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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 6344

Anyone else struggle with a dead bedroom? Everything else is good but it feels my sex life ended before it even properly began.

I just want to touch his cock…

Anonymous 6345

Yes and unfortunately even after long talks and effort it didn't get better, it got worse. I'm sorry .

Anonymous 6346

just unzip his pants and blow him?

Anonymous 6347

I think that when my boyfriend and I were on our dating phase we had more "explicit" sex times, if that makes sense
We would come back from a nice dinner and knew that when we got home we would have sex
Now, living together and working from home we kinda get caught on the day-to-day rhythm and there's no trigger to start getting eachother horny and its kinda dying down
I think part of fixing it is communication (obviously) and addressing that we have to consciously make time for one another
Is it anything like that for you or…?

Anonymous 6350

I hate how work and all that stuff completely kills people's sex lives. I'm afraid that it'll happen to me if I ever live with a guy.

Anonymous 6357

>I just want to touch his cock…

What happens if you try? Does it invert to escape your grasp?

Anonymous 6360


I'm more than enthusiastic for that but he wriggles away. Or says nooo not today. Or just moves my hand away.

Anonymous 6367

There's something seriously wrong with your moid, he may have to be put down

Anonymous 6369

I thought my bf and I were having sex a normal amount, and I felt a little bad that I was pushing him to fuck me a little more often. Then I brought it up around some of my friends and they all went nuts - apparently sex once every month or two is abnormal and for most of my friends, grounds for a breakup.
I can't blame him entirely though. Most of the time I try to initiate he isn't in the mood, but he seems to always initiate at bad times for me too. It's just so frustrating, but I know we can work through this.

Anonymous 6373

hah, i feel you, nona, it's 'every few months, maybe' for me. crossing my fingers that you and bf can work through it! i'm starting to resign myself to a celibate relationship

Anonymous 6379

The worst part is, before we started dating, I learned about his sex life with his ex, and for the few months they were together, they had sex almost every day, sometimes more than once. So it's like, did my lower sex drive lower his?

Anonymous 6385


You can touch my ass.
It’s been longer since anyone’s touched it.

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