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Masturbation Anonymous 7608

Pic kind of related

I only seem to be able to get off if I’m laying on my front. Is that abnormal? Most images of women I see masturbating are on their back.. idk I find it almost impossible to climax laying on my back. Am I weird? Probably. Just typing into the void I guess.

Anonymous 7611

not the first miner to make the same thread. It's probably common. I can cum on my back but I feel so much better when I masturbate lying on my stomach. Porn positions don't matter imo since it's meant to be visual and "show off," men probably don't find it interesting when the actress is lying on her tummy

I love the feeling of being buried in the bed personally, but holding my legs together feels nice

Anonymous 7612


Yeah feeling completely immersed in the bed and in tune with my body is one of the reasons why it’s so good on my front. It just feels weird laying on my back, and like you say, male-gazey. I don’t want to be exposed when I climax. I was desperately trying to find threads similar to this topic but I couldn’t.. fml

Anonymous 7613

>laying on my front
>pillow between legs
>legs together
>bf on top

This always gives me the best orgasms.

Anonymous 7623

>I don’t want to be exposed when I climax

Yesss.. I'm not embarrassed being exposed or something like that, but being squished tight/smothered by the bed or someone's warmth feels great. I guess it feels more like warm, loving, physical contact.

What do you do with the pillow between your legs?

Anonymous 7633

>What do you do with the pillow between your legs?

it presses on the right spot

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