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Please read the rules! Last update: 04/27/2021


Anonymous 8743

I'm 99% sure my bf has the madonna-whore complex what the fuck do i do

Anonymous 8744

how is madonna-whore complex even real? it seems so fucked up to me.

Anonymous 8745

break up with him obviously.
Reading this shit it sounds rooted in misogyny.

Anonymous 8746

what makes you think he does

Anonymous 8749

Find someone who’s not fucked beyond repair. Seriously.
It’s not your job to undo a lifetime’s worth of bullshit that has accumulated in his mind. He will always view you through that lens.
Either you become The Madonna, an untouchable sacred object who is better off present, yet forgotten, dusting in a shelf while he goes around committing infidelities to scratch an itch.
That, or you become The Whore, desirable and uselful for satisfying his urges, but soiled by his own touch like an used napkin, whose mere expression of sexuality will negate his respect and eat away his loyalty (not like he’d respect Madonna any more, in the end).
Neither of which he’s cabable of loving. What he truly loves is the opinions of other men regarding his private life, and he will always seek their approval first. Your thoughts and needs are secondary to him, and always will be.
You deserve better than that, miner.

Anonymous 8750

Dudes not loyal cut him out. Simple as.

Anonymous 8760

tell him that you want an open relationship, so he can just see you as 100% whore.

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