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Anonymous 8171

Recs for a doujin that tells a story or has more to it than your typical hentai? Basically looking for something that is 60% plot and 40% sex instead of 10-90 like most hentai. Pic is Rapiere, a manga I enjoyed. I don't really care what tags it has just so long as its interesting and the art is hot

Anonymous 8173

>Story Line: A h story of a gender swapped Three Musketeers
I am so confused.

Anonymous 8186

You might have better luck asking a scrote hentai website. Disgusting

OP 8190

It's good but it's one of those that is 90% sex so it doesn't really fit what I'm looking for, just thought I'd post it because the historical/literary theme is something I don't see often. It has a mix of stuff though like yaoi and shotas in addition to straight scenes so it at least tries to have something for everyone.
You can post whatever you want, the pic is just an example, it is mostly sex though and like I said I am looking for something with the scales tipped more towards plot while still being hentai

Anonymous 8191

Well that was… interesting. What was it you liked about it?

Also have you tried video games? Stuff like Rance or Monster Girl Quest?

Anonymous 8192

>It's good but it's one of those that is 90% sex
Apart from Milady's fake rape hostage story, and some mentions of having extra marital affairs, there are no sex scenes in the original book. Who has sex with who in the manga? I'm so curious.

Anonymous 8193

Why do you consume scrote hentai though
Play R18 otome games or something
Or go to Bato.to and pick whatever you like

>Saint Foire Festival/evelyn

>Bespoke series

Anonymous 8194

Not OP but you you can easily find it on google, it's just 1 volume. Don't expect anything like the book, just look at what they did to poor Richelieu.

Anonymous 8195

I don't like porn but I'm sure I can imagine what sort of thing they do. Never understood why people adapt things and then completely change it beyond recognition.

Anonymous 8196

Have you never watched LotR or Star Wars or Naruto and thought "That's nice, but I kindaaaa wish everyone was super horny"?

Anonymous 8198

It's fucking hentai, is it that difficult to understand that males don't give a shit if it doesn't follow the original story or even if the characters weren't originally moeshit anime girls, as long as it makes their pp hard?

No, scrote

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