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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 6086

Do you guys think masturbation falls under "sexual immorality"?

Anonymous 6087

Are you gonna stop doing it if I answer it does?

Anonymous 6093


Morality is subjective. It’s invented thought crime, and I reject it.

Anonymous 6100

I can neither confirm nor deny that
Its just a question to see what people think

Anonymous 6101

fuck off prude

Anonymous 6102

I am impartial which is why I ask the question

Anonymous 6120

I’m not even 100% sure that loving, non-degrading, no weird bdsm kink premarital sex is sexual immorality tbh. Biblically I see it mostly in association with prostitutes and cheating.

Anonymous 6133

depends on the context of the "sexual immorality" you're trying to define
if it's just in the religious/spiritual sense of it getting you farther from achieving happiness/closeness to god/self-reliance then probably yes

Anonymous 6148

Male masturbation is a "waste of seed" or some shit like that
IDK what the Bible says about female masturbation or even if it's acknowledged at all

Anonymous 6232

That's Onan, God said he was supposed to get some woman pregnant but instead "spilled his seed" and got punished. Always bothered me that retards 1) interpreted that as jerking off instead of pulling out and 2) they think that it wasn't a super narrow instance where it was wrong and act like it's wrong in a general sense. Context matters, this always makes me mad whenever I hear it repeated.

Anonymous 6233

So the bibble doesn't actually say anything about masturbation? I wouldn't know since I'm not Christian.

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