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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 6739

How long can your moid last in the fag bag?

Anonymous 6740

How does this contraption account for height differences? What if one of them has to poop? Also I'm pretty sure they could lose their legs from lack of circulation

Anonymous 6742

I don't know, I have to deal with real shit and am fat with a skinny small dick bf

Anonymous 6743


Anyway I think this works better because it cancels the problem of gravity, the need to have a rope for their hands, and they get enough air. Basically they're stuck with their hands going barely above water while up, and then going back down near the bottom of the pool

Anonymous 6744

>How does this contraption account for height differences?
Hefty©®™ garbage bags are flexible and can take a beating.

>What if one of them has to poop?

I sure hope they like the smell of shit!

>I'm pretty sure they could lose their legs from lack of circulation.

It's a risk I'm willing to take on their behalf.

Anonymous 6754

Why aren't they hard though?

Anonymous 6771

The entire point of the imageset is converting "straight" boys into "gay". The fun of the narrative is the boys start off not aroused by male sex and eventually do. If it's a punishment I imagine it's because the "training" just began.

Anonymous 6772

Already seen this shit on /r9k/ a few days ago. An anon already mentioned these two would die in this bag. Also, this is very scrote-y, no? I enjoy my fair share of men being raped but this is just tasteless. Do better. And by do better I mean post more pics

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