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hypnosis fetish Anonymous 5904

i thought only moids were into it and it seemed rapey and disgusting but seems many miners are into it so how does it work? whats the appeal? do you trick yourself into believing it or do you fake it?

Anonymous 5908

Don't know why you used Peterson as OP image as he isn't associated with hypnosis, but whatever.

>i thought only moids were into it and it seemed rapey and disgusting but seems many miners are into it so how does it work?

Considering that psychology experts still can't agree on what hypnosis is asking some layminers to explain how it works is a bit of stretch. At best there are vague intimations that it is a mild form of dissociation causing certain sensory areas to fire out of sync due to getting conflicting information. It also doesn't help matters that even the experts that agree that hypnosis is "real" and "doing something" admit there is a scale of Hypnotic susceptibility, in effect. This means that regardless of whether or not hypnosis is "real" that there is a subset of the population that will have incredibly hard times getting "hypnotized" and thus to them, it effectively isn't real.
>whats the appeal?
Taking a mental vacation from thinking and controlling the flesh automaton. The incredibly relaxation it offers, as well as how sexy getting whispered in your ear is.
>do you trick yourself into believing it or do you fake it?
I certainly don't think I'm faking it. Let's look at an example. My husband has trained me to orgasm on command, when he says a phrase, I orgasm. If I'm just "tricking myself" does that make the orgasm any less real? If I'm just "faking it" does that make the orgasm less real? I'm certain I'm having an orgasm, it certainly feels like an orgasm, and I'm having it in response to him saying something. Even if it were a fake, a mental trick on myself, or just roleplay, if I am orgasming on command, I am hypnotized aren't I?

Anonymous 5921

>Don't know why you used Peterson as OP image as he isn't associated with hypnosis
he seems like the type of nigga to be into it

Anonymous 5929

>he says the trigger
>I orgasm
I am uncertain what more details could be helpful.

Why? He's a Jung fan if anything.

Anonymous 7815

how did he condition you to do that? seems tricky.

Anonymous 7816


i like the idea of being the one hyponitzing moids

Anonymous 7817

based thats nxtlvl

Anonymous 7820

same, I wanna learn so badly. I don't have anyone to practice on though.

Anonymous 7824

It's not my favorite thing ever but I kind of get it, I like how it's a way of letting go of responsibility and inhibition. A lot of it is pretty rapey though. One of my favorite stories is one where this girl pretends to be hypnotized and does whatever the hypnotizer wants just to let her inner freak out.

Anonymous 7825

yandere hypnosis b…

imagine conditioning a moid until you can make him instantly cream his pants at any moment

Anonymous 7826

>cream his pants
Lol in that comic she actual hypnotises him to cum inside her (and to like her).

The guy in this video hypnotises the other guy to almost cum just from touch.

Anonymous 7827

this pic is was clearly made for the male gaze sadly, wish we'd see the moid more instead of the girl

Anonymous 7828

you can tell when you cant see the face of the moid character or his butt

Anonymous 7829


there is soooo little hypnosis erotic images that finding one focused on the man is nigh-impossible

Anonymous 7830

most hentai or erotic art is made for moids thats just the sad state of affairs

Anonymous 7832


I was already a fan of hypnosis. It took about 6 really good sessions to get to the point I could do it on command though. Really the best way is to just have him put you under and attempt to bring you to orgasm during trance. When he's paying very close attention, if he can attach any trigger he wants to the action of you orgasming, it should work overtime.

If you're completely dead in the water and can't come, he me need to either get you masturbating or be playing with himself to bring you to orgasm the first few times though. Then move on to trying to do it via just trance and build up. Then trying to get it only via trigger. Depending on how susceptible you are to hypnosis and how difficult orgasms are for you though, your mileage may vary.


If hypnosis exists, at the end of the day it's just a more efficient form of pavlovian training and association. If he can get you or you can get yourself to orgasm in a reasonable timeframe without taking you out of trance, it should be possible over time. Again, the difficulty lies in how susceptible you are, and since science can't even agree that hypnosis works at all. It's even more difficult to figure out how sensitive you are to it.

Anonymous 7833

I had a yume pic of a guy being hypnotized, but I can't find it anymore.

Anonymous 7834

How did your husband learn hypnosis? I’m thinking of doing a street hypnosis course.

Are they real orgasms or just feel like orgasms? For example, is the refractory period the same?

Anonymous 7837

>How did your husband learn hypnosis?
Practice with lots of feedback and a very willing partner.

>Are they real orgasms or just feel like orgasms? For example, is the refractory period the same?

I wouldn't know objectively? I can say it's not like "instant orgasm" but builds and passes in a certain amount of time. If he tries to make me orgasm again before I "finished" it feels like one big orgasm instead of two. They only way to know for certain I suppose is to get hooked up to a bunch of equipment and have a professional track my bio-responses.

Anonymous 7951


You both confuse me a lot, hypnotizing males isn't that rare, but usually the art for it is focused on the femdom rather than the boy, since all porn tends to be tailored for the male gaze. It's sadly just a good coincidence that gay porn sometimes offers really good femporn PoVs.
I desperately crave for more hypnosis femporn, or even getting really controversially degenerate and going down the "turning bi abd gay boys straight" hypnosis route.

Imagine making a cute gay boy that would've turned up his nose at you suddenly crave to hug you and nuzzle his face into your chest, begging to serve you at your every whim and unknowingly obeying your every command, enjoying it all the while. Maybe even somewhere in his head he screams how wrong it is and how this can't be happening but he struggles with how his body is reacting to your hypnotic control.

Anonymous 7952

did it work

Anonymous 7965

where are the ston…

Anonymous 8018

the thread pic kek

Anonymous 8026


I'm sorry but why the fuck is Jordan goddamned Peterson in NSFW?

Anonymous 8028


you are on le sekrit seggs board of crystal.cafe, expect the unexpected brave anon

Anonymous 8280

I found it holy fucking shit finally
This artist has more cute anime boys being hypnotized, some is yaoi, some is femdom

Now, if anybody could please help me find the thread where a yume comic from pixiv was posted where some hot twins are giving a girl a double cunnilingus, that'd be amazing, thanks. I fear that the thread might have been deleted hence why I can't find it anymore in my browser history.

Anonymous 8281


forgot pic

Anonymous 8283

nvm I found it >>6141

Anonymous 8285

yummy pic

Anonymous 8286

he's a sex symbol, of course

Anonymous 8290

I translated it for you, nona.

1) "You want me to become your thing?
Sorry, but the idea of becoming private property doesn't appeal. Now if you'll excuse me."
2) Girl: "Your answer?"
Boy: "Yes! I'll be your thing"
Boy's thoughts "happyhappyhappy"

Anonymous 8294

Then share it goddamn it lol

Anonymous 8298

In the post you replied to I linked to the image I was looking for.
Anyway, here's the full doujinshi, in English.

NTA but thank you! pretty based lmao

Anonymous 8304



Anonymous 8432

I did a hypnosis course recently. Most people can't be hypnotized properly and you can't make anyone hypnotized do anything they don't want, unless you use psychological tricks too (which a lot of stage and street hypnotists do).

It's basically just making people really relaxed and then giving them permission to do something wacky or preying on gullible people who believe they actually are hypnotized like in the movies. It's a placebo.

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