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Anonymous 6324

why did evolution make female and male sexual organs nearly incompatible? a penis is fully stimulated from piv sex while the clitoris isn't, why? I undertsand that technically only males have to enjoy sex to reproduce (ejaculation) but it seems that evolutionary pressure is backwards for women, like we aren't supposed to enjoy "primal" sex the same way men do, shouldn't the clit be inside the vagina so that in can be fully stimulated by penetration?
>pic unrelated

Anonymous 6330

Maybe that's the point? The fact women need more than piv to be satisfied leads to them searching for a man with enough empathy to work for a woman's pleasure? Such a man would then be more likely to be a stable partner and father.

Also it's not true that the clit isn't stimulated by piv. The inner parts of it will be stimulated by both vaginal and anal intercourse though the extent of it varies from woman to woman.

Anonymous 6332

i assume female pleasure didn't matter historically, since most of the times it was either an arranged marriage, or she was taken by force.

Anonymous 6333


The clitoris is stimulated a lot more when the woman is on top. Maybe missionary is just a christian meme and we need to return to cowgirl supremacy.

Anonymous 6336

cow girl hurts if the pp is too big :(

Anonymous 6354

I like this idea anon.
Cowgirl supremacy for sure

Anonymous 6386

Dump big peepees
Or get one of those donuts I guess.

Anonymous 6406


I'm pretty sure the clitoris is supposed to be bigger than the current average as we all have relatively sedentary lives in comparison to our ancestors.
A wild guess is that the clitoris is supposed to be 1.5 inches non-aroused, and twice its size when aroused.

And no, I refuse to believe we are supposed to have big clitdicks eventually a la futanari and/or live in a hyena society but with humans where women dominate with their clits; funny to think, but coomerish IMO.
True about the missionary is a christian name. But aren't there any better positions that emphasize clitoral pleasure?
First thing that comes to mind is that same position but with legs up but narrow instead of all wide.

Anonymous 6417

>A wild guess is that the clitoris is supposed to be 1.5 inches non-aroused, and twice its size when aroused.

Besides hyenas are there any animals with proportions like that compared to body size?

Anonymous 6452

>moid licks clitoris
>woman aroused
>woman allows piv
>moid cums
>woman unsatisfied
>woman allows moid 2 piv
>moid penis shaped to scoop out moid 1 cum
>moid 2 cums
>repeat multiple times
>woman comes
>strongest sperm remain and wins the egg

Anonymous 6457

Moral: snag the guy who makes you cum

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