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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8418

anyone into hyperspermia? recently discovered it and it's become a fav genre. coomer moment but im always so disappointed when men don't cum like in hentai, what's this two little transparent drops shit? i don't think they cum buckets even with this condition either but tons of precum is still hot _

Anonymous 8498

rumor has it there are supplements that can do this…

Anonymous 8513

I had an interesting conversation with a guy (I was pretending to be male online, I can't talk to men irl) who said he did research on this, and he told me that he believed the best way to increase ejaculate volume was to do kegel exercises because strengthening the pelvic muscles would help push it out. I don't know how true that is, but if I ever get a boyfriend, I'm gonna make him do pelvic floor exercises with me.

Anonymous 8517

I don't think it would increase volume. It would just increase velocity.

Anonymous 8553

Cool, so you could have a lot, but it just dribbles out.

Anonymous 8780

If you want your moid to cum more you need to give him foods rich in zinc. Also tell him to not cum all the time. That way he’ll have more stored.

Anonymous 8781

isn't that a myth?

Anonymous 10839

I bet you could do this if you get him to not cum for awhile. If he saves it up, shouldn't that mean that he could have a huge cumshot once it does happen?

Anonymous 10840

- Use your fingers to press shut the opening of his penis a couple of seconds before he's having an orgasm
- keep shut at least for 15 seconds while the orgasm goes on
- all the fluid builds up in the final tract
- stop pressing and all the built up pressure will shoot the liquid out all at once and at great speed and distance

Anonymous 10844

i feel like this would make the cum go up his bladder since it has nowhere else to go

Anonymous 11291

do this a couple times, once his bladder is full of semen he'll feel the urge to pee then he'll be able to fulfill your hperspermia fantasies

Anonymous 11298


Oh my god this is so shameful.

Anonymous 11302


No, it accumulates at the end of the tube and then when pressure on the tube exit is released, then all the content goes out all at once at great speed.
Volumetric flow rate

Anonymous 11507

this is about 10 years old kek

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