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Anonymous 6363

Why are erotic anime are always aimed for men?
I had a discussion about it at https://boards.4chan.org/gif/thread/21339836#p21340338
Most replies I got there are classic moid supremacist shit, but what do you think is the reason behind this?

Anonymous 6365

I want to say that the primary audience of anime, and porn in general, is men. So they’re just catering to their audience really.

Of course erotic anime/porn exists out there for women, but it’s in really small values and usually harder to find.

Anonymous 6372

Classic 'men are active, women are passive' mentality, especially in Japan. Why would they make hentai for ladies when ladies don't watch porn, according to them? It's bullshit, I want to watch anime that makes me feel like GirlsOutWest makes me feel. It won't happen, but a girl can dream…

Anonymous 6407


All porn has been inherently moid since the beginning of time.
Only recently has it been aimed at women - and only because the ones creating it want more money since most "feminist" porn directors want to milk and convince the anti-porn feminist to consume their stuff because it now really empowers them (heh).

However, specifically talking about erotic anime, in the past there were some cute male hentai protagonists (very rare to find as >>6365 said); however, their sole focus on their beauty was only in the face as other things were the same as any other hentai MC.
But, in spite of this, this type of male hentai MC is much, much better than the ugly bastard that, obviously, very obviously, is specifically made to hate women, especially the girl whom becomes raped by that disgusting thing.

So, what alternative now that pretty male hentai MC are no longer a thing (traps don't count here, of fucking course) and hentai as a whole is full of ugly bastard shit? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR ANIMATED STUFF EXCEPT DRAWN, WHICH IS:
+ straight shota (side effect: you will be called a shotacon and get hated by almost everyone, including other women)
+ josou seme with girl (side effect: you will always be called a tranny or a gay moid) and
+ hope for the best that there is a single doujin where the MC is handsome

I absolutely hate this lack of animated erotic anime, as it would be amazing to see a love story-wholesome hentai combo in 2021. But, alas, it is impossible for hentai studios to do so without losing millions of yen in the process.
On the other hand, I'm glad we live in a relatively good time to be a woman who also happens to enjoy erotic works made by other women (pic rel), for it would be an impossible thing to see in times past.

Anonymous 6408

Oh shit, sorry for the semi-rant. Talking about these things always makes me abit angery.

Also OP, why did you wrote that on that thread?
You know coomers are the most aggressive of men (can we even call them men?) when they are in their natural habitat (porn boards), right?

Anonymous 6410

Maybe they think women would be less likely to buy porn on home video? I think there is the idea that women are more interested in erotica and doujins which for me at least is true.

Anonymous 6413

>>>>asking /gif/ about anything related to women
go to the femporn threads on /h/ if you want a more interesting and insightful discussion on the matter

This, do you seriously think they make hentaishit with a potential female audience in mind? lmao! if anything, hentai has degenerated more an more over the decades and now instead of reasonably attractive male protagonists and sex scenes with erotic focus on both him and the girl(s), you have degradation, rape, mindbreak with ugly bastard or faceless protag crap
>Of course erotic anime/porn exists out there for women, but it’s in really small values and usually harder to find.
definitely. "thankfully" there is some TL (Teens' Love, doesn't involve actual underage teens, it's an erotic genre of manga for women) anime being produced these days and it's in part thanks to ComicFesta and some other company that I forgot that seems to be responding to ComicFesta. Those anime are usually based on some TL web manga that got popular and last a few minutes per episode, with a clean version for TV and an uncensored version with a different cast of voice actors on their online streaming platform. The same company is also making a few BL anime and a couple of hentai for moids though more tasteful than the shit you usually see nowadays.
The only problem is that the animation is a bit too focused on the girl at times, it's also kinda shitty animation, and there are often no male nipples despite it being PORN for STRAIGHT WOMEN and the girl's nipples being detailed LMAO I fucking hate that shit like you have no idea, it unironically makes me seethe, hopefully they'll get better though

There used to be a video by this gay(?) guy, KrisPNatz that was like a top 10 of ComicFesta H anime that I wanted to share and I just spent an hour looking for it but it appears to have been deleted… it was called Top 10 ComicFesta Anime and this was the URL

Anonymous 6415

Sorry for the triple post but wait,
>straight shota

Anyways, you don't have to settle for maleshit. Holy crap, there is better stuff out there made by and for women. Indeed, most of it is fanmade/by amateurs and drawn, not animated. Like I've said, go to the aforementioned threads, and you'll see for yourself that there's porn out there made for us that is actually appealing (and unappealing to most moids, which is a plus).
Current thread:

Anonymous 6416

(also if you want to hear anime guys' moans just go to DLsite and listen to the samples of voice porn for women lol)

Anonymous 6425

Straight shota even has a focus on the woman so there's little to no winning lol

Anonymous 6428

Still though straight shota is at least more likely than most genres to have an attractive male.

Anonymous 6430


I'm sorry, nona. I simply haven't found the light until now that you mention:
I've been looking for things like these, but I think I have not found them because I didn't knew terms like シチュエーションCD which are originally in Japanese!
Thank you for giving me info on that thread and many things now that I look at them carefully. (Very carefully in fact, lol)
I am aware of such men. I believe it is even mainstream now with how the "mommy gf" thing literally came from straight shota.
However, I am very picky on what I look for as I obviously avoid at all cost those art styles that look ugly and fetish-y, like exaggerated proportions, those dark colored nipples on the woman which also take a weird form, NTR, etc.
I just wanted to not see another fucking ugly bastard.

