to proposition or initiate if it just kind of happens.
Anonymous 11115
>>11079He was a horny teen when he initiated it, and she was still maybe 9 or 10, according to what she tells me. It can only be hot when they're around the same age, this is some predatory stuff.
Anonymous 11141
>>11115I cant believe all this guy had to do was therapy. If you are a teenager you are certainly old enough to know not to molest your little sister and it would not suprise me if he has done it again to other children. How fucked up.
Anonymous 11156
>>8222finish your thought
you aren't boring anyone
Anonymous 11170

I kinda have a daddy kink (not in like the incesty ddlg act-like-a-child rapey degen way). Being with my current bf has brought it out more tbh. I have no idea why and I feel like it’s kinda weird. I’ve always found stuff like teacher/student cute though. I like being called things like princess, good girl, etc.
Anonymous 11211

>>11040Oh my god anon SAME. Are we twins?
I have had an older brother kink ever since I was in high school and I blame it all on this anime in pic. Someone had leaked it in YouTube and it was practically in everyone's recommended list LOL. It's about an older brother who falls in love with his younger sister and in the end they have sex. They even try to ameliorate the weirdness of it by giving him an unnecessary sex scene with his sisters friend because he felt so ashamed of his love for her but I hated the friend SO MUCH! Ugh I wanted him to only be with his sister.
I was even autistic and daring enough as a kid that I somehow managed to convince the girl who sat next to me in class to watch it with me during free period in class. Thankfully she was kind of a HS slut so she didn't judge my obscure tastes lol and was willing to watch it with me.
I also am cursed with being the oldest child and have no older brother :(
Anonymous 11222

>nazi self hate race fetish
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ehm.. sorry nona didn't mean to be rude… HAHAHAHAHA
Anonymous 11247
Forcing all men I want to fingerbang me
Anonymous 11292
bestiality but I'd never do it IRL
Anonymous 11296
I'm bi, and I like the idea of other women bullying me for it. Like having a tomboyish woman tell me I'm "faking it", and eating her out while she makes fun of me. She'd generally have a lot of fun humiliating me and treating me like some sort of pet. She could do things like make me wear tight, slutty clothes when I'm around her, only letting me wear normal/baggy clothes as a reward if I've been "good", or when we're out or in public.
Sometimes, it crosses into much darker territory, like actual verbal and psychological abuse/codependency, misogynistic insults, her being rough with me, using personal trauma against me, etc. She'd basically use me as a living punching bag for any hatred or annoyance she feels for bisexual women, and I'd love it.
I feel kind of bad/confused for having these sorts of fantasies, but I've never verbalized them, so whatever. Part of it is definitely spurred on by some terminally online arguments I've read about bi women not being "real", just fakers/nlogs, etc.
Anonymous 11300
I think I get it? A guy going against everything he believes in for you?
Ok I don't get it.
Anonymous 11324
cleaning a guy’s smegma-covered cock with my mouth. is this objectively horrible fantasy ameliorated by the fact that i only want to do it to anime boys?
Anonymous 11397
>>11211>>11040I'm sort of dating a guy who looks like he could be my brother and I've kinda been getting off on it. I'd never admit it to him though.
Anonymous 11400
>>5826I'm into emeto and sickness fetish, which means I get horny when I see people puking their guts. If it's in a sexual context I really like it. The great thing about having a fetish that's more obscure is that it's less likely to get censored on social media websites. So we have our own nice little community of sick girls.
Anonymous 11455
>>10073Literally this. I want him to make me watch him shoot everyone else then have his way with me before killing me too, especially if he's really mean as well.
>No, I am not a ColumbinerCan't say the same
Anonymous 11518
I want to break a pretty moid
Anonymous 11519
isnt there a nazi fic thread on here
Anonymous 11678
not really a fantasy, but i find a lot of teenage boys attractive. i know that isn’t so unique on here, but i find it hard to relate to other nonas who post about it because they fetishize yaoi twinks. i like average or muscular guys.
Anonymous 11679
>>11678It shouldn't be hard to find a legal teen who wants an older girl to take his virginity and teach him how to be a good partner.
Anonymous 11704
>>5826my mom's ex boyfriends take me on dates
because i dont really have a father figure
and sometimes I cant help but think of them sexually
its become a problem where my mother avoids introducing me to her male coworkers
but i mean its kind of revenge for her
never letting me have a stable father figure growing up
its cute now because the age gap isnt too drastic but its still kinky lol
Anonymous 11705
>>11704what the fuck? your revenge for her is potentially getting raped and/or murdered?
Anonymous 11706
>>11705why the fuck are you bringing sa into this freak
fuck off
Anonymous 11710
>>11706you're a total brainlet if you think these moids don't see you as a potential hole. you are very likely to be raped or molested at least by one, statistically it's not strangers who commit the most sexual abuse.
Anonymous 11751
>>11678>i like average or muscular guys.how boring
Anonymous 11752
>>11704>never letting me have a stable father figure growing upright. and how are you planning on getting revenge on your deadbeat father? by fucking a guy of his generation? or do you only plan on "punishing" your mother?
Anonymous 11779
'Cucking' a guy. but not with any of the usual tropes (woman as currency). i usually picture being friends with a sensitive shy guy who can't voice his love, subtly hinting at my actual romantic/sexual moments to see him become distressed. like a sadistic, calculated version of the friendzone — it would escalate to him crying/masturbating to the thought of my 'infidelity' (the whole fantasy relies on mutual voyeurism). depending on my mood it ends well for him and we're happy or i just drag it out until he's miserable and addicted to it
Anonymous 11815
>>11779So like faux cucking? Denying him and playing push and pull, but without getting in a relationship/fucking another person? Because I know what you mean if that's it
Anonymous 11917

