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Anyone else have inverted nipples Anonymous 7593

I've had them since I was a kid. As I grew up, my right nipple started to poke out when I'm cold and I can actually pull until it comes out, though it never stays unless I'm really cold. I'd mind less if they were both retracted but only having one pokey nipple at a time feels pretty weird.

Anonymous 7835

Extremely hot

Anonymous 7836

no, but I wish I did, so I could go braless without showing pokies like Jennifer Aniston in Friends.

Anonymous 7840

I thought everyone had those when it's warm but they poke out when cold or when rubbed. At least that's how mine are. Or are inverted nipples permanently inverted?

Anonymous 7841

There are three grades to inverted nipples medically speaking. To have inverted nipples at all isn't average per say, but it isn't relevant at all unless you want to breastfeed, and even then you won't run into issues unless you're grade 2. For context
>Grade 1: Nipple is inverted at rest but pops out when cold or stimulated. (What OP and you describe).
>Grade 2: Nipple pops out when directly pulled out, but quickly goes back when left alone. (Possible problem breastfeeding
>Grade 3: Nipple permanently inverted, no way to "evert" the nipple.

Again, this isn't massively important unless you want to breastfeed. Though it should be noted that if you went from not having an inverted nipple, to having an inverted nipple, that may be a sign of something serious. If you've had an inverted nipple since puberty though you should be fine.

Anonymous 7856


I definitely love going out braless. I have never worn a bra in my life. It's handy to have a jacket or scarf though so when I get a pokey I can sneakily push it back in >:D
Inverted nipples look like this IRL. Maybe you just have small nipples that get pokey when cold

Anonymous 12467

hi shelby

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