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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 6902

>pissing off my bf just so he absolutely destroyes my insides when we have make-up sex

Anonymous 6918

I fantasize about this tbh. Whenever he is upset he just gets sad and distracts himself with stuff though. Seems like his libido dies too.

Anonymous 6982

Dump him

Anonymous 6993

that's normal
this isn't normal but whatever get it

Anonymous 7020

Yeah, I actually appreciate that he is gentle and not an aggressive person. I'll just keep this as a goofy secret fantasy.

Anonymous 7068

doing stuff like this is borderline abusive if the bf doesn't consent to it/knows what's going on.

Anonymous 7069

males dont have emotions so, YWNBAW you tranny

Anonymous 7070

spotted the actual tranny, they always give themselves away with the self-hate and unreasonable seething

feel free to ACK yourself

Anonymous 7071

>gets exposed as a moid who chopped his ding-dong off
>n-no yyou
Like clockwork

Anonymous 10957


Anonymous 10965

>bf tries to finish a project around the house
>make fun of him and intentionally annoy him
>wait until he's so frustrated he has to stop himself from talking or he'll start yelling
>watch as he finishes the project in a rush
>gets all hot, sweaty and tired
>flops down into a chair or bed
>tease him or ask him to do something
>frustration flares
>instantly distracted
>receive aggressive/dominant sex that is more heartfelt and pleasurable than what he can manage when I just ask him to be rough
>always collapses with exhaustion with a smile of extreme satisfaction and laughs as we kiss and cuddle
Never fails and goes completely unnoticed.

Anonymous 11276

old copypasta
thumbs down

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