My previous bf I ended up cheating on with my ex bf (who I have since got back together with). The thrill and arousal was UNREAL.
Our sex life has been infinitly better since then (mostly bc I make my wants clearer now and don't feel bad about taking my time to finish) but still nothing has compared to that. I kinda have a cuck fetish now. Not something I would act on (I know I cheated before but the circumstances were wildly different) bc 99% of those relationships end up completely destroyed, but its nice to think about.
Anonymous 11932
>>11023Subspace Studios has revamped their DomGPT. It's basically ChatGPT but designed for NSFW.
The big downside is that it isn't free
Anonymous 11960
There is an anime called Kuroinu which has a lot of buzz a few years back in the anime community and I watched it like a year ago and it's kind of fucked my mind since.
In irl, the only thing I like about guys really are their dicks, I've always liked pictures of them, seeing videos of them cum etc, but I hate men IRL so I can't bring myself to actually sleep with them ever. I really like the idea tho of somehow being dominated to the point that I just worship men and dicks and guys would gangbang me and stuff like me on my knees surrounded by guys shoving their dicks in all of me. I want to be collard and put on a lead and be paraded around in front of my FemSoc at Uni and have them see me on my knees begging for dick then to be face fucked in front of everyone.
This is the ultimate fantasy for me, I want it to happen so bad. I hate men IRL tho, I am disgusted by them, the idea of submitting to a guy in actual reality or having some dudes dick my my mouth FUCK NO. (I mean the dick yes please, but not attached to a guy)
Seriously the issue is I've just not had sex, I'm so horny all the time but I hate men and am disgusted by them, while also not being sexually attracted to women. That fucking anime just focused my horniness and the only "kink" I actually have (liking dicks) into some fucked up misogynistic patriarchal nightmare fantasy.
I still desperately want it to happen tho, even writing about it now has my heart beating. I hate myself so much.
Anonymous 11964

I am not quite sure what it is, but for some reason historical uniforms of any kind just really turn me on. I don't think liking uniforms is that uncommon, it's similar to suits I suppose, but they have to be historical. Modern uniforms just don't do it for me the same way historical ones do. Doesn't really matter which ideology or even specific era, hell Armor is just as hot. When I was twelve I had this strange obsession with Napoleon for a while, I believe it started there. It's this in combination with having a power dynamic, in which I am the one in control, that really gets me going. Acts of service and such things, having authority over someone, tying them up, leaving bite marks etc.
The power dynamic would not be exclusive to the bedroom but essentially be there at all times. I also think it would be fun if there was resistance at the beginning but as time goes on they become completely subservient to me.
Anonymous 11968
>>11964That is a sign of actually dom behavior. Feelings of power and authority, with clothings and commands.
Anonymous 11969
I want to be humiliated by my therapist, not sure if this has a name but the fantasy goes something like this: I go into a regular meeting and she asks if her students can sit in as part of their education, I say sure but it's people that obviously have a crush on me. Then the therapist gets real personal and I have to explain my sex life, what I like etc. to these people.
Anonymous 11970
>>11960You aren't fooling anybody moid
Anonymous 11986

