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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 7971

hot men owe me sex

Anonymous 7972

why you in particular?

Anonymous 7985

because i’m horny and deserve sex from hot men

Anonymous 7986

exploit their asses make them into sexual objects, start the hunt.

Anonymous 7991

hot zombie moids owe me sex

Anonymous 7992

based thread finally someone fucking said it

Anonymous 8001

well she never said that sexy scrotes only owe sex to her.

Anonymous 8127

So true, slay queen

Anonymous 8130

grab 'em by the dick

Anonymous 8135

Men are literally objects.

Anonymous 8170

so were just acting like scrotes now

Anonymous 8174


men being objects is literally true tho

Anonymous 8176

We are acting like confident and assertive women.

Anonymous 8177

>please stop
so Japanese

Anonymous 8187

I hate how fujos sissify men in their art sometimes.

Anonymous 8199

I love it

Anonymous 8200

Men are literally objects though. Like… they don't have thoughts. They aren't people. Scientific fact.

Anonymous 8206

it’s true. I said this to my boyfriend and he got hard, they love being objectified.

Anonymous 8207

unknown (11).png

Men subconsioucly love being treated like shit but try to hide it. Especially during sex. There's reason why they have to overcompensate with the alpha male culture. They know damn well it would be a huge hit to their pride. They don't want women to find out that they're practically all sluts.

Anonymous 8208

Thinking your partner is an object might not be the basis for a healthy relationship nona.

Anonymous 8212

Sounds like your bf just sucks.

Anonymous 8277

Disgusting, it stops being fun when he's actually into it.

Anonymous 8957

Anonymous 11381

Izaya owes me sex.

Anonymous 11382

He's not real.

Anonymous 14282

And what about women?

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