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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8272

Considering that a lot of people don't want babies and that contraceptive failings are common and also that a lot of women would never personally want an abortion (even if they support it being legal), does anyone else feel like it's become normalized to have intercourse way more than it should be?

I'm not saying that people shouldn't have oral sex or anything else, but PIV sex where you can get pregnant surely should be less common unless you want a baby?

Especially if you consider that most women don't orgasm from intercourse. Why are so many women risking ruining their lives with unwanted pregnancies or having to go through an abortion. Pregnancy can literally kill you. Plus all the terrible side effects from contraception.

I know moids love PIV but why do women go along with it? You can argue that no man would date a woman for long who refuses intercourse, but if not having PIV was normalized, they wouldn't have much choice.

Anonymous 8305

Its because of the age
Births are more for people in their 30s now. I think its way scarier to die alone and forgotten than birthing.

Anonymous 8307

Should oral and anal with protection be more common and more accepted than PIV?
How about other forms like intercrural, hands, feet, etc.

Anonymous 8308

oral, intercrural, hands, feet yes
anal definitely NO, that one is even more bothersome and less safe that PiV

Anonymous 8409

How often do you think it should be?
My husband and I only do anything not piv or anal for now (avoiding pregnancy naturally) and we're both ok with that. I fantasize about intercourse all the time though since my orgasms from the inside are much nicer than external clitoral orgasms.

Anonymous 8419


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