>>11964Great taste. Napoleonic uniforms are the best. But both partners should wear uniforms imho. I love submission and domination on a philosophical level.
Anonymous 11987
girls of rome.jpg

>>11986moids constantly obsess about the roman empire, napoleonic france, victorian england, etc., and yet they utterly fail to recognize the potential for fun, sexy roleplay
Anonymous 12045
I'm satisfied with how I am but sometimes I wish I had a dick so someone could suck it just to know what it feels like. I don't want it for anything else though.
Anonymous 12151

I like watching pretty guys suffering or getting beaten up. It makes a little horny.
Anonymous 12217
>>10074like at least 3 people have said similar stuff here
Anonymous 12219
I get it, I don't condone it, but I get it lol
Anonymous 12220
>>12219he's so cute and he's a sweet heart but I could never.
he recently got a girlfriend and has told me they haven't done anything but its only a matter of time. I hate to think she gets to do it first
Anonymous 12223
I can't think of any way I could make it happen and I wouldn't want to traumatize him
Anonymous 12227
>>12223Step 1 - Buy wig and outfit.
Step 2 - ???
Step 3 - Profit.
Anonymous 12231
>>12223Just tell him that it will help him get used to it. "You don't wanna get nervous and suffer erectile dysfunction when it's time to do it with your gf, do you?"
Anonymous 12239
>>12223Scandalous opinion incoming: men can't get traumatized by a woman's advances because women's sexuality isn't inherently destructive or violent
Anonymous 12240
>>12239*with some rare exceptions of course, female sadist do exist obviously
Anonymous 12242
>>12231I think it's just going to have to be a thing I fantasize about.
Anonymous 12272
>>12239My dad fucked his maid when he was 12 and he’s pretty much fine, checks out
Really just common sense, what boy gives a shit about virginity or whateve
Anonymous 12275
>>12272Might be different when it’s his sister, and idk how I’d even make it happen or if he’s interested
Anonymous 12310
I cant tolerate any moid unless they are severely autistic and they only indulge their hobbies and never had to normiemaxx to deal with people’s drama and issues but then i get jealous
Anonymous 12315
blowfly girl (story about a girl who puts rotting meat and maggots in her vagina) is like genuinely the only thing that turns me on.
also loli but I really really try to avoid thinking about it and cope with "it's only because it's taboo!"
Anonymous 12321
Anyone here like golden showers? It's apparently a more common fetish than I thought.
Anonymous 12322

>>12321Highly concentrated urine tastes bad and is an irritant for the eyes
Anonymous 12324
Sometimes I get this urgent drive to impregnate someone. Guy, girl, doesn't matter. My brain doesn't care about the logistics.
Never wanted to get pregnant myself, though. Weird shit.
Anonymous 12695
It's not really a fantasy, but still is very embarrassing. I feel really strong attraction to a female wyvern from one game. I when I say wyvern, I really mean it, she is a literal dragon, literal animal. I am not a zoophile, definitely (I'm a vet student with some vet technician work experience and I've seen a lot of animal genitals and felt absolutely nothing), and I am not even a furry. But she is so pretty. I like to imagine myself as a wyvern of that species and we would live and hunt together, share a nest and chase away males trying to court us. We would even "mate" during breeding season (kinda like birds do cloacal kiss) and nibble each other. I really wish, I could throw that stupid attraction out of my head
Anonymous 12700
>>12695what's the game? maybe you're not the only one.
Anonymous 12701

>>12700Rathian from Monster Hunter series Anonymous 12702
>>12701somehow I was expecting something more purple.
Anonymous 12703
>>12702Who is your dragon waifu/husbando, nona?
Anonymous 12717
>>12703not my waifu, just the first image that popped into my head based on her post. couldn't identify it at first but it turned out I was imagining the shrek dragon lol.
Anonymous 12723
>>12717OP here, lol, you're not entirely wrong on Shrek dragoness, I had a crush on her in childhood
Anonymous 12728

