
Lolcow bunker thread #0010 Anonymous 191866
Anonymous 191867
Caroline Ellison has pleaded guilty to charges related to FTX's collapse
Anonymous 191868
>>191827In a way they did. All the raids that have been happening were so annoying it made the site unusable. Hoping the update is gonna help with a lot of the spam bot issues and not make it an fbi roulette every time you go to the home screen
Anonymous 191871

Anonymous 191872
I hate you guys, I've been shitposting here all day instead of working. Thanks.
Anonymous 191875
You know that one person who gets really invested in cooking christmas dinner and makes like half a dozen incredibly over-the-top dishes, and takes it so seriously it spoils the mood?
Anonymous 191876
>>191860Either way it's not true because you can go in the thread and see anons responding to people posting cringe from other sites and trying to infight.
Anonymous 191878
I can't access new or original lolcow, but from the looks of it, from what other anons posted. Fuck this, i hate new lolcow. Are all previous threads just going to be nuked? nobody warned us.
And i fucking hate new design, Shaymin better brings an option of turning AT LEAST the classic lolcow imageboard skin. Not whatever this new bullshit is (not even mentioning that this
>>191710 looks like a bad ripoff of Crystal cafe's /x/ board. fuck this i want my true lolcor back
Anonymous 191879

>>191844im not exactly sure but i'm going to go to the more expensive grocery store and see what kinds of fancy meats and cheeses they have! this is my inspiration picture.
Anonymous 191880
I just want to swallow the cum of 2d men. I can’t wait to die and go to heaven, I’ll be such a whore in the afterlife
Anonymous 191882

Reposting from the last thread, So If a planned migration of the old content on the new site is happening, how will it work?
is every single thread going to taken over or just the last incarnations of those threads, could someone on the lc discord ask them ?
Anonymous 191884
>>191772Even though I shat on you nonas that one time you have my sympathies and my belssing, this post warmed by cold heart.
Anonymous 191886
>>191879oooh very fancy! i'm hungry and want fancy cheese now kek
Anonymous 191888

