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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8098

how to have vaginal orgasms?

Anonymous 8105


you don't, just coom from your clit

Anonymous 8108

I‌ haven't had one but the more I‌ tease my clit the more sensitive I get overall, and stroking myself vaginally feels so much better. I‌ got really close a few times, so maybe try doing that.

Anonymous 8110

You can do it using your finders but you have to twist your hand awkwardly and find the right spot and thinking of PIV helps too. Rubbing the clit doesn't help as it feels separate (even though anatomically it's supposed to be the same).

Honestly, it's not really worth the hassle tbh and it's too difficult to get right during actual sex.

Anonymous 8136

i can only have vaginal orgasms when i have hard sex after cumming a few times beforehand so i am extra sensitive, being drunk/high also helps tbh

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