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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 6380

Can anyone recommend artists who draw similar stuff? Not using this as a pic dump

I need something well-drawn (doesn't have to be a masterpiece, but you can see the artist is skilled) and the characters are male. Picrel is https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/72731087

I've been thinking about drawing some myself but can't think of any characters. I like cute long haired boys though, so if anyone has any characters in mind please suggest

Anonymous 6392

look up gurochan

Anonymous 6409

It's mostly female stuff

Anonymous 6420

There used to be a Korean artist on Pixiv who drew that sorta stuff. Only artist of that kind I remember, and he/she deleted the account though.
>so if anyone has any characters in mind please suggest
huey emmerich from metal gear solid v

Anonymous 6422

there are more male threads I am pretty sure

Anonymous 6449

Anonymous 6675

It takes a couple scrolls to see most are guro of female characters

Anonymous 6676

Good job, the only good and fitting one you linked is the first one and that's the one artists I linked in my post

Anonymous 6760

terevinh on twitter is usually my go to! Although most of their art is of cuntboys.. in general though, the tag “男リョナ” (“men in pain”) on pixiv is a good source if you’re willing to scroll sorted by newest

Anonymous 6762


Okada Izou

Long hair
samurai boy should make many scenarios easy to imagine for drawing

Hope this helps.

Anonymous 6775


Anonymous 6787

Not OP, but can anyone recommend artists who make guro/ryona art of (male) characters from Devil May Cry, Metal Gear or Yakuza?

Anonymous 6791

samefag, Resident Evil too

Anonymous 7038

Thanks sis

Anonymous 7055

Did you like the torture scene in Yakuza 0 too? That one was waaay more brutal than this one I think

Anonymous 8820


Anonymous 9377

It was deleted (for whatever fucking reason). I did managed to find an archived version but it's missing a few posts.

Anonymous 9398

Link Twitter degenerates i wanna follow some anons

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