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Are moids lying to me? Anonymous 7451

So I was browsing 4chan (I know this place sucks) and anons were discussing how women's vagina's ultimately permanently stretch out after they give birth/have had too much intercourse/taken too big objects. This isn't true right? They used porn stars as examples and proof of this phenomenon. But as long as you do kegel exercices you should be able to keep the tighness right? I just feel bad for worrying over something such as the tighness of my vagina when I'm a virgin myself. It reminds me of how women worry about the apperance of their labia to the point of doing surgery for it… It's stupid I know but for some reason I keep thinking about it.. It all sounds like dumb incel talk and yet it still gets to me. Maybe it's because mysogyny gets to me? I dont know. What do you think?

Anonymous 7455

99% of moids don't even know what pussy looks like. Do you trust them?

Anonymous 7456

the part about getting permanently stretched by childbirth is

Anonymous 7457

>They used porn stars as examples and proof of this phenomenon.
>I just feel bad for worrying over something such as the tighness of my vagina when I'm a virgin myself.
Unless you're going to become a porn actress to be exploited and physically and sexually abused in increasingly extreme ways, you don't have to worry about that at all, lmao.
Scrotes are fucking retarded. They think porn is normal sex and deny the truth of the porn industry (that it's abuse and that women who join "willingly" are in fact brainwashed and/or desperate for money, and it's akin to prostitution), do you seriously allow 4chanoids to make you insecure about your genitals? Even when they get all their worldview from their echo-chamber of porn addicts?

And you shouldn't worry about your vagina's tightness because any scrote that dumps you over something like that and/or not being willing to have anal sex with him wasn't worth it to begin with. Stop feeling so insecure, moids will fuck anything anyway.

Anonymous 7459


Anonymous 7463

If after making out they dont suck the clit instantly they are always lying to you.

Anonymous 7466

So this is one of those things were moids repeat something that they made up and then it gets countered by something that women made up and the reality is that neither have the complete truth.

What actually happens is the vagina muscles stretch to accommodate the penis normally. However, if you have a baby, chances are you are going to tear or have muscle damage which will affect how things are when you have sex. Forcing large objects into your vagina can cause similar issues.

Doing kegels can help but most people don't know what they are doing unless they see an expert to train them. Doing kegels properly before birth can help and they can also help after birth as well but they obviously can't make tearing go away.

Anonymous 7467

The muscles start to weaken and the vagina starts to loosen with age not with how many dicks you've taken, and even then yes you can keep it tight with kegal exercises.
And yes it does loosen with childbirth.
Yes virgins are "more tight" but that is usually because of discomfort and the discomfort and stress causes vaginal contractions, which is how the myth "more dick makes you more loose" starts, just tradwife fetishism and regular misogyny.

Anonymous 13712

If you're not planning on whoring yourself out or using any giant dildoes you'll be fine. Its similar to men getting ED from cranking it too hard, doesn't really happen unless you go overboard with it. As far as childbirth goes, it pretty much returns to usable afterward, but do your kegels.

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