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Pet Play Anonymous 960

What are your thoughts on pet play? Do you think it's cringy or are you into it? What do you like your dislike about it?

Anonymous 963

It depends on your definition of pet play. I wouldn't eat out of a bowl or behave like a furry but I'd moan like a kitten and act silly and needy.

Anonymous 970

I wouldn't eat out of a bowl or behave like a furry

Nah, not talking furry shit. It's annoying seeing furfags get into the kink and bringing their shit into it. That's why I picked a catgirl hoping not to get that misunderstanding.

I'd moan like a kitten and act silly and needy.

Yeah, I like kitten play too.

Anonymous 971

If that is the case then I am into it

Anonymous 1013


I do it on a day to day basis with my bf for years. I basically have some ear accessories(clips bows etc.), he made me a few collars to wear, i've made a huge fluffy tail, that I sometimes wear, but it's not that comfy.
It feels good for me because of psychological feelings and needs. I love to completely give in and trust in his decisions as a pet and look up to him as my master. Enjoy being more playful this way and just not worrying as much and having him take care of me. I can't say it's as much sexual as it fits the areas we both wanted. He likes to be responsible and to have control. I had a hard time in my life with decisions, trust, self worth and general fears. It's funny how going for this made me trust myself more and become more confident.
We don't have any of that me eating out of a bowl, meowing, barking or walking on all fours. Never did it. I guess it's just hard to explain the dynamic and it might sound weird at first glance. Just doing all of this, sometimes going "feral" and just not listening playfully actually being able to form my own decisions (something i've never been able to do before going into petplay lifestyle) it just feels so rewarding and free in all cases.
I would hate it if it was only sexual or if the person I tried to do it with only ordered me to do sexual things.

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