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Vaginal Orgasms Anonymous 6685

How do I get my first vaginal orgasm?
I've read that some women just can't get them. I refuse to accept that. I'm willing to try anything. Drugs, witchcraft, sacrificing children…
How do I do it.

Anonymous 6686

vaginal orgasms don't exist, you only have your clit and that's it

Anonymous 6697


Well, sorry to burst your bubble Mr. Moid, but all orgasms are clitoral.
An extreme minority of women have abnormally thin vaginal walls that allow them to receive clit stimulation from inside the vagina, but an orgasm originating from the vagina itself is as nonsensical as you trying to orgasm from your scrote.
Hope this helps!

Anonymous 6703

what the fuck is wrong with you people
why would a moid ask this question

Anonymous 6704


Now I'm only answering this as a hypothetical, not that this is my personal belief. Also NTA but I'm suspecting the answer would be larping. Don't ask me what would be gained by asking this question I'm just saying that's the only scenario I could think of.

Pic is possibly related.
We just don't know.

Anonymous 6709

is there anyone sane on this stupid fucking image board?

anyways, now that you have so politely taught me that vaginal orgasms are fake, why do so many women claim to have them, and also claim that they're better?

Anonymous 6711

i do this fun thing with my dildo where i like grind it up and down inside me while rubbing my clit against the palm of my hand. idk if it's a "vaginal orgasism" but it's pretty fun and feels satisfying when i get those cock cravings

Anonymous 6712

A lot of women haven't had a real orgasm, and/or don't want their male partner to feel insecure about not satisfying them. A woman having a nonclitoral orgasm would be kind of like a guy orgasming without any stimulation to his penis or prostate, it's just not really how it works. What I think people mean when they say that vaginal orgasms are better, is that clitoral orgasms feel better when you also have something inside you.

Anonymous 6713

For me it comes down to love, cheesy I know. But the orgasm I have with my bf are way better than the one I can give myself with a toy.

Anonymous 6719

orgasms are all psychological. you just have to be in the right mind and you can orgasm to anything. moids can cum in their sleep with no external physical stimulation. you just have to want it, practice it, and condition yourself enough.

Anonymous 6721

Look up g-spot or a-spot orgasms (a-spot is similar to g-spot, but way further back).

Things can change over time also. Some women claim they never orgasm from piv, but then find they can when they're older, or after they have a baby. Bodies are weird.

Personally g-spot feels great but at least for me you can't do it cold, come first, then try it. Not much luck with a-spot, paranoid about hitting cervix (awful), but some people swear by it. Some people also can't stand clitoral with g-spot stim, others need it. You basically know it worked if the pleasure feels deeper and longer lasting. Clit orgasm is like a few lightning strikes, very intense and specific, g-spot is like tossing a stone in a puddle. Not always a good thing either! You might be too exhausted to keep going. But some people have to stop after one clit orgasm, so maybe it depends.

Also the squirting thing is a porn trope, pretty sure anyway. You might squirt a little, but it's incidental to pleasure.

Anonymous 6723

thanks for the info

i think i had something like a g-spot orgasm only once before but i haven't been able to recreate it since.

Anonymous 6724

Anonymous 6729

Good point anon, I’d forgotten about that. Fuck Freud for all his stupid theories screwing over women. How can anyone be so arrogant to repeatedly dismiss retellings of experiences that you will never have yourself. Not just in this, he did dismissed incest victims too to save his father’s rapist skin.

Anonymous 6731


The G-spot is a myth

Anonymous 6732

Sort of. It's just the other side of the clitoris inside.

Anonymous 6734

You can trigger orgasms in corpses by stimulating a nerve at the base of the spine. Once you realize this, any speculation you have on what actually causes an orgasm goes out the window. Yes, clitoral stimulus probably works for most women, you've also got those rare weirdos that can think themselves into orgasm and those that orgasm every time they brush teeth.

Anonymous 6770

It's not a myth or simply the back of the clit, look up clitourethrovaginal complex. Even if it was only the back of the clit that would be extreme nitpicking to say an orgasm you can only get by putting things in your vag isn't a vaginal orgasm.

As for the op, try a g-spot dildo, although the good ones are kinda expensive (njoy pure wand) and it depends if you prefer vibrations or more solid pressure.

Anonymous 7019

I don't know if it's g-spot but I can orgasm when I hold in my pee and doing nothing else. If I touch/massage my abdomen it feels nice. It is probably bad for you. I never understood how it works and if it is common.

Anonymous 7040

Orgasm is mental anon. You will never have a vaginal orgasm until you figure out whats keeping you from having one and what gives you one

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