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Is it weird to enjoy furry porn? Anonymous 5939

I'm not into the more degenerate stuff like inflation and scat

I haven't coomed tor real porn at all, even though I've looked it up out of curiosity before, and I'm no turned on by real animals either.

I only like well-drawn stuff.

Anonymous 5941

This Pictures is hot :3

Anonymous 5944

Are you also turned on by 2D human porn?

Anonymous 5952


Anonymous 5959

Same. I also like hentai and other cartoon porns. Real porn seems so gloomy and unhygienic. Idk how to explain it. And it’s always fake. And sometimes it’s filmed with low quality camera. 2D enchanges the best parts and leaves out the bad ones.

Anonymous 5987

Same. I religiously avoid real porn now, I really hate looking at real people like they're just meat and they're so hard to sexualize.

I don't really have a preference for furries but the part of me that disassociates from people a bit feels more open to them in the way that I feel like I can project more into them.

Anonymous 11200


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