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Holding in pee Anonymous 7249

Anyone else get really aroused with a full/noticeable bladder?
It's 100% not a mental thing and I don't have a piss fetish, it's just that when my bladder fills up, it feels like I'm being stroked from the inside. I get wayy too worked up and don't wanna pee because being teased feels great. I have to pee eventually though obviously

Anonymous 7252

>don't wanna pee
Want kidney stones and kidney infections? Because you're going the right way about it

Anonymous 7254

Woah, glad I'm not the only one. You just described it perfectly. I try not to since I am afraid of stones and other stuff, but it is addicting. I haven't had the segs but I hope it feels as good and can replace not pissin. Does it :'c ?

Anonymous 7255

No but I once had a normie romance short story collection and I remember the last story was about some young girls curious about orgasms (in a normal way). They thought the full bladder and the feel of riding a horse over jumps was close. So they drank a bunch and then went horse riding. One wet themselves while jumping but seemed to enjoy it.

I left that book at someone’s house after staying there. They must have wondered wtf I was reading.

Anonymous 7257

So it took me 4 hours to track it down online as I read it 15 years ago. The name of the story is "The Masturbation Map" by Stephanie Theobald. The short story collection is called "Girls' Night Out":


Anonymous 7260

Same. Can’t even get aroused with an empty bladder, and I get my strongest orgasms with a full one.

Anonymous 7337

OP here. I came too much while holding in my pee and now it hurts when I try to masturbate without peeing first. It was nice knowing you all

Anonymous 7366

I get aroused when I hear a guy pee standing up. I don't know why

Anonymous 7367

How do you know he's standing, you peeping tom?

Anonymous 7371

I generally go by how loud it is

Anonymous 7398

it puts pressure on your clit I think (?), I experience the same thing

Anonymous 7401

just pee, moids dont care about a lot of crap anyway so why not just pee their dicks who cares.

Anonymous 7410

moids think it's hot when you squirt. why wouldnt i pee on them

Anonymous 7411

So you casually piss every time you fuck? That's interesting.

Anonymous 7433


I masturbated 2 nights ago like this (was great) and promised to never do it again. I'm genuinely afraid it'll eventually result in an infection or serious bladder problem one day if I do it too much or wait too long to piss. I don't want my bladder/urethra to explode or something.

Anonymous 7440

this thread isn't about squirting btw

Anonymous 7524

Okay guys this is mildly off-topic but I have this problem where I get the urge to piss whenever I'm horny, even if my bladder is completely empty. Nothing ever comes out either. It is not hot, it is a massive turn-off. I'm as femcel as you can get, and it doesn't hurt to pee so probably not a UTI, so it's not a major issue, it's just annoying. It's been like this for years. Oh, and when I strain my abs as well, e.g. when doing ab exercises or attempting pull-ups, I get the same overwhelming urge to pee. Which is so stupid, especially now that I wanna start hitting the gym and building muscle. If anyone has any ideas I'd be appreciative. Considering going to a doctor at this point, couldn't find any answers online.

Anonymous 7639

there are videos of girls lifting weights and uncontrollably pissing themselves while doing it. Something about putting strain on the pelvic floor in a way that only happens in females. If you get this while working out, you will probably wet yourself at some point if you have a full bladder.

Anonymous 7649

OP here. Same. I get horny when my bladder is full but when I stroke myself I feel like peeing too. Maybe this is why some women squirt lol. I always go to pee after cumming

Anonymous 7676

For everyone saying that it feels good to need to pee, this is what butt stuff feels like. You'll thank me later

Anonymous 7679

OP here. Also love butt stuff, can confirm

Anonymous 8043

Don't wanna freak y'all out or myself, but I have this too and sometimes after an hour long masturbation sesion, I find it difficult to pee… Like I have to push to do it and I keep being afraid that I won't be able to pee and something bad might happen so yeah- I know for sure it feels better with a full bladder, but it's best to not risk it

Anonymous 8145

I've noticed this before too, while I was body checking I noticed you can get a similar sensation from just pushing down on your lower abdomen and it mimics the feeling of having a full bladder. I woke up with the worst muscle pain the next day though. Don't be retarded like me.

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