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how to offer a guy a blowjob Anonymous 9592

we're not dating just platonic friends but damn he's hot. how so people initiate fwb situations?

Anonymous 9595

If you're alone together, and there's a lull in the conversation, or even if there isn't, you can just kiss him. You can just kiss people. Did you know that? There doesn't need to be some elaborate plan, or perfect setting, or perfect mood. Sometimes, they will ask you what's up, and you can tell them "I think you're hot. I wanna fool around". Or sometimes, they will just kiss you back without talking back. Sometimes, they will tell you "no thanks", in which case, you should have a coping strategy prepared beforehand.

t. a FWB having slut who just kisses people.

Anonymous 9599

this is dangerous advice for a femcel forum.
op dont just kiss people randomly

Anonymous 9601

i did kiss people just to hook up lol. problem is i have no idea if this guy finds me hot or not. he rejected me like a year ago when i had feelings for him

Anonymous 9603

is this really how stacies live? you just go around kissing people? REEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous 9615

That's why kissing around is a bad idea.

Anonymous 9667

I had the weird experience of a guy rejecting me and then fwbing with me, and then we drifted apart and reconnected and we’re really close now. He told me that he wasn’t attracted to me back when I asked him out, and still wasn’t when we were fwb but wanted to have sex regardless because he just wanted sex.
I’d say you can probably get his dick in your mouth if that’s your goal but there’s tons of hot guys out there, don’t have sex with one who’s just using you as a warm hole. It’s really not worth it.
My rule is only hook up with guys who want to date you- they treat you so so so much better. Like you could chase one guy who uses you or have a a circuit of equally hot guys who bring you blankets in the winter and cook for you and really try to do a good job in bed.

Anonymous 9986

DK 1495498304699.p…

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