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Anonymous 9737

What is the best sex position?

Anonymous 9738

whichever makes you cum

Anonymous 9739


Anonymous 9741


>What is the best sex position?
none, PiV sex is not only over rated but anatomically worthless for women, having a moid suck and lick your clit is where is at, he can jerk himself off at the end if he wants

Anonymous 9743

I wish we could just use missionary because I love kissing him while we fuck, but we end up on our sides (don't even know what it's called) so we can finish together. Very annoying. I want to be all romantic and kiss him as we cum together, without needing to plan for it.

Anonymous 9744

Tbh PIV (missionary) feels really good to me and if I touch myself while doing it I can cum in like 2 minutes. Have never orgasmed from oral though, it feels like a slug sliding over me and gives me next to no pleasure.

Anonymous 9749

why do you need to be on your sides to finish together?

Anonymous 9753

based, you shouldnt do anything else ever except for the propose of procreation when one is ready

Anonymous 9763

I dunno. Cumming in missionary takes a lot of buildup, but on my side it's extremely quick.

Anonymous 9771


virgin here, what about cowgirl, it looks really cute and you can kiss and you decide the pace

Anonymous 9781

I'm also a virgin but that looks like a chore to do

Anonymous 9785


first he tires himself out in missionary, then you mount him for round 2 and listen to his cute moans when he cums and you keep going
this way you're both tired and you both get what you want
t. virgin

Anonymous 9789

Leglocked missionary or mating press.
Bonus points if he talks to my ear.

Anonymous 9835

ngl love doggy

Anonymous 10773

I used to think cowgirl would be to much work but ngl after trying it I really liked it, it was so hot, I leaned over him and I buried my boobs in his face and it was just amazing. Literally the best sex ever I can't stop thinking about it and I wanna brag.
Missionary or cowgirl is favorite position, depending on my mood I guess.
I am insecure about my ass and kinda dislike doggy, also its an awkward angle for me and overall I just feel gross doing it, like I am a cow or something.

Anonymous 10779

>Getting eaten, seated
5/10. Good as an opener or precursor but rarely able to get off on it all the way. moid runs out of tongue batteries.
>Seated reverse cowgirl
6/10. Bad penetration, no intimacy, laborious, horrible if he has boney legs. balancing is tough.
>seated cowgirl
7/10. Pretty hot, very loving and intimate, penetration suffers, best done in an armchair as officechairs tend to topple over when it starts getting good. Never do it bareback unless you want kids as there's no way to easily hop off when he's close.
8/10. Feels amazing. Fantastic manipulation of the dick, dominant position. Only drawback is that the guy doesn't last as long in my experience.
9/10. Excellent penetration, fantastic for his force of thrust. only drawback is that your knees get sore after a while and the moid sometimes grabs your thighs too tightly
10/10, the best position. Equal control, excellent thrust force and decent penetration. very intimate. Best when his arms are around you and your legs are up and around his butt/back. Breeders choice.

Anonymous 10785


Interesting! Can't he be trained so he can eat you out for longer?
And doggystyle looks so impresonal and humiliating. I want our bodies glued toghether head to toe and with constant eye-contact.

Anonymous 10787

>I am insecure about my ass
That is kind of sad, I hope you end up feeling better about it. If a moid doesn't like your ass, you shouldn't be with him.

Anonymous 10789

He is very nice and never has said anything remotely bad about my body, he says he likes the way my ass looks, but I don't because it gets acne and is very saggy, so I know he is just saying these things to make me feel better.
Overall I agree with >>10785 , doggy does feel degrading kind of.

Anonymous 10793

>Never do it bareback unless you want kids
>relying on pulling out
You are a daredevil risktaker, woman.

Anonymous 10794

>Can't he be trained so he can eat you out for longer?
Yes, and I can totally recommend long sessions, at least half an hour. As soon as he starts to get the hang of it and becomes decent enough you'll get addicted.

Anonymous 10798

I hate condoms. Whenever he's using one the texture doesn't feel right. It's the same texture/feeling as a medical glove with a thin layer of Vaseline on it. Plus bareback has that exciting risk factor. No babies yet. Wouldn't be that mad if we gave into our urges.

Plan B completely screws up your cycle and leads to weird spotting etc but luckily I've only lived that nightmare once many years ago, and that was done because he left it until a fraction of a second and came as he was pulling out. We were 90% sure he was out before his release, but 90 isn't 100 and we were in no position for babies. We are now though.

Can't tell you how many times I've almost wrapped my legs around him when he warns he's close. One time I even dared him. That brief moment of instinct grappling with reason was as hot as it was priceless.

Anonymous 10799

Condoms make my vagina sore, idk if its the friction or a latex allergy or what. My moid obviously doesn't like condoms either so we don't use them.
>Plan B completely screws up your cycle
I was fucked up for months afterwards. I recently took it again and havent noticed much of any side effects but breast tenderness? Maybe its because I have gained a lot of weight and am metabolizing it differently.
Pulling out fucking sucks and I would never use it as contraception every single time, neither of us have that self control lol and it makes sex kinda anti climactic I guess.

Anonymous 10868

I fantasize frequently about risky bareback with no BC but mostly agree with >>10799 that pulling out sucks and wouldn't want to have to rely on it. I just love when he cums inside and collapses on me after, it's so satisfying.

Anonymous 10936

I think I'm broken because doing it "from the back" was always a position girls claim to be the best, but its painful for me.

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