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Do not respond to maleposters. See Rule 7.
Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 6763

I want to do the sex with older women.

Anonymous 6769


Anonymous 6776


C’mon girl. Give details!

Anonymous 6783


Anonymous 6798

Looks like someone's got a mommy fetish

it's me

Anonymous 6835

Ditto, anon. I'm a night-shifter at a supermarket and there are these two lovely older (in their 40s) ladies who are managers over the morning shift, whom I greet happily every morning, for obvious reasons. They're both incredibly friendly… as well as being smiling, full-figured, matronly, with just a touch of a country accent. I don't know what it is but they're totally irresistible.

Anonymous 6840

>"Would you like smiley sauce with that?"

Anonymous 6847

Get on Tinder, plenty of older women (sometimes married) wanting to try lesbian sex.

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