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orgasm while exercising Anonymous 7538

I was doing hanging leg raises and when I was pushing hard to last another set my vagina started to feel tingly. First I thought I just had to pee, so I did some more, but then I had a full on orgasm, like with heavy breathing and some moans. Glad I was alone in the gym. When I'm home I will try to do this again. Anyone else experienced this?

Anonymous 7539

No, but I do have orgasms while eating. Specifically only my favorite food.

Anonymous 7540


Anonymous 7541

If I were a moid how would I know about being able to orgasm by exercise? I looked into it a bit more and it's only possible for women.

Anonymous 7542

Next time maybe don't exercise with the dilator in your ass

Anonymous 7543

1. Why not report and move on? If you think this a moid thread Admin will ban you for replying
2. What makes you think it's a moid thread other than being posted on the wrong board?

Anonymous 7544

Op has a genuine question. I used to be able to sit in a chair and get an orgasm from doing basically nothing. I still don't understand it to this day. Would genuinely like to know how I did that.

Anonymous 7545

It's funny for me, I orgasmed only once half a year ago and today in the gym it just happened.

Anonymous 7546

Wow that sucks
Maybe you should try the same exercises at home and get more of them I mean that is not fair.

Anonymous 7547

this is a rare experience but it mainly happens to women doing core exercises. ur lucky embrace it and keep getting strong sister

Anonymous 7548

Just wait until you start powerlifting and you start pissing on the gym floor instead.

Anonymous 7549

Off topic but holy fuck I want that sushi so bad

Anonymous 7550

moid confirmed, because they choose to fap over lurking moar.

Anonymous 7558

hey, the squat plug is an essential accessory that every serious lifter needs in order to get the most out of their workout.

Anonymous 7560

They should choose to fuck off

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