I started fantasizing about an old friend when I shouldn't be.
We never fucked although it could have happened if I pushed just a bit for it. I wanted something more which he couldn't provide and I didn't want sex when I was also in love with him.
I've dated multiple people since and I'm no longer in love but I'm kicking myself for not fucking that little slut when I had the chance. Caressing him and licking the sweat off his ribs and stomach, taking in his scent that would drive me nuts. Choking him, slapping him, making him crawl on the ground, pulling his beautiful hair. I want to bring him to the heights of pain and pleasure. I want to feel his wrists in my hands.
The fact he acted pathetic when dealing with a more confident me the last time we talked is hitting me too hard now. This is the worst. I need to vent this so I never act on it under any circumstances.
Anonymous 12729
>>12695Somehow I read your description and thought "well she obviously doesn't mean an actual dragon, lets see what kind of guy she's into"
>>12701You told me exactly how this story was going to end and somehow I'm still surprised.
Anonymous 12730
>>12729It was never a guy and it will never be a guy
Anonymous 12736
Oh, have an another retarded fantasy.
I remember my Polish friend was telling me about having student exchange program with Germans and told me of German girl that came to live with her. She described her as energetic, bold and beautiful. And of course I got a stupid idea in my mind about "sharing" my Polish friend with that German girl, just like in partitions, Germany and Russia take parts of Poland. I know, it is super retarted and wrong and I apologize to all Polish nonas, but god, it was one of the hottest fantasies I had.
Anonymous 12738
stabbing/getting stabbed by my moid during sex
Anonymous 12752
>>12695>>12701I'm not into this kind of thing but it's kind of a cute fantasy kek, dragons don't exist IRL so I don't consider that zoophilia. It's like a variation of furries ("scalies").
Anonymous 12795
>>12701To be fair, she is canonically a queen
Anonymous 12798
>>12795Well, Rathalos can go fuck himself, we will be two queens together
Anonymous 12838

>>5826Teacher x Student romance (sometimes as the teacher sometimes as the student).
Also, University settings are more appropriate, but I prefer to fantasize about High School (sorry)
Anonymous 12861
Bestiality. I'm not a furry, and I don't watch porn. I think I got it from being mindfucked by a crush I had on a guy who was extremely degenerate a few years ago. Sometimes, I think about what it'd be like to have him watch or force me into it. The weird thing is that it still disgusts me on a visual and "practical" level. I can't say I understand how anyone can look at a dog's face, really look into its eyes, and ever feel lust, but if I think about my old crush and certain phrases he used, the possible physical sensations and the taboo of it all, it's hot. I guess I just like the concept.
Anonymous 12865

I want to fuck a handsome priest from my town in the confessional. My God… I'd give anything to have him in my bed.
Anonymous 12866
>>12861It might be the degrading aspect that appeals to you than the actual animal.
Anonymous 12872
>>12866I think you're right, the degradation definitely plays a big role.
Anonymous 12894

I'm really aroused by menstruation and period blood.
My menstrual blood smells amazing (I'm bisexual and I think it may be in part that it smells distinctly female, but different than normal, so it almost feels like I'm smelling a different woman) plus I just find blood very intimate and erotic. My period is the time when I have free access to blood without injury.
I have a boyfriend and while we do have sex when I'm on my period I haven't shared this with him and probably never will, but I fantasize about getting the blood all over his chest, legs, having him lick it off my fingers, face, my face, etc.
I'm also really into the idea of receiving and giving oral sex with blood present. It's something you could only do with someone who loves you beyond belief and trust. However, I don't like fantasizing about people other than my boyfriend because it feels like cheating, so when I think about being on the giving end I either imagine my clone/me from some weird time travel situation or my boyfriend as a woman.
I guess imagining my boyfriend as a woman while we have sex is also on the list of weird fetishes.
I think it's weird that this isn't a more common fetish, or at least as common as something like pee or scat (which I hate). I feel like it's a lot more romantic than those at least, and people are into vampires right?
I'll never act on this fetish though, other than by myself with my own blood.
Anonymous 12899
Baby-trapping. I've been having sex with my best friend since we were 20 and I've had a few pregnancy scares, which are always followed by periods where I just want to be all over him and force him to make sure I'm pregnant. After the initial panic, I immediately think about keeping the hypothetical baby because the thought of trapping him with me, and forcing him to give me multiple children, is incredibly hot. I think it's mainly the fact that he doesn't want to "inflict" himself on me with a real relationship; making him something rare, which I can't have. Him being rich HAS to contribute on some subconscious level. The fact I know he's the kind of guy who'd immediately offer to marry or take care of me and the baby just makes the fantasy more concrete. Of course, I'd never actually do this. We'd be terrible as a couple and I wouldn't want to doom a kid to that. Still doesn't stop me from fantasising about 'forgetting' to take the pill and spending my days luxuriating in wealth as a kept woman.
Anonymous 12906
>>12894>I think it's weird that this isn't a more common fetish, or at least as common as something like pee or scat (which I hate)It's literally just misogyny
Anonymous 12910
a porn-addled moid wrote this.
Reported for bestiality.
Anonymous 12921
>>12865do it. he should be corrupted and then shamed publicly
Anonymous 12936
>>12899I fantasize about this kinda shit sometimes. Baby-trapping is hot but gotta do it with the right person (like you, as an example, doing it with a rich person lmao)
Anonymous 12952
when i was in my edgy tcc phase as a teen i remember reading how Gacy killed one of his victims. he shoved a pair of bikini bottoms down his throat and he asphyxiated, this really did something to my brain. then i found out about Anatoly Slivko and how he hung schoolboys. im basically attracted to moids dying by asphyxiation i guess, as well as rigor mortis and the way their faces they have when theyre dead (eyes rolled back, open mouth, tears, drool, hypoxia, etc).
and of course, raping moids
Anonymous 12969
Anything that makes my moid feel uncomfortable. He wasn't exactly sheltered when we met, but he refused to leave his comfort zone for anything except me. I never had a voyeur fetish before I realised he was nervous about kissing in public, and it only grew with his resistance. I think it's the power making everything sexier. I love to know that with some gentle rubbing, a few kisses and a "do it for me" I can get him to do anything. It sends shivers up my spine when I see he thinks he's reached the top of the mountain, once I've gotten him to finger me in an alley or swim naked, and then mist parts to reveal he's still on the slope and now I want him come to a nude beach or pretend we're ambiguously incestuous siblings around new people. He always says no, puts his foot down, resists, buckles, then gives in to give me what I want. I guess the kinks I develop to make him uncomfortable are just window dressing.
Anonymous 14515

