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lol look at this dick dance Anonymous 8523


sorry for the reddit link, but it's the only place where the video is easily accessible with audio as well. (it's on youtube, but youtube forces age verification).

so yeah, look at this dick dance. despite the title, it's not really a "traditional greek dick dance". one of the reddit commenters posted that it's from a 24 hour play ( https://thetheatretimes.com/jan-fabretroubleyn-mount-olympus/ )

Anonymous 8526

lol i cant take this seriously

Anonymous 8529


Anonymous 8560

That's so humiliating, wtf. Who would volunteer to do this?

Anonymous 8563

considering it's from a play, intense theater kids who grow into adults

Anonymous 8637

I would like this if the dancers weren't ugly af

Anonymous 8660


What does this face convey?

Anonymous 8663

pain from trying to keep performing. if you look at the left of the stage, you can see that already one of the guys passed out on the floor from exhaustion

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