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Sexual Attraction to real people? Anonymous 786

What's that like? How do you know you're sexually attracted to someone?

Could you post people in sexually stimulating photos here? Not porn, but people in sexy positions.

Anonymous 788

Are you asking because you've never been attracted to real people?
Have you ever been attracted to fictional ones? I mean it's pretty much the same
Think about what sexually attracts you to a fictional person and see if you can compare it to a real person

Anonymous 791

I've definitely admired how cute another person is, but I can't recall ever wanting to sleep with them.
Also the fictional people I get attached to (or at least did, I'm sure I've over 'crushing' on 2d characters) are so removed from reality to me, they're not really 'humans'.

Anonymous 949

Have you ever had a big crush on someone? That’s part of sexual attraction, so you’ve experienced it.
Tbh most people don’t think about sleeping with someone until after they’re interested. With my current BF, I was attracted to him- but that made me want to do stuff like kiss, hold hands, get to know him better, etc. Once we had started that, I found myself wanting to take it further.
So tbh wanting to date someone, wanting to kiss them and hug them and be close to them is all part of attraction. Yes, I hug and cuddle with friends, but it’s different. With them I never want it to go farther, but with someone I like, I do. That doesn’t mean horny all the time either- it just means if we decide to have sex, I’m into it.
People seem to think sexual attraction is seeing someone hot and immediately wanting their genitals in your mouth. It isn’t like that most of the time.
and before someone says it, no, I’m not demisexual, bc that is a made up orientation. I’m sexually attracted to men and women. That’s it. I like to get to know them first. That’s a preference- not an orientation.

Anonymous 953

i don't think that having a crush on someone automatically constitutes sexual attraction.
i've had crushes before that were completely non-sexual in nature. like 'wow that person is so beautiful/smart/funny/talented'; i've even gotten into relationships with said crushes because i craved their attention, time and approval, and was really happy around them, but when it came to sex they were always the initiator because it's not an activity that's all that enjoyable to me. it isn't that they were bad at sex, or that they weren't good-looking, but it was like there were so many other things we could have been doing with the time that would have been more fun imo.

Anonymous 12801

>for every raid on cc theres a neet whore abusing reports
>mods dont exist
im still here
im not the ones banning you for arbitrary reasons

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