Anonymous 6431

Based and true

Anonymous 6432

Even as a lesbian, I’m incabable of viewing yuri that isn’t drawn by a verified female, and even then it might be a hit or miss. Their bodies, their behavior, everything makes me cringe.

Anonymous 6434


My theory as to why so many hentai feature fat, balding, nasty dudes is that the industry believes that's what their audience would project onto the most. But in reality it's very damaging to the moid's self esteem.

Why wouldn't they want to see themselves as a hot guy? I'll never understand this.

Anonymous 6437

This, it is mostly about degradation and seeing the girl lower herself which is exciting to some people.

Anonymous 6438

Exactly. Even if they're not aware of it, it has to be doing something to their subconscious.

That's the problem. Those some-people are seriously over represented. And those yet to be some-people are going to see it and think this is supposed to be hot for them.

Anonymous 6439


>Why wouldn't they want to see themselves as a hot guy? I'll never understand this.
They would seethe uncontrollably, doing the halloween joker thing again, but it would occcur in Comiket instead of a train, or so.
Projection doesn't work very well in a Japan-centric view given how the majority of them are skinny, relatively young, and should be able to be hygienic normally (except for hikkis and their piss bottles). However, the mental illness is obviously there, and so I hold the view, like other nonas, that is simply hating on women overall, whether they actively realize it or not like Western men in 2021.

Anonymous 6440

The reassurance that the girl will come back even after she can fuck anyone with a pulse and a dick

Anonymous 6443

>a small cartoon child with 0 masculine features and likely drawn by a moid is "an attractive male"
seek help

>I’m incabable of viewing yuri that isn’t drawn by a verified female
kek IKTF too lesbian sis
I like the occasional yuri but seeing as all "yuri" nowadays is basically just straight male-oriented porn and shared by coomer scrotes I can't help but feel repulsed by most "yuri" I come across
It's a shame because as far as I know, the yuri genre was created by women, just like yaoi (proper yaoi, not trap shit for males which they often call "yaoi" because they think it's a synonym for "gay sex") which scrotes are appropriating now too due to their obsession with """""femboys"""""

>the industry believes that's what their audience would project onto the most. But in reality it's very damaging to the moid's self esteem.
the industry just reproduces the trends that independent artists have started and capitalizes on them. The fat ugly bastard used to be much more niche. I'd say it became so popular in doujin circles precisely because the moids who wanted to willingly draw such things first must have had no self-esteem already, just like their audience of loser hentai consoomers. Now it's a vicious cycle, AND it's profitable for doujin circles because it's what's popular now so it gets promoted a lot more.
Also it's disgusting middle aged men because the more disgusting and degrading (for the girl) the sex is, the more these degenerates enjoy it, not precisely (or at least not mainly) as a means to self-insert. It doesn't matter if it's an ugly bastard, a gang of dirty homeless men, a rotting zombie or an alien, it's all part of the same degradation and corruption fetish.
>Why wouldn't they want to see themselves as a hot guy?
some of them do, that's why you'll see them occasionally mention that in the /h/ threads. "Oh I like these threads because they have handsome guys and I like to imagine myself as one". Which means that their own porn is just that full of hideous self-insert males that they have to turn to porn for women LMAO.

Anonymous 6444

>their own porn is just that full of hideous self-insert males
whoops lemme correct myself here, they're not self-inserts (most of the time?) but they are a fucking eyesore and end up making the male audience feel bad not only because of what >>6436 said but because it's no coincidence that this kind of character is often featured in NTR shit ("not only is this puke-inducing guy who's a REAL MAN UNLIKE YOU fucking YOUR pure and beautiful waifu, but she's ENJOYING it and thus he's STEALING YOUR PROPERTY!! Isn't that super hot???")
fucking degenerates

Anonymous 6445

That's because moids can't stand humiliation and so they eroticize it in an attempt to make it less painful for them

Anonymous 6446


I mean is it even possible to self insert at all as this creature for any human being? I think not

Anonymous 6447

The horny wants what the horny wants.

Anonymous 6448

Yes I know it's just a massive cope
But a lot less of them would be into this shit if it wasn't so easily accessible
Also I have a feeling that a lot of them just gave up on having sex in real life and having any self-esteem so they just stop trying to self-insert as attractive male characters

So it can go in a number of ways:
>they try to self-insert as an ugly character who has sex with a perfect anime waifu that's totally not like a real woman because in real life they would never have sex (perhaps the least misogynistic)
>they have such low self-esteem and hate themselves so much that they get off to the thought of getting "what they deserve" by having a "real man" "steal" the object of their affection/lust
>they come to the realization that the only way they could ever have sex with a woman in their current state is to rape her

They look like they belong to different species, I hate both how they draw the ugly dudes and how they draw the non-ugly anime girls at the same time, I hate this "stylistic" choice so much
It's like they're trying to merge anime with reality as a form of escapism (while they acknowledge that they find reality ugly) but it just looks jarring as fuck
I hate it so so much especially as an artist
>I mean is it even possible to self insert at all as this creature for any human being?
They perceive themselves as the ugliest most unfuckable motherfuckers on earth to the point they believe themselves to be inhuman, so yes

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