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Anonymous 6983

>Start talking to a guy
>We're pretty much the same age, live in different countries but both in europe
>Share pics of ourselves
>He likes me
>He is not really in my taste but still pretty cute and moderately buff
>Have pretty much the same kinks
>He gets horny every time we talk and compliments me every time I send a picture
>Would let me do literally anything to him, like cut him, tie him up or carve my name onto him
>Send risqué photos of myself at his request
>To my surprise sends me his dick
>Ashamed to say that I don't even mind it, it's pretty big too, the fuck
>Constantly says he wishes that we lived closer to each other
>We keep talking and sharing pictures

Should I keep hoping that anything irl happens? Or should I accept this is just e-roleplaying? I have never met a dude like this irl or even just across my country. I do realize there is always danger for the woman of ending up dead in a ditch somewhere. But I want to fuck him once and for all.

On a side note, I kind of realized just how much hornier men are than women usually, I masturbated maybe 3-4 times this month, he gives off the impression that he jacks off every evening.

Anonymous 6984

Don't let your dreams be dreams

Anonymous 6985

But how? I literally have no experience with visiting a different city let alone a whole different country ;_;

Anonymous 6986


What do you mean, "how"?
I assume you're an adult, right?

Make it happen and just ask him to meet up – assuming finances aren't an issue. If you're going to him, just buy a train/plane/bus ticket or necessary sequence of those and get on over there.

Definitely tell people where you're going and stay in contact with them. Maybe with like a location sharing app or something.

It might be a good idea to get a hotel room in his city at least for the first night so that you have somewhere to go if he turns out to be a creep irl. Obviously don't tell him where it is.

You apparently speak English fine, so most of Western Europe isn't an issue for communication. Make sure your cell plan covers you in his country, but I think most (all?) EU plans work all over the EU now. With Google maps and (depending on what city he's in) Uber or the like, you should be able to get around fine in any city.

If he wants to come to your city, make him get a hotel room and go there (AFTER spending at least a while meeting in public) instead of your place for fun times.

Anonymous 6990

>Definitely tell people where you're going and stay in contact with them. Maybe with like a location sharing app or something.
I'm not sure who I can tell this to, I can't tell my parents definitely, I only have one friend that I can tell this to but I don't want her to be responsible for my safety
>What do you mean, "how"?
I assume you're an adult, right?
I technically am but I'm not really an adult if you get what I mean.
>You apparently speak English fine, so most of Western Europe isn't an issue for communication. Make sure your cell plan covers you in his country, but I think most (all?) EU plans work all over the EU now. With Google maps and (depending on what city he's in) Uber or the like, you should be able to get around fine in any city.
Idk what the hell is a cell plan. The whole thing just scares me because I've never done this before and new things make me extremely anxious, and when I'm anxious I fuck things up badly
>If he wants to come to your city, make him get a hotel room and go there (AFTER spending at least a while meeting in public) instead of your place for fun times.
This would be the best option if I didn't live in a shithole city. Also I live in eastern europe so him knowing english (his english is a bit worse than mine too) won't help very much.

Anonymous 6991

> live in a shithole city
Please do not denigrate one of our most important body parts.

Anonymous 6992


>I'm not sure who I can tell this to, I can't tell my parents definitely, I only have one friend that I can tell this to but I don't want her to be responsible for my safety

She doesn't have to be responsible for your safety, just let her know where you are and what you're doing so she can contact your parents if something were to go wrong.

Absolute worst case you could also schedule an email to be sent out on a certain date if you don't cancel it that tells your parents where you are, and then just cancel it if you're ok.

Or maybe tell your parents that you're going to go visit his country with a friend, and don't tell them you're going to meet a guy.

I got no other solution for you here, I don't think.

>I technically am but I'm not really an adult if you get what I mean.

Well, everyone's gotta spread their wings at some point! You seem smart to me. International travel isn't that hard or scary.

>Idk what the hell is a cell plan. The whole thing just scares me because I've never done this before and new things make me extremely anxious, and when I'm anxious I fuck things up badly

I just got mean your cell (mobile) phone contract. Just make sure you have data roaming in whatever country you'd be going to. Or at least texting.

>This would be the best option if I didn't live in a shithole city. Also I live in eastern europe so him knowing english (his english is a bit worse than mine too) won't help very much.

Well, I guess you need to go to him, then. Or you can just stay where you are and not do anything with this. I can't make decisions for you lol.

Do you know anything about this guy other than horny stuff? Like what would you want to come out of this?

Anonymous 6996

>She doesn't have to be responsible for your safety, just let her know where you are and what you're doing so she can contact your parents if something were to go wrong.
Yeah that's actually fine. I guess there's no harm in telling her, as I know she won't tell anybody unless it's absolutely necessary

>Well, everyone's gotta spread their wings at some point! You seem smart to me. International travel isn't that hard or scary.

Eh, you're right. My mom went to visit her boyfriend in another country twice at some point, seemed fine to me.

>Do you know anything about this guy other than horny stuff? Like what would you want to come out of this?

Nothing serious really. He seems to be too stupid to be marriage material lol

Anonymous 6997


I hope you have a good adventure, but please be safe and don't let horny you do anything that sane you will regret.

You seem young, and you said you haven't traveled before so remember common sense. Don't be naive and fall for scams or dangerous invitations. Don't trust strangers even if they seem really nice. Try to only drink alcohol from individually sealed bottles and dont let people mix your drinks for you. Don't let your drinks out of your sight. There's also nothing wrong with drinking less than people around you – especially until you get your bearings.

And don't forget to be a regular tourist too, especially if this is your first time out of your country. Go see cool things. International travel is really good for you – especially when you're young.

Anonymous 7000

have u considered that the esex is most likely way better than the irl sex will be?

Anonymous 7012

I'm a virgin so I wouldn't know

Anonymous 7015

Is that a project you only have when horny and that disappears with post but clarity?

Anonymous 7017

fantasy sensation(the idea of how you think it will feel) and the real sensation are different. youre better off finding a guy you have a connection to irl and taking it slow to see what actually feels good.

Anonymous 7021

I'm not super horny when I talk to him or even in general, I don't think this will happen in the near future, I am entertaining the idea though.
I guess that's but most men irl are ugly and even if they aren't they won't let me do kinky stuff to them

Anonymous 7030

What is it you wanna do?

Anonymous 7036

I want to cut myself and him up and lick each others blood and stuff like that

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