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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 7695

is this true?

Anonymous 7696

yes, its more comfortable too

Anonymous 7700

But how will I hold in my farts then ??

Anonymous 7709

not exactly

the first one one is "i saw this in a magazine once"

the arched back (second) is the expert as they know it looks sexiest and easiest to push back too so you can fuck him while he pauses

the last two are just laziness and getting old as your wrists and knees start to hurt

Anonymous 7726

The last two are the sexiest wtf lol.

Anonymous 7732

all this "beginner vs expert" nonsense is bullshit because it's graded based on how hot it looks to the 3rd person. Try actually fucking like the last 2/princess/expert, it's not gonna feel comfy

Anonymous 7733

the last two are are just a slightly raised flipped dead fish position. she can't engage with him any way. with the second you can also reach back and rub his balls. unless the guy likes to pretend he is fucking one of the creepy half torso fleshlights, i don't see the appeal

Anonymous 7735

>with the second you can also reach back and rub his balls.
what? why would you do that

Anonymous 7740

because men like that. do you even sex?

Anonymous 7741

forgot to add, he can also reach and grab your breasts which he can't do easily with the last 2

Anonymous 7744

seems like something very awkward to do. also
>assuming only sex that exists is straight sex

Anonymous 7745

be gone troon

Anonymous 7747

excuse me?

Anonymous 7748

lol for some reason i thought you meant trans women lesbians or something. i guess you mean 2 women using a strap on? would they really find the view of position 3 and 4 that sexy? it seems very male gaze-y

Anonymous 7749

what. i just meant that it seemed awkward to reach behind yourself and the guy to touch his balls and then i made a comment about how you assumed straight sex to be the default kind of sex with your snarky comeback
i don't know why you're bringing troons or strap on's to the discussion

Anonymous 7750

you said something about there not only being straight sex. i was tired and thought you were a troon talking about 2 mtf troons having sex (no one else would bring that up). i then thought you were talking about 2 lesbians having sex using a dildo

what are you talking about? 2 gay men? something else?

Anonymous 7751

i was talking about lesbian sex, no balls involved. why do you make things so complicated

Anonymous 7755

for the third time, i misread what you said

Anonymous 7846

different people have different tastes

Anonymous 7961

I want to see a cute moid version of this.

Anonymous 7962


Anonymous 7964

fuck are you even talking about
The beginner one looks like the most uncomfortable, I tried standing like that and got tired really fast, couldn't even bend my back to that curve.

Anonymous 7966

jesus what a good idea

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