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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anyone else fantasize about putting cute boys in diapers? Anonymous 6307

Think alot about having some cute shy femboy and turning him into my kiddo. Ideally he's got an uncut, small weewee too. I'd love to be giving him a diaper change and watch him try to cover himself up, splay legged and vulnerable. Whimpering when I tell him I need his hands to move, only mommy can touch down there. Anyone else out there that's like this?

Anonymous 6335

seek therapy

Anonymous 6340


Anonymous 6348

Why can't you do something more based like force feed a man a bunch of water until he's bloated and then step on his bladder until he pisses himself. Then shame him for it, calling him retarded and careless and then kicking him in the ribs.

Anonymous 6349

Stop. You're making me like torture/humiliation shit again.

Anonymous 6359

No. Kick him in the ribs then profusely apologize and love bomb him with kisses on his bruised stomach and then ghost him for a while before greeting him again and immediately cutting to the chase by tying him on the bed and leave again for 5 hours.

Anonymous 6396

I am infinitely more normal than you and i am a freak.
It's about the humiliation and gentle love of caring for someone as if they were the most precious thing in the world to you.

Anonymous 6404

There are no biological women in this thread.

Anonymous 6450

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