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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8243

Does anyone else ever feel like they want to masturbate but nothing turns them on? Everything feels boring and tired and you have to force yourself to be turned on by something.

Anonymous 8246

Anonymous 8250

this is why people develop degenerate fetishes

Anonymous 8254

I kind of feel like I should force myself to get a fetish as my taste is pretty vanilla.

Anonymous 8266

All the time, including right now

Anonymous 8269

That's when you have to think of a hot scenario and write a story about it

Anonymous 8271

Yea. Until you randomly get turned on some deranged fantasy you would be jailed for. Otherwise masturbating feels like a chore and even if i manage to get myself off manually, it doesn't feel great and my genitals turn numb

Anonymous 8788

Why is hentai always so boring, there is no dubcon in any of it.

Anonymous 8793

Just use your imagination.

Anonymous 8801

i hear this comes from excessive porn use. do you use porn anonette?

Anonymous 8868

No, porn is disgusting. I sometimes look at naked photos but mostly I imagine things.

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