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tee hee hee.jpg

Things that make you feel cute n subby Anonymous 7872

Whenever Im feeling down, I love to wear/do certain things that make me feel kinda subby. Things like just wearing cute lingerie around the house, thigh highs 24/7, teasing/being playful, or playing cutesy music while looking at myself in the mirror. and baiting my bf to call me a good girl

Anonymous 7873

>submitting to a moid

Anonymous 7874

>Patrick Bateman
Go back to twitter hoe

Anonymous 7881

Not OP, but I usually bring him something from the kitchen to his office and give him big eyes.
That's an instant "good girl" for me.

Anonymous 7884

Kill yourself tranny

Kill yourself scrote

Anonymous 7886

dew ha ha.jpg

im literally a terf kek why is there so much negative feedback? i just wanted to talk about feeling cute :(

Anonymous 7887

They're just bitter.

Anonymous 7888

you give terfs a bad name

Anonymous 7889

>and baiting my bf to call me a good girl
how to do this

Anonymous 7891

How am i a scrote you retard

Anonymous 7892

I sit on my bf's lap all day pretty much. He always hugs me tight and kisses me constantly and we meow together like cats. I'm pretty good at imitating cats which makes me feel really cute. But in general if I wanna feel cute and submissive I just act like a cat and nuzzle him

Anonymous 7893

yikes. that reminds me of a disturbing tiktok i saw of a girl being walked around on a leash in public

Anonymous 7894

Oh, eww. Exposing your fetish to strangers you're not even romantically involved with, going as far as doing it in public where kids see it is super gross and wrong.
Good thing that has literally nothing to do with my post

Anonymous 7895

AAAA why did you remind me of her existence

Anonymous 7897

Vile. Revolting even.

Anonymous 7898

>I'm pretty good at imitating cats
hey same. I can even purr too, it's fun.
how is that even remotely similar? cats don't wear leashes, dogs wear leashes. sheesh.

Anonymous 7899

as a terf you must be aware that thigh-highs are a tranny thing now, and that they’re all obsessed with being “subby” etc. how does that make you feel?

Anonymous 7900

I personally have nothing against your post but I could tell right away it was going to cause a shitstorm and I was right. this board is hilarious sometimes.

Anonymous 7901

did a tranny post this?

Anonymous 7903

i can't believe these people are allowed to exist

Anonymous 7904

PURR?? How do you do that? My bf can roll his Rs to imitate purring but not me

Anonymous 7905

oh jeez dont get me started -_- i absolutely love wearing socks so much (a portion of my budget goes to just buying socks) They honestly make me feel really comfy and cute, i just hate having my raw feet against any surface so socks are a must wear for me. Seeing it being associated with hairy coomer legs honestly makes my stomach turn and I try to put it in the back of my mind. When it comes to the "subby" thing that doesnt bother me because I am not a coomer trying to escape from my own self through a reflection of something I can never obtain kek

Anonymous 7906

not OP, but i grew up speaking Spanish with my family and I can naturally roll my R's
maybe s BF grew up speaking or just around a certain language

Anonymous 7907

I've always wanted to do stuff in "public." I found a BDSM club and sometimes the bar my bf likes has BDSM-friendly nights. I'd like to experience that in a space where I don't bother anyone, specially kids.

Anonymous 7908

>When it comes to the "subby" thing that doesnt bother me because I am not a coomer trying to escape from my own self through a reflection of something I can never obtain kek

Anonymous 7911

i'm the oposite i hate socks, they make my feet feel trapped

Anonymous 7913

I think so. I really do think so

Anonymous 7914

>i just hate having my raw feet against any surface
Same but I just wear sandals.
Thread has AGP vibes but I do feel like that when a big guy hugs me. It is kind of a small/cute feeling.

Anonymous 7915

deploy the nukes already

Anonymous 7916

this is the reason why I started hating them. every time i see even a girl wearing them it reminds me of trannies and coomers who spend all their free time playing video games and watching retarded streamers

Anonymous 7921


You girls spend too much time looking at tranny shit… you're just gonna stop wearing clothes or liking pink/blue combo because of some tranny who seethes just knowing you exist? Be a woman and don't give them satisfaction. I associate long socks with expensive dolls and cute outfits like a normal person so maybe reconsider your mindset

Anonymous 7955

>You girls spend too much time looking at tranny shit…
We don't look at tranny porn, they display it in public for everyone to see on social media all the fucking time and we are expected to humor their delusions that they're actual women for wearing girly clothing and getting hard for it. We don't mind wearing that shit in a nonsexual context but troons really do sexualize it a lot, that's why this thread reeks of troonery.


Anonymous 7958

Obvious tranny is obvious.
There is absolutely no woman in real life that would do such a thing. Perhaps you're thinking of a litle girl doing so in a movie, further proof that you are not a biological woman, OP.
Again, you're still not a woman, never will be, and your boyfriend is a raging homosexual like you are, for he only loves you because of your manface, manbody, and mandick, not because of your fetishization of women.

Anonymous 7959

forgot the quoting before "Obvious
>playing cutesy music while looking at myself in the mirror
Nice attempt, transvestite. You fooled a lot of women here.
Yes, read carefully what he wrote. And think again the prompt of the thread: why the fuck would a biological want to be even more "subby" when she is already forced to be so by the patriachy?
Fucking moron OP.

Anonymous 8391

>Seeing it being associated with hairy coomer legs
what terf would put down hairy legs and say she's feeling "subby" and wants her daddydom to call her a good girl. shut your attention hungry hole up moid lol no one's buying it retard


>Whenever Im feeling down, I love to wear/do certain things that make me feel kinda subby.
Indicative your self worth is dependant on others.
Not all transphobes are terfs. Do you know what the RF stands for?


2 of my moids have called me a "good girl" and got off to it or something, even the one who was incredibly obsessed with his religion and avoided being even remotely sexual with me.
Why do moids like doing this so much? Any time he calls me a good girl I just think "…ok?"
At first glance its a tranny, because this is absolutely tranny filled validation seeking behavior, but looking more I think its just a pickme or tradthot or something, because they do this shit too. They're as obsessed with performative femininity as troons are and seem to get off it it while putting "masc" women down…yep yep yep.


I think he has to be predisposed to want to

Anonymous 8606

>even the one who was incredibly obsessed with his religion and avoided being even remotely sexual with me.

Anonymous 8609

how weird. how did you find him?

Anonymous 8614

This whole thread is exquisite, I love how the moid cant hide who he is even when its behind a screen and words (though we musnt reply to men here..)

>im literally a terf

The way he immediately replied with this isntead of 'Im a woman', If the original post was a red flag, this is screaming at us with a megaphone. Where did men got the idea that we think terfs are like the Ultimate women instead of what they are, women with certain political beliefs? Same vibe as going 'Are you a woman?' 'Im literally a pro wrester'.
Also it's kind of funny, I dont know much about radical feminist, but Im sure most of them dont want to be 'cute and subby', specially towards men, and the ones who like it absolutely dont express ot that way. The only one who say that are women pedo-pandering moids & trannies

Anonymous 8616

OP is most certainly a tranny but that point about him saying "i'm literally a TERF is kinda null. TERF means Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist. So he's trying to say he doesn't accept trannies himself. Its a tranny pretending to hate trannies after being called out

Anonymous 8617

Trannies (and any kind of moid) cannot be radfems/TERFs, he's seriously NLOT

Anonymous 8618

Well duh
That's the point

Anonymous 8619

I honestly don’t even think it was a tranny. I think it was someone deliberately trolling and they did a great fucking job.

Anonymous 8661

4chan. he is the reason I hate men

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