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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 7306

Why is Farting so looked down upon as a fetish? Sure - it's a little weird yea
But it doesn't hurt anyone
Rape fetishes are more normalised… why is this?

Anonymous 7308

because rape fetishes are more common and easier to understand

Anonymous 7309

Gas coming out of your asshole that makes the entire room smell like turd, making cringy sounds when passing the asscrack? I don’t see the appeal, unless it’s combined with humiliation fetish or something.

Anonymous 7311

It's gross
Rape is a lot of things and yes it does hurt people but it is at least adjacent to sex. Farting is 'gross' which is not the exact antonym of 'sexy' but it is pretty close.

Anonymous 7312

In no way rape fetishes should be normalized but fart fetishes are just gross lol. Same with shit and piss. I have more respect for foot fetishists than this.

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