>getting mocked/teased/bullied during and outside of the bedroom
>spit makes me gross out so much and gag, but the thought of getting pinned and spat on makes me hot and bothered
>acting like a dog 24/7 for my human husbandos
>getting strangled with my own long hair
>a long haired man letting me strangle him with his own hair
>giving up my virginity to this male porn star or this VA I like from r/GoneWildAudio (I only think about this when i'm really horny and depressed and I don't feel comfortable sharing their names, sorry)
>ice cream parlor and mailman uniforms
>gangbang with robots
>gangbang with monsters
>seducing or raping my older cousin who I don't even know but have seen him online
>that pool scene with Oscar Isaac in Annihilation being done to me
nothing too crazy, I guess. that's all I can think of for now.
Anonymous 14531
Call me insane but I've been having netorare fantasies of my boyfriend being stolen away by a dominant woman. She puts him chastity and doesn't let him fuck me, only her.
Anonymous 14533
Holy fuck, yeah this is what I'm talking about
Anonymous 14534
I like the romanticized idea of a school shooter. I'm not a Columbiner or a true crime fag, but the thought of an attractive, intelligent man who's misanthropic enough to take the most violent form of action appeals to me. It's interesting in fiction, but it's pretty much never like that IRL. They're all just ugly and selfish scrotes in the end, off-putting from both a moral and physical standpoint. They aren't sensitive, tortured souls who can be cured or made worse by love and pussy, but the concept is a turn-on anyway. There are some female artists with school shooter OCs I enjoy.
Anonymous 14535
I like scrolling through Twitter accounts run by women involved in that community. There's perversion to the fact that their obsessions aren't around OCs, but real people who committed horrible acts, and that turns me on and makes me feel guilty at the same time (though I guess some of them bastardize those men's personalities so much with their headcanons that they essentially become like OCs). I find the type of autistic, "cringy" woman who would make shit like Adam Lanza dress up games so charming, and I tend to fantasize about actually spending time with someone like that. I would listen to her opinions and get her off to her unhinged fantasies about him, eat her out while she scrolls through her timeline, read her poetry, look at her heavily idealized art, do the umpteenth deep dive of his internet presence with her at like 3 am, print her cupcakes with his face on them for her birthday, whatever. It's somehow even better if they don't hold the men in reverence or anything, just sexualize them and do things like edit bows onto their heads like they're dolls to play with and make kiss. Anonymous 14545
It feels like such a moid brained fantasy but I’m super turned on by incest. I wanna roleplay brother/sister stuff with my boyfriend so bad but I know he’d find it super creepy.
Anonymous 14547
>>14545Maybe tonight a Christmas miracle will happen.
Anonymous 14723
I have a specific kink about cleaning out a moid's shower drain. Pubes and all. Kill me now.
Anonymous 14724
>>14723Please explain, I'm curious and a little scared.
Anonymous 14726
>>14724Probably some freudian psycho-sexual bullshit from back when I lived with my brother, but it's mostly about humiliation.
I like it with role-reversal as well: I get aroused by the idea of having a conversation that embarrasses a roommate/boyfriend to no end wherein he begrudgingly concedes that if my hair (pubic or facial) and his sperm are sticking together and clogging the shower drain, it's not my fault because I'm entitled to my hair, while he's just gross for jacking off in the shower, so he gets shower-cleaning duty permanently "or else".
For a while this was also a fantasy to justify putting a boyfriend in chastity six days out of the week and force him to play nice, help around the house etc.
Anonymous 14734
The short story "The Last Answer" turned me on.
