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Period sex Anonymous 997

yes or no? do you use anything to stop the blood? what about oral?


Anonymous 998

yes to PIV, absolutely no to oral. but i don't like it that much, it makes me feel gross my messy. my current boyfriend and ex didn't mind at all though.

the first time i had period sex was only because i was in a LDR, and happened to be on my period during the brief period i got to see my bf. i wouldn't see him for another 2 months so i figured i'd make him happy.
most of the times i've had period sex were because my bf was really horny and i gave into it. but i haven't had period sex in over a year.

oh and we didn't use anything to stop the blood, we just put a towel down.

Anonymous 1000

Sure to both, but only in the shower or bath.

I'd actually love it since I get pretty horny that week. Or rather, I am all the time but it's exacerbated because genitals are on my mind more.

I'm actually surprised that a good deal of men are fine with it. I thought it disgusted them all, but apparently not.

Anonymous 1008

No. I made a huge mess last time and that wasn't nice. It looked like he stabbed me.

Anonymous 1010


Am permavirgin but felt the need to post this.

Anonymous 1014

Yes. for the longest time I thought it's messy and disgusting,but my bf made me realize that it feels great if done gently. Hell, it removes most of my cramps and pains. It's a lot more work for him during the time as I require a ton of foreplay, but it's gooooooood.
NO NO NO to oral play then. Neither he nor me would want that.

Anonymous 1015

Period oral is the best tbh, you ladies don't know what you're missing. I really like the idea of a guy who isn't bothered by me at all and is willing to do that.

Anonymous 1016

So when you do this, does he eat you out while you free bleed, or do you have a tampon in to stop the flow?

Anonymous 1040

Yeah just free bleeding, a tampon would be really uncomfortable I think

Anonymous 1043

I keep my tampon in and I dont notice any discomfort.

Anonymous 1066

I’m a virgin but I feel like I wouldn’t be into it. Mainly because I usually feel gross and bloated during my period week. I may change my mind later on though.

Anonymous 1069

While it usually makes me pretty nerveous to make a mess and i prefer to have a lot of foreplay while i focus on them, i get really sensitive and it feels fucking good when i actually get some

Anonymous 1848

I think I'd be into it. I'm a virgin, but it's probably one of the weirder things I'd try.

Anonymous 1851

Yes, but only with a long term partner (bleeding on a hookup is too weird imo)
I usually hold off on the guy going down on me until day 5-7, but penetration has never been off the table because of a period. If I'm really gross and uncomfortable with penetration I'll obviously say no and suggest an alternative instead (;, but every long term relationship I've been in involved some form of period sex when it comes up.

Anonymous 1966

I would like to try it, but my boyfriend doesn’t like the sight of blood in general, so I don’t think that’ll ever happen.

Anonymous 1967

My bf has tried to get me horny enough to try it (he's done it before and doesn't mind) but i find it too disgusting, mainly because i'm really sentitive to smell and period blood smells pretty much as soon as it hits the air.

I would be willing to try it in the shower except i don't like shower sex either because i find it unconfortable. Maybe someday.

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