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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 6557

Scissoring doesn't work and I had to find this out the hard way.

Were we just not doing it right?

Anonymous 6564

apparently it can work
maybe not for everyone

Anonymous 6570

Scissoring is more about the psychological thrill of doing the act than the actual physical sensation of the act

Anonymous 6571

Question for lesbanons: if scissoring a myth, like many lesbians say on the internet, how do you have sex?

Anonymous 6572

I am good just dry humping but generally there will also be fingering and eating out
The problem with scissoring is it's just an awkward position to be in and it's hard to move in a satisfying way. It looks hot though like in OP's pic which is why it's in so much porn.

Anonymous 7029

I personally like scissoring, even more than fingering or oral, but it's hard to hold the position for a long time without getting tired or cramped, and I'm in decent shape

Anonymous 7031

no experience here but I understand there’s a difference between “scissoring” and “tribbing”, the latter being a real sex position and the former being a porn meme. can anyone expound on this?

Anonymous 7033

Tribbing is just the act of stimulating your vulva and clitoris against someone else's body. Scissoring is specifically where you are tribbing against your partners vulva as well. You can technically trib anywhere in your partner (thigh, arm, etc.), it just tends to not be very mutual.

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