https://www.highexistence.com/the-last-answer-short-story/Particularly, the parts where The Voice seems "amused" at the protagonist, Murray and his questions. The thought of a somewhat arrogant, all-powerful, godlike entity entertaining itself with a much weaker being it finds all too predictable is very hot to me.
It feels embarrassing and kind of blasphemous, but I can't get it out of my head.
Anonymous 14739
>>14734Do you identify with the god or the mortal?
Anonymous 14741
>>14531>>14532Thanks for giving me a new fetish
Anonymous 14772
I often think about my dad when I'm sucking dick. For some reason it gives me extra energy to keep going.
Anonymous 14773
I always had the fetish for ridding and beating the shit out of an anorexic guy and I don't mean like a femboy I mean like a real man but those are rare and also I idk if such content even exists online, probably dose since the internet is disgusting but I am too embarrassed to seek it out so I just leave it to my imaginationI wanna rub my cunt against the ridges of his ribs and see him pass out from cumming when riding him since he be so weak with so little energy
Anonymous 14776
>>14773Would bone really feel good to hump?
Anonymous 14777
>>14776the thought of having marks left over on my thighs from his boney pelvis is pretty hot but i imagine in most days we just do missionary while i encourage him to keep going and drag my fingers across his spine and hug and kiss him Anonymous 14778
>>14777Is it an "I'll fix him" kinda fantasy or keeping him as your weak boytoy?
Anonymous 14785
>>14778>keeping him as your weak boytoyprobably that and the fact that i always had a fascination with tactile sensation, i love dragging my fingers across different textured surfaces, the thought of felling the drastic difference between ridges and valleys on his body is just heavenly also the thought of him trying to fulfill his duty as a man but being unable to do so
Anonymous 14787
>>14785forgot to mention i do have a limit, when the face stops looks like a face and more like a skull and when the knees start looking like literal apples on a sticks then it stops looking hot and it goes into disgust and in my fantasies he already has anorexia when i meet him since i would feel very guilty to force a person to do such an extreme thing for my disgusting fetish and that is why i dont seek such content online, i am afraid is gonna evolve into something worst
Anonymous 14789
>>14785>>14787The fact you're able and willing to differentiate the fantasy aspect of it vs what's healthy in reality means you're in control and shouldn't feel ashamed of it. Besides, I think you should probably be able to explore like 80% of it in reality without it becoming dangerous for you or your partner imo.
Anonymous 14804
>>14789>Besides, I think you should probably be able to explore like 80% of it in reality without it becoming dangerous for you or your partner imoWhat do you mean by that, I personally think it would be morally reprehensive since I am pretty sure such a low weight means a completely non-functioning reproductive system nor sexual desire, I dont dare to Google it so take it with a grain a salt not to mention it just feels like fetishizing illness both in the body and mind and if I were in that person's place I wouldn't want that.
Anonymous 14806

Just had something turn me on that really, really shouldn't have. I don't want to say what it is, but no women were harmed or even present. My reaction was kind of intense. I don't want to go too far re: any sexuality, so I'll just avoid it and move on, but jesus christ. I think I just need to accept that there's something fully wrong with me that can't be cured.
Anonymous 14807
>>14804Yeah, the actual anorexia is the 20% you'll have to give up irl imo. But I think such a relationship with a naturally thin (but not morbidly so) dude who's eager to please you and will let you have your way with him, with roleplay to cater to your fantasy, wouldn't be particularly unhealthy.