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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 7685

In my first sexual relationship with a man, lost virginity a few months ago when we met in person the first time (haven't met since then but are planning again soon). we were talking about sex again last night and I asked;
>"will you eat me out"
>"when you eat me out will you put your tongue inside of me or lick the external areas" (I am a retard and I have trouble talking about sex please don't bully, I just wanted to know how he does it)
>"it depends on how inward your clit is"
>"what? there is no such thing as an inverted clitoris."
>"I don't know my female anatomy well…"
>"I can tell lol"
>"I'm really bad at fingering apprently"
>"what do you do when you finger?"
>"I don't remember its been so long I just remember being really awful at it"

FUCK how has the american public school system failed us this bad that men don't even know where the fucking clitoris is??? Inverted clitoris?? Where the FUCK do you get an idea like that?

Anonymous 7686

Yeah, moids that don't eat out and suck on the g-spot are dumb as shit, it's tragic because it is much better than just banging. Also All the foreplay as well is a sacred ritual for me otherwise it's extremely unsatisfactory. I get no foreplay, no head? I'm out, that won't happen again.

Anonymous 7687

What? Suck on the g-spot? How do you even do this its like 2 inches inside the vagina lol

Anonymous 7688

>suck on the g-spot
male detected

Anonymous 7690


are you angry if a stray cat you took in doesn't immediately know where to pee? No, naturally you have to teach him civilised behaviour. Same thing with your moid: invest in him, teach him, turn him into your perfect bf

Anonymous 7691

I call it that way because clit sounds vulgar

Anonymous 7706


>They don't have chameleon bfs

Anonymous 7708

>taking some stray big thing into the house who could cause damage
Sounds dangerous

Anonymous 7727

> Inverted clitoris?? Where the FUCK do you get an idea like that?
Porn, where women have surgeries to make their clitoris smaller. Which to moids is an "innie". They think it's common in women when it really isn't, at all.

Anonymous 7728

Which leads to men being disgusted by normal, common pussies and women being insecure about it. Which leads to you guessed it, less pleasure for women during sex.

Anonymous 7756

Is clitoral reduction really a thing? I thought they had their labias shaped.
Lol, I said inverted clit not smaller clit. Do you know what INVERTED means?? I don't see how that is related because they don't have their clitoris turned inside their body, they have it reduced. I get hating porn, I don't like it either, but do people like you always have to derail every single thread with radfem rhetoric? Please stop.
Also my bf is an angel and doesn't watch porn.

Anonymous 7760

Lmao chill.I'm not going after your boyfriend. Stop being defensive for no reason.

Anonymous 7761

>but do people like you always have to derail every single thread with radfem rhetoric?
It's true and you just don't want to hear it because it would shatter your worldview. I'm not even a radfem but what they about pornography is absolutely true.
>Also my bf is an angel and doesn't watch porn.
Sorry but where the fuck do you think he got the idea of "inverted clitoris"? If not porn, then from male friends.

Anonymous 7763

>It's true and you just don't want to hear it because it would shatter your worldview.
Lol, I literally said I was in agreement with you retard. I'm saying its not applicable to this conversation and you don't need to force it into every conversation about sex we have on this site

Anonymous 7796

When porn stops affecting most of people's sexuality then we can stop bringing it up, genius.

Anonymous 7806

Its pointless to repeatedly bring it up though, you are preaching to the choir so there is no need to shoehorn it into every sexual discussion we have on this site and derail threads. Go tell people who actually need convincing instead of wasting time here.

Anonymous 7807

I dont see how talking about porn here would be derailing the thread. Moids getting weird ideas about female anatomy has almost always been related to porn.

Anonymous 7812

What's the point of making a thread of "My moid did stupid moid shit again :/" when the answer is obvious then?

Anonymous 7814

you're like poltards bringing up muh jews on every moid related thread

Anonymous 7818

Except concern about porn has a basis in reality, yes

Anonymous 7819

No she is right that porn can be addicting and it makes people into degenerates sometimes and what its meant by that is that shit like moids going tranny happens due to porn indoctrination and who knows maybe she is right that sexualities developing aka more bisexual people come out due to pornography. it woudlnt surprise me.

Anonymous 7822

this is probably mean, but it seems more that they don't care? A clit's nature isn't rocket science. imagine being the average male and spending 1000s of hours on porn/sex ideation yet not knowing shit.
kek, I'm usually not in the "change people" committee tho this post is pretty spicy. with that said as someone who listens to other women on this subject out of morbid curiosity it's more of a coin toss. massive amounts of men seem very obstinate against being taught/shown things by women, or nothing sticks at all (again because many just don't really care that much). I guess maybe the one real way to circumvent this is to make sure to find a very generous, thoughtful, and attentive guy so such things would never be an issue.

Anonymous 8502

How can they watch so much porn and not know?

Anonymous 8504

The same way you can watch fighting movies without learning how to fight?

Anonymous 8522

hmm I kinda understand what he is tying to say. Idk if there is any correlation between clitoral size/hoy raised it is and sensitivity. Mine is really small and I kinda have to dig at the side of it to feel something (sorry rlly tmi).

Anonymous 8524

There is little focus on clit stimulation in heterosexual porn and most moids just don't care enough to try to learn.

Anonymous 8527


>FUCK how has the american public school system failed us this bad that men don't even know where the fucking clitoris is???
I know a dude who at 13 thought he was having his first period so he didn't tell anyone he was bleeding out of his ass.

He had salmonella. He ended up in a coma for a few days.

Growing up in the south is hell.

Anonymous 8528

So that South Park episode was inspired by real life events

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