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30+ thread Anonymous 8860

Who else /oldcatlady/ here? The only think keeping me going is wrapping college guys around my finger.

Anonymous 8861

tell us of your adventures old wise one…

Anonymous 8865

The Best place to find young guys is the liqour store during big sales. That how I met two finance students that I took home for fun. The best fmm threesome position in my opion is one guy laying down and riding him while the other guy stands above you and facefucks you.

Anonymous 8879

I'm turning 33 soon and I've never dated a guy older than 19. I got sick of guys with huge egos getting in the way of a relationship and good sex, and discovered the more inexperienced and younger a guy is, the more willing he is to listen and be taught. I just pick cute guys in their teens, talk to them and take the nice, kind virgins home with me. They'll let me teach them how to treat a partner, without feeling inadequate or emasculated by having to learn something.

Anonymous 8881

you sound like a predator and a pedo

Anonymous 8882

Not the anon, but dating men your age is terrible, they're manchildren and just view you as a sex doll to manipulate and/or as their slave to bear his children, clean the house and prepare him meals. There's already an inherent power unbalance in het relationships, honestly the only way to get a man to mildly respect you is to be a good chunk older than him, otherwise is hard to turn the tables. I'm 26 and I haven't been able to stand a guy older than 20 either.

Anonymous 8883

what country are you from?

Anonymous 8885

I don't want to be specific for privacy (I'm anomymous here, I know, but still…), but somewhere on south america.
I have talked with women from other countries and it'a pretty much the same tho, men are men, I don't think the country matters much. Socialization, patriarchy and all that jazz.

Anonymous 8886

I can see why young males would be more docile and demure, but can you have intellectually stimulating discussions with boys barely out of their teens?

Anonymous 8887

"intellectually stimulating discussions"… I don't think you can have that with grown men either. That's why you have to grab them young (not like… 15yo young obviously, but young enough to be kinda naive, or with an age gap big enough so you can be seen as kind of an authority) and teach them to be normal humans unlike most men. If you set them on the good track, you will be able to have serious conversations with him in some years.
It looks like I'm talking about a zoo animal, but it feels like that, society makes men think the world revolves around them and don't think of women as humans, so unfortunately it's our work to make them get off their high horse and make them think rationally.

Yeah, I guess it can seem like it's grooming, but look at it this way: Men groom younger women because they just want that power unbalance to make them their house/sex slaves who will never say no. Meanwhile women "groom" younger men so our relationship can be equal, or at least not as misogynist. Are there women out there who do this and are actual pedophiles? Yes. But at least for me (and lots of other women), having to "tame" a man is the only way we can have a decent husband later. I'm sure there are good men my age or older, but it feels too risky.
Plus we seem to be looking for 10-15yo age gaps. Men go for women +30yo their junior.

(I said it before, but I will repeat just in case: I'm not the 33yo nona. This is my opinion, not my interpretation of what she is thinking)

Anonymous 8888

I'm not gonna judge you nona, I don't know what kind of experiences you had in the past. It's just, I don't know, I wouldn't want to manufacture my partner, it'd feel exhausting and hollow. Did it actually work for you long term, blossoming into fulfilling relationship after the "taming"?

Anonymous 8889

Intellectually stimulating discussions about what? Science and technology are extremely attractive to young men, and easy to develop a working knowledge of. I'm not picking dullards who can only wrap their minds around celebrities and reality tv, here. Feminist literature? Cultural progression? I've literally never met a man with genuinely insightful views of deeper topics that I could stomach the thought of intimacy with. Meanwhile, the young man who has learned to treat me with respect and consideration has no barrier to developing those depths and can learn something from his older partner who respects and considers him in turn.

Anonymous 8890

I will tell you in a few years, but so far I'm good with the guy I'm seeing.
I think my wording was a bit extreme, being honest all I do is just telling what is ok to do to another person and how to be a normal human in general, I'm not forcing him to do anything, to never protest against me or trying to change his personality.

Anonymous 8910


yeah no, dating younger people to have "the edge" on them is typical predatory behaviour, had you were born a moid you would be labeled a sexual predator or even a rapist and rightfully so, anyways you do you but I will call out your bullshit when I see it

Anonymous 8912

Predator? Rapist? Two legally consenting parties having a stable relationship is a horrific crime to you? Honestly, sounds like projection.

Anonymous 8913


Anonymous 9397

Do you make them do gay stuff for you? Like you're watching and they're going at it

Anonymous 9399

Cry about it

Anonymous 9454

Sometimes I switch it up and riding the guys face, while he gets fucked

Anonymous 9456

Most men my age have so much ego wrapped up around sex. Daring to suggest that just maybe they could improve is some massive blow to their self-worth that they need to take it out on you. Young men who're virgins or inexperienced feel as though they didn't get their "How to Work a Vagina" instruction manual that all their friends received in the mail and are incredibly willing to just follow instructions to feel like they're not incompetent. It's just so nice to tell them what I like and for them to see my pleasure as reward enough for following orders. I'm constantly told "Ugh, but they don't know anything about sex", but can't recall the last time a supposedly practiced man their age could make them cum without fanfare and repeat attempts. At that point why not just TEACH a younger guy precisely how to please you, rather than taking on hours of emotional labour trying manipulate an egotist into changing his habits?

Is anyone actually MORE attracted to men over 25? I literally cannot understand it. I saw the pinnacle of manhood in college and was never moved to pursue less attractive, less energetic men. On occasion I do fancy a thinner, lithe and more youthful partner, but never a fatter, balding and weary one.

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