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Anonymous 8631

anyone else a size queen? i hate having the quality and it wouldn't be enough to ruin a good person for me but ive been with 3 men and 2 had really big dicks desu. but my e bf was actually like, huge huge. we havent seen eachother in ages and had broken up for a while but ive thought about it ever since. the heat of the moment and situation made me say stuff i never would ever even think of saying, I started calling him daddy, idk i hate that kink in theory and its really embarrassing to me to remember that

Anonymous 8633

>and 2 had really big dicks desu.
yeah, i'm sure they did. seems like everyone in this board has a big dicked bf

Anonymous 8635

Imagine having the luxury of getting fat bf with small dick

Anonymous 8639

well the first guy since i lost my virginity to him i was overhyping it in my mind he was just girthy but this one it is the size of a monster can

Anonymous 8676

My bf has a big pp. It hurts a lot if he isn't gentle

Anonymous 8677

troon thread

Anonymous 10963

what's that mean? do faggots not like penis

Anonymous 10977


Webm for size queens.

Anonymous 11006

You act like we don't know this.
Its the idea of having something that can barely fit, its a psychological thing not much of a physical one.
And tbh usually having more length leads to more thickness which is really what matters the most.
t. Bf 8 inches

Anonymous 11012

She's clearly talking about blowjobs, retard.

Anonymous 11013

based on what

Anonymous 11015

>tiktoker points to three inches as the typical standard for what women can take and want
lol wtf is this? Yes, twelve inches is stupid and unrealistic, but three inches?? Come on, the only women I've seen try to shill tiny penis sizes are women who are trying to look all open-hearted for men, and they're never honest. I have never seen a woman genuinely like or prefer small dick sizes when it came down to practice. We gotta stop the tiny dick shill. Nobody really likes 3 inches, and why should they? At that point, you might as well be using your fucking fingers.

Anonymous 11037

Is 8 inches considered "size queen" territory?
I have a smol body. I used to think 6 inches was huge, my bf is 8 inches and while it was kind of uncomfortable at first, I'm absolutely in love with his manhood. I like to call him "stallion."
I've talked about it with my friends, and they all consider 8 inches "too big." They consider 5 or 6 to be the ideal size, leaning towards big.

Anonymous 11043

She points to her mouth, also she. Refers to the women who can get 5in as pro's.
Five isn't pro unless it's going down your throat.

Anonymous 11076

Rulers ruined my last relationship. I thought my last bf was huge. It was super uncomfortable the first few times we were together but I liked it. He was a nice guy, good in bed, then for some dumb reason I measured him one day.
Four-and-a-half inches.
I know nothing about him changed, and I know it shouldn't have changed anything, but it was like suddenly everything switched off. We broke up two weeks later.
Rulers are dumb.

Anonymous 11114

The depth of most vaginas is like 4ish inches but can extend to be 5-7 when aroused.
However this will not stop be from fetishizing my bfs big dick even though my vagina is on the shallower side. Usually more length also correlates to more thickness and having a bigger dick also means he kinda has more "leverage" to work with.
Eye rolling at the ridiculous pickme in the video sitting there trying to dictate what kind of dick I can take for the sake of making moids with tiny dicks feel better or something.

Anonymous 11122

What do you mean, like, noticing that his dick wasn't actually that big made you want to break up? What?

Anonymous 11130

rulers didn't ruin anything, you did that yourself.

Anonymous 11131


Reality is always a disappointment

Anonymous 11134

rulers are fine, the dumb one is you probable moid

Anonymous 11136

Yes, 8 inches is huge. Top <1% IIRC. The largest you can ever reasonably expect to see. Congrats on landing him, I am jelly.

Anonymous 11144

My bf told me hes 19cm which makes sense because its bigger than my head. Physically it hurts but it definitely turns me on mentally especially since hes a lot bigger than me.
I wouldn't say I'm a size queen though.

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