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Choking Anonymous 8123

My bf has mentioned wanting to choke me during sex a few times. Told him it was gross and absolutely not all times.
But, how bad/dangerous is it really? Is it that bad to try? Starting to think about and possibly consider it.

Anonymous 8125

If you're willing to be a little bit brain damaged, then go for it. Also remember that there's always a risk for death or serious permanent damage, even if he says to you "I'll be careful".
Just think about how dangerous would it be if you tied a noose around your neck and let yourself hang a bit before reaching for the chair to stand on again.

Anonymous 8128

Violence isn't sexy, he doesn't respect you. People into choking have had their brains damaged by porn.

Anonymous 8129

Absolutely do not do this anon, it's a huge red flag that he even asked. I cannot stress this enough. I would consider this reason enough to break with with him.

A lot of men choke women to death during sex and then get off with it or get a low sentence by saying it was consensual. You cannot consent to murder.

If you want try the feeling, have sex with your head hanging over the edge of the bed but do it yourself when masturbating. Don't put yourself in a compromised situation during sex, ever.

Anonymous 8134

Even if you say no, there is a chance he might try to do it anyway. Please dump him asap. Don’t risk your life. He’s outed himself if being worthless an porn fried anyway.

Anonymous 8137

>how bad/dangerous is it
Like all BDSM activities, there's a lot of inherent danger. Depending on how tightly he chokes you, it could possibly cause permanent damage, but it would take a lot of effort. There's specific places he would need to avoid applying pressure or it could seriously harm you. He should read up on the anatomy of the neck, as well as do research on signs of causing excessive damage. You'd also need to establish a safe sign (because you won't be able to talk) to have him stop at anytime. If he doesn't respect the safe time, you leave the relationship entirely. If a man can not be trusted with something that means "stop" and can only ever mean "stop", he's abusing you, not domming you.
>Is it that bad to try?
To just try under good conditions? Not really, I've done it once, though what "choking" means varies. If you do do it at all, take it very slowly and flash a safe sign if you are at all finding it unpleasent. Do not put up with anything, do not accept anything, as the sub in this situation your job is to communicate if you are having a good time. You are failing yourself and him if you fail to ensure you have a good time. If you're this hesitant you probably won't like it, but you won't actually know until you try.

Anonymous 8139

What the fuck, I misread the OP and thought you meant "wants me to choke him" so I ignored this thread.
No, absolutely do not. Don't let him pressure you into it. He must respect your boundaries. He shouldn't even ask in the first place. My suggestion is he doesn't stop it, is to leave him.

Anonymous 8153

2b chokes 9s.jpg

would that change anything?

Anonymous 8154

Nta but there would be less chance of it going wrong. Still don’t recommend though.

Anonymous 8164

NTA but in that case
1. He is putting himself in danger instead of you, so he can't force you into it without your consent.
2. I suspect that for most couples even if you were to fuck up not notice whatever safe sign you agreed on, most moids could still toss their girlfriend off them before brain damage sets in, so they're literally in less danger.
3. It's hotter.

Anonymous 8165

It's obviously not as bad as when a scrote chokes a woman, but just like sissy shit, I would consider it a red flag and a sign of pornsickness.

Anonymous 8237

It’s really not that big a deal if you do it right. Just tell him to pinch the sides of your neck instead of crushing your windpipe. It cuts off a little bloodflow and feels exhilarating but it’s pretty much harmless compared to actual strangulation. I think it’s hot. Just make sure he does it safely and you’ll be fine.

Anonymous 8247

Lol he doesn't watch porn and he'd never do something like that without me saying he could, I think he regretted even bringing it up after
He said he did it before so he knows how to, I guess, without hurting anyone.
>most moids could still toss their girlfriend off them before brain damage sets in, so they're literally in less danger.
This is dubious honestly. I think thr average weight for females is like 150 (in the USA) thinner ones are like 120 at an average height. Most men unless they lift can't just easily toss someone off of them and they're already in a compromised position. If you're suffocating and in an awkward pose your even less likely to be able to do this.
Well, me and my bf are very similar height and weight, I'm a couple inches taller and like 15 pounds heavier.
Despite being the most supportive post ITT it deters me the most thinking about someone cutting off blood supply to my brain. Fuck, I would rather have my windpipe crushed.
I've actually held my breath while masturbating before, its something I started doing when I first started in order to be quiet in a house full of other people, so now it feels weird not to. Is that kinda like it?

Anonymous 10937

Squeeze the sides. If you squeeze the front,you can break the windpipe. Being choked enough to cut off blood flow is what makes it hot. Don't fuck a moid who squeezes so tight to where you can't breathe. I get off to being choked so, I make sure they know the proper way to do it.

Anonymous 10972

It doesn't matter how safe/unsafe it is. Even if choking was completely harmless 100% of the time and involved no risk of injury, you would still be agreeing to something you find unpleasant because you feel compelled do so in order to please your BF. Sex should be mutually satisfying for both parties; it should never involve you forcing yourself do something that is distressing to you simply because it gets your partner off. The fact that there's an element of violence and risk involved just makes it more imperative for you to not talk yourself into doubting your initial gut feeling. If he continues to push, then it's time to seriously consider that your well-being is not a priority to him.

Anonymous 10973

Despite what the BDSM crowd says, there is no "safe" way to choke a person. Consequences range from minor brain damage to death, which can follow days to weeks after strangulation.
Not to mention it changes the way your partner perceives you and shifts your boundaries in his/her eyes.
Don't do it.

If you don't like the idea, you won't like the actual experience.
>would rather have my windpipe crushed
Lol nope, you would not.

Anonymous 11005

Red flag, dump him

Anonymous 11165

This, choking is very dangerous and the possibility of brain injury, hemorrhage and death is very real. It's clear that he's perfectly comfortable with risking this because it's risking you, not him. And if he gets the chance, he probably will.

Anonymous 11166

Is that "Ask a female friend to choke you while you masturbate"?

Anonymous 11173

I’m so sorry but the thread pic killed me

Anonymous 11303

My moid wants me to choke him but he says I’m doing it wrong (I’m quite weak and my hands are too small to fit around his neck). I tried squeezing from the sides but it doesn’t cut off the blood supply properly. Any tips?

Anonymous 11312

press down with your thumbs just below his adam's apple, your other fingers don't need to be doing anything

Anonymous 11313

Bad advice. That's the least "safe" kind of strangulation as you don't need much strength to accidentally injure him.

Anonymous 11721

>Any tips?
get a knife and press it hard into his throat during s ex, moids love that shit

Anonymous 11728

Yeah I wish I could do that without going to jail

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