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Why do I like being degraded by a man? Anonymous 6074

I don’t think it does any harm to me and I definitely wouldn’t engage in stuff that would be painful in an unpleasant way (eg anal or anything hardcore BDSM) so I probably won’t stop but I just wonder why do a lot of women seem to like this stuff?

Btw when I say degraded I mean stuff like being called degrading names, very rough blowjobs, being tied down etc Stuff where the guy just has control. And basically what is depicted in every porn lol. But i don’t watch porn anymore . This stuff genuinely makes me feel really good, like I feel high after being extremely submissive and having this kind of stuff done to me. I like loving sensual sex too and incorporate aspects of both.

Anonymous 6079

It’s evolutionary. 70% of female human skulls from 100k year ago Europe are cracked and dented. We were literally beaten into submission.

Anonymous 6080

I don't know how it is for you, but for me I think rough sex feels very loving in a weird way. like, I am at the complete mercy of the male and am trusting him not to seriously hurt me, even though he could very easily could. I'm very vulnerable but still being taken care of. if that makes sense. I'm a little drunk

Anonymous 6084

Yes I feel that way too. I wouldn’t do this kind of stuff during sex for some random guy and it would probably make me feel like shit if I did. But I’m in a committed relationship and I do trust my boyfriend and I know he stops immediately if there is any indication I am not enjoying something or reacting in a different way. So I feel 100% safe and it is very fun for me.

Anonymous 6088

Because you're mentally ill

Anonymous 6095

chill out

Anonymous 6103

I can sorta relate. I don't like to be degraded but I do enjoy be submissive. I think I like it because it makes me feel like he wants me so badly that he can't help but be a little rough. Like a giant who doesn't know their own strength.

Anonymous 6109

Evo psych is a meme with zero basis in reality
People can love getting choked without being mentally ill or beaten into submission

Anonymous 6115

Rough sexings has always turned me on. I got my first little taste of it when I was 12.

After school I went to the park with my boyfriend and we sat on a little wall behind some bushes beside a little river. We were both nervous and he said "If you lay down first I'll get on top of you". I said "No, you lay down first". All of a sudden he got a bit angry, he grabbed hold of me by my school blouse, pulled me down and laid on top of me. It was such a rush, my legs went weak and my cunt started throbbing. We kissed and I grinded myself against his leg.

Anonymous 6116

Does it really matter where it comes from though? Imo what matters is whether or not you can incorporate these desires in your life. Like if you're into choking, it's a problem if it results in you putting yourself in dangerous situations, but it isn't if it leads into kinky shit with a loving partner.

Anonymous 6118

I agree, it's always nice to try and understand how our minds work. Though personally, I haven't really been able to pinpoint the origins of any of my links since there's always so many possibilities and I can never find clear links. If it's not too personal, I'd be curious what you've managed to learn about yourself through exploring your kinks.

Anonymous 6184

You can cope all you want, it's not natural for women to like being treated this way.

Anonymous 6185

Heads up, a lot if not most of bdsm activities cannot be safe. There's no safe way to strangle someone, there's no safe way to beat or cut someone or to shit into someone's mouth. Again, wanting to hurt yourself is mental illness, just like self harm is. Kinksters just cope because it's hard to re-wire your brain to not be aroused by that, since they jacked off to that stuff for most of their puberty, and that's when your brain and therefore your sexual desires develop, yadda yadda.

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