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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 5853

How many times have you managed to orgasm in a day?

Anonymous 5854

16 times

Anonymous 5855

I totally forgot, it was a long time ago, and my life was pretty much shit at the time

Anonymous 5861

Anonymous 5864

How did you do this and how can I do it?

Anonymous 5865

I refuse to believe this. How the fuck did you manage these numbers? Is this some moid larping?

Anonymous 5868

Well, as >>5863, tbj it was kind of an arrangement of things.
>into hypnosis
>already been hypnotized by my husband in the past
>can cum from my husband giving suggestions
>that day was super special though: my husband shotgunned me weed
>I had apparently never done weed properly before, because I got high
>like, really high
>husband then hypnotizes me
>just cumming again and again and again and again and again and again and again
>mind got stuck in a loop (anyone who has taken psychedelics knows what this means)
>I had to do other things
>but it was really hard to walk because legs were weak
>husband laughing at me the entire time

Quite the evening yes indeed.

>inb4 bullshit moid larping

Fuck you, I know how may evening went and it went like that fucking god damn it.

Anonymous 5869

I don't orgasm that easily, 3 or maybe 4.

Anonymous 5871

I'm >>5861.
I'd just gotten my first vibrator and I was in my prime horny teenage years, so I set aside an entire day while my mum was away to mess around with it. I like masturbating with my fingers and I can cum pretty easily, but with my new toy, it was a m a z i n g. After about 4 times in an hour, I decided to see how many I could do. Turns out, quite a lot. I was really tired by about 50, but I only really stopped because it hurt to touch my clit. I tried to keep going by penetrarion only but I don't work that way so I stopped it there.

Anonymous 5873

.5 times

Anonymous 5876

Half a time? Like did you manage to orgasm precisely at midnight? ngl that's pretty badass.

Anonymous 5877

No, the orgasm started the day before, but she kept it held in her for the entire next day, before releasing it the day after. The act of having an orgasm is, getting the orgasm to start, having the orgasm, and releasing the orgasm, so there are actually three components to having an orgasm. By starting the orgasm the day before, and having the orgasm held in for day, the counter takes it has a held orgasm, or, in our notation, a half orgasm.

Next we'll need to take about parallel universes.

TJ "Horny" Yoshi 5878

An orgasm is an orgasm. You can't say it's only a half.

Anonymous 5879


>TJ "Horny" Yoshi
Nice one.

Anonymous 5884


Anonymous 6004

i dont remember the exact number but it was 80 something not even lying i was like 12 years old and really horny and i was doing it to a fucking hatsune miku bikini pic too

Anonymous 6029

maybe she edged all day lol

Anonymous 6056

honestly probably like 3-4 times? even if i want to more i get pretty tired

fucking classic ive probably done the same thing to a miku pic when i was 12 lmao

Anonymous 6089

Post the pic anon. Pls post the pic.

Anonymous 6212

It was either 7 or 8 times, I can't remember the specific number. I masturbated early in the day, came twice, then at night I was still horny so I managed to come another 4-5 times lol. I still think back to that regularly, like shittt is was so awesome, but I don't think I could do it again

Anonymous 6454

I only got 3 for the first time the other day. For the longest time 1 was my max.

Anonymous 6460

Kind of weird, but twice a day is my usual max, except once like 8 years ago when my brother and I skipped a family holiday while the floors were being repaired and decided to just spend a couple of nights in the master bedroom. I don't know why, but I felt so energised that I came 6 times a day on average. In the bedroom, in the backyard, in the kitchen, at a bus shelter, behind the stands for a football field and in an alley in the city. I have no idea why.

Anonymous 6461

uh, was this because of your brother or just a coincidence?

Anonymous 6478

I had gone a few months without a period and was prescribed progesterone to make it start. On day 2 I was so unbelievably horny I came 6 times, normally I can barely manage twice.

Anonymous 6495

Really hoping it's just because of the urgency and taboo…although I am in love with a guy who looks a lot like my brother. Oh no.

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