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Joseimuke hentai Anonymous 7923

Hentai made by males for males
>The girl always appears to enjoy the act regardless of story

Hentai made by women
>The girl is always making ugly faces or looks retarded
>most stories are dubcon or straight up rape but the girl never seems to enjoy it

What's up with that? I want hentai with handsome ikemen in it but the female character not enjoying the act is a huge dealbreaker. Chemistry and facial expressions are super important in NSFW art and porn but why does it seem like joseimuke artists are going out of their way to make it unappealing?
Who actually gets off to imagining themselves like this?

Anonymous 7927

maybe because for the female mangaka there is an element of reality. they know these situations would be painful and are only likely to happen through dubcon or rape. female hentai readers know this too

while for moid mangaka it's all fantasy and their coomer brains believe women love this stuff or they just don't think of the woman as having feelings and thoughts at all and just draw what they find appealing

Anonymous 7930

I guess the female artists want to reinforce that the rapist is actually uncaring and only interested in his own pleasure, because that’s the part they get off to. not something I’m into personally but I’ve heard stuff like that from other people.

Anonymous 7931

What is the point of introducing reality to rapeplay?
Moid mangaka's fantasy makes more sense to me because if the girl is enjoying it, I can play it off as roleplay no matter how unrealistic it is. It's fiction either way.
But we all know those males don't give a shit about women's pleasure, so I guess moids like it since the girl cums with no effort or something
Hmm yeah. I like sex where the focus is on my partner's pleasure as well. That's why I like oral. But when I see the love interest in female hentai coo over the girl and make her cum etc while she absolutely hates it, just irritates me and feels weird.
It's not that I like rapeplay, I just happened to take a look at some fantranslated titles and noticed this pattern

Anonymous 7949

>most stories are dubcon or straight up rape
I don't think the rape thing is that common, it's just that lately a lot of such manga are becoming popular, in particular a couple of artists and now it seems that everyone's trying to copy them. There's plenty of lighter and fluffier stuff but, the dominant douchebag trope is sadly still common.
I attribute this to the brainwash that Japanese women have suffered over the centuries where they are pressured to be extremely submissive doormats.
It's also wild how being dominant is associated with playing with your partner's body and making them feel good. In """""""femdom""""""" you see how the """""dom""""" just pegs the male (which he obviously ends up enjoying because of his prostate) and jerks him off while saying some "humiliating" things to tease him a bit, instead of like, you know, forcing him to pleasure her exactly how she wants, forcing him to make her orgasm before he does, etc. Meanwhile, in maledom (which is common in porn for women) the guy fondles the protagonist's breasts, teases her clit, kisses her, touches her body, and then fucks her. What's up with that?
And by the way, I don't think your comparison is right. As if dubcon/rape/NTR/pedo hentai shit for scrotes weren't extremely common. The moid want to pretend that those anime girls would enjoy being raped by them. In rape/dubcon femporn we, the audience know that the MC is enjoying it, and the focus is on the guy's actions, his body and the sadistic look on his face so the faces she makes aren't that important. But it does bother me that so many femporn artists take the female expressions straight from scroteshit hentai. I do believe that they just haven't yet figured out how to compose their art on a way that focuses more on the guy or how to draw the woman's expressions in a way that doesn't look like she's suffering. I'm fact, I think they're getting worse (specifically the rape manga authors) because the expressions and gestures are only getting more exaggerated (ahegao became popular in the same way).

Also, I don't like associating the name "hentai" with female-oriented erotic anime/manga.
Also most "joseimuke" manga is called TL – "Teens Love". It doesn't feature actual teens (long story) but adults. There's another sexual manga genre for women called "Lady Comic" or redi-komi, but they're more rare nowadays I think, and also edgier and trashier apparently.

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