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I like to switch but my moid is always dom Anonymous 8909

How can I get him interested in letting me dom him a bit? E.g. being on bottom. We don’t do anything very kinky yet

Anonymous 8916

Some people are switches, but they get "whiplash" if they switch back and forth too suddenly or too often. They prefer to be exclusively top for a long time, and then exclusively bottom for a long time.

Anonymous 8918

What do you mean by "a bit"? Did you even tell him?
Usually lovers get a lot of enjoyment out of fulfilling the other person's desire, beside the most extreme ones (and "a bit" sub sounds vanilla).
Otherwise, you can start very lightly by taking control when you're on top, moving yourself pinning his arms down etc.
My partner got interested when he realized it's a great way to feel desirable, seeing your lover doing the legwork.

Anonymous 8926

Yeah I told him and have tried a couple moves but he pushes me away. He says any of those moves is “his job”. So I haven’t even been on top for more than a few seconds

Anonymous 8939

Yuck, sounds like he has some insecurities about his masculinity or is extremely closed minded and too far into traditional gender roles.
If you really love him sure but honestly I can imagine further issues coming in the future.

Anonymous 8975

W-why is that? I always assumed this is a matter of interest and not a reflection on character.

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