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Anonymous 6466

Anyone here living with genital herpes? How do you treat outbreaks?If you don't have it how would you react to a date telling you they do? What if they didn't disclose it? I got it from a non disclosure.

Anonymous 6467

Genital herpes is bad news because that stupid virus sooner or later causes cervical cancer in women and neck/tongue cancer in men.

>Nearly every individual is infected by HPV at some point in their lives

>Nearly all cervical cancer is due to HPV; two strains, HPV16 and HPV18, account for 70% of cases. HPV16 is responsible for almost 90% of HPV-positive oropharyngeal cancers

Stupid fucking papillomavirus

Anonymous 6470

i have hsv-1 on my mouth and genitals. i dont have to treat my outbreaks, i just cover anything that looks like it could be a herpes sore with a band-aid and wash my hands after touching my genital area. i am currently celibate and don't know how i would broach the subject with a potential romantic interest.
it makes me feel dirty and unclean, and im scared that if i did find someone i liked i would be rejected because of my condition, or worse, pass the virus to them. i got it from an ex-boyfriend.

thankfully cervical cancer is very treatable when caught early, so if you have herpes you should make sure to go to a yearly gynecology exam for a pap smear.

Anonymous 6472

Genital warts and herpes are not the same thing. Hpv - warts Hsv - sores.

Anonymous 6473

Genital Herpes: Genital herpes has been shown to increase the risk of getting cervical cancer and is linked to HPV. WebMD examines the link between genital herpes and cervical cancer, “Genital herpes increases the risk of cervical cancer — which kills thousands of women every year — by acting as an “accomplice” to another common virus that commonly causes this cancer. Herpes simplex virus-2, the cause of genital herpes, was detected in nearly half of women with invasive cervical cancer — nearly twice as often as in women without signs of cancer, researches report in a study published in the Nov. 6 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. But this doesn’t mean that all women with herpes simplex-2 (HSV-2) are at increased risk. In fact, those diagnosed with HSV-2 face no additional risk if they are not also infected with human papillomavirus (HPV).”

Anonymous 6910

Pretty much anything that causes scar tissue causes cancer.
That's why asbestos which is just tiny rocks cause lung cancer because it rubs up against the tissue and causes scar tissue.

Anonymous 6911

huh, i didn't know this. I guess that explains the high rates of rectal cancer in homosexual men

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