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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8376

Have you ever gotten an orgasm from a moid that’s better than one you give yourself?
What was it like

Anonymous 8377

no only i can give myself the best orgams

Anonymous 8382

that one poster who's into hypnosis with her husband can probably say yes to this.

Anonymous 8420

>Have you ever gotten an orgasm from a moid

Anonymous 8426

My ex gave me the most mindblowing orgasms of my life. To the point that masturbation is no longer enough.
He didn't even have to actually penetrate me. Sometimes he'd just finger me, and for some reason it felt amazing.

Anonymous 8429

Yes, the trick is to love him and be loved by him and also communicate and it's just amazing.

Close second though comes from splurging on a Hitachi. Moids can be the best, but they must know it is not a guarantee.

Anonymous 8430

My dad has given me some of my best orgasms.

Anonymous 8434

did you love him deeply or how was this accomplished?

Anonymous 8442

At first I didn't love him. I appreciated him, I liked him. We weren't even dating, but he managed to convince me to sleep with him. I think we were just very sexually compatible. It's almost scary how easy it was for him to speak, touch or kiss me in ways that would drive me crazy.
But I eventually grew to deeply love him. Shit, I still have feelings for him.

Anonymous 8447

Are you me? Did I write this in a drunken haze and then forget?

Anonymous 8450

was he qt

Anonymous 8473

Nah, it's just a relatively common phenomena. I'm not even the only one in my friend circle to have gone through this.
Back when we met? Sure. The fact that he could cosplay as my two biggest husbandos (Dante and Edward Elric) was just the cherry on top, though. I liked his personality above all.
Nowadays? He gained a lot of weight and lost a lot of hair, but somehow I still find him cute.

Anonymous 8474


Anonymous 8941

i have a good christian virgin bf who is an absolute knockout, easily the best looking guy i’ve ever dated. he ate me out a handful of times, and despite me being his first, he very quickly learned how to eat pussy. i love him so much. he wants to wait til marriage until we do it again and i’m fine with waiting because i just adore him so much.

Anonymous 8953

yes because I've never given myself an orgasm

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