I don't understand why there's so much of this type of manga. "She's X but she's actually Y?!?" it feels like a cope on the moid author's part.
Anonymous 191889
>>191876It's true for the most recent infight.
Anonymous 191890
>>191876i know anon, they just have to tell themselves they never did anything wrong and pat each other on the back, guilty conscience
Anonymous 191891
>>191888>the tits going over the titleew
Anonymous 191893
I'm back nonitas and still no lc. I'm getting hungry.
Anonymous 191896
suggestions for lolcor skins/themes
Anonymous 191899
>>191888>maidenly, innocent elfsounds gross already
Anonymous 191900
>>191880Same, can't wait to touch my husbandos slutty chest and underarms and his hideous stupid sexy face
Anonymous 191901
>>191880>thinking they won't all pick angel gfs over youJust like right now!!!
Anonymous 191902
I'm watching these "3 designers design a space" videos, I like them but god the designers sound so pretentious lmao
Anonymous 191903
Three days with fever, I am dying.
Anonymous 191904
>>191897nayrt but i made a spinach mushroom one yesterday and it was delish
Anonymous 191907
>>191904damn how do you get so motivated?
Anonymous 191910
>>191867No! Not the femcel Stacy queen
Anonymous 191911
>>191902>sound so pretentiousI feel like this applies to every interior designer
Anonymous 191915
>>191895I'm fine with gap moe when it's a part of the character but when it's the entirety of the character it just feels like a massive cope. "She's not actually a slut even though she acts and dresses like one, she's really a pure innocent virgin who's never even held a guy's hand and she's been saving herself for you!", "She doesn't actually hate your guts, she just secretly loves you!", or "She's not really strong, assertive, or independent she's actually a demure, innocent, and shy girl who's submissive to you!" it just reads like a massive cope.
Anonymous 191916
>>191907i just like cooking it's my hobby, and i'm not good at anything else kek
Anonymous 191917
>>191911Yes I know, especially the super faggy ones
Anonymous 191918
>>191901>not being your husbando's ideal gf by default Anonymous 191919
>>191873Those tiny 6 oz cans of root beer. I want to have a fancy soda tasting with my friends.
Anonymous 191920
>>191873ultra rosa monster energy drink
Anonymous 191921
Now it's another breed of horny losers dragging down the thread
Anonymous 191922
>>191913I'd fuck this bald piece of shit, I'd fuck his vocal cords. I know his hole is pleasant.
Anonymous 191923
>>191873I'm just gonna open my xmas soda!
Anonymous 191924
>>191902none of these look like places where people live
Anonymous 191925
>>191906We call those just pies. Upper anons spinach pie sounds delicious.
Anonymous 191926
>>191915>She's not actually a slut even though she acts and dresses like one, she's really a pure innocent virgin who's never even held a guy's hand and she's been saving herself for you!I always hated this trope, but the popularity of dressup darling made me hate it so much more kek
Anonymous 191927
>>191917>find a channel that reviews every house in each CAS world>he has the most faggy pretentious voice imaginableFUCK. I already have to deal with that shit with my brother, why do I gotta deal with that shit in the Sims.
Anonymous 191928
Anonymous 191929
>>191917that girl with a dozen of necklaces is a bit too much though
Anonymous 191932
>>191916Do you know any good cooking boards? I fucking hate the insufferable moids on the cooking subreddit, they're all such fucking redditors.
Anonymous 191937
>>191931I have 10 fingers and a tongue
Anonymous 191938
>>191921Their generation didn't grow up with the horny jail shit, they grew up in faggy RP groups so they think this shit is normal
Anonymous 191939
>>191932Once lc returns we should have a cooking thread
Anonymous 191940
>>191878it looks like rdrama or something. all those archived threads RIP
Anonymous 191941
the past few days have been shit, my cat’s been really sick and not having lc as a distraction has sucked. these threads are keeping me going thank u nonas
Anonymous 191943
I made my mom mad rn by saying “it’s twelve o clock” like “ it’s twayyylve o clock”
Anonymous 191945
>>191871It is a blessing that you do not see the ugly
Anonymous 191948
>>191938I think it's an active attempt to make this site worse and the high-quality posters to leave in disgust.
Anonymous 191949
I need to vent and I need lolcor back this place is too unfamiliar to me
Anonymous 191950
>>191922I hate how scrotes talk about man sex, everything is "hole" or some gross word like "Bussy". It sounds so disgusting.
Anonymous 191951
>>191937Wtf why do you want to lick moid anuses
Anonymous 191952
>>191255>made by a mandid you forget ines’ role in that?
Anonymous 191953
>>191948>high quality posters>in a bunker thread Anonymous 191954
>>191932/ck/ is unironically good if you ignore all the fast food ones. there's great advice every now and then but i stopped going on 4fags altogether so i dont know if it's still the same. there's always archives too to look through. if anybody know any old school forums i can join lmk
also i get most of my most passionate cooking inspiration before i get my period mostly from video based social medias or pinterest kek. i trust moms or actual chefs only when it comes to techniques or tricks but i freestyle everything else
Anonymous 191955
Current status
>Website is offline for 90% of s
>People who can access the site are autobanned for namefagging
>Admin is AWOL
Anonymous 191957
Why does the new layout suck so hard
Anonymous 191958
>angel gfs
Literally rent free
Anonymous 191959
>>191954I only use /ck/ to make troll threads about weed and veganism kek. Sometimes I make threads and don't even bother reading the replies
Anonymous 191960
>>191952End of the day Ian is the one who made and maintained LC first. Was she the one he originally handed LC off to?
Anonymous 191961
i just got fucking auto banned on new LC for responding on mobile, and it immediately said I'm spamming and namefagging. Admin says there's something wrong with replying mobile, especially using safari, but I can't get my ban appealed anyways.
All of the old threads are gone, i dont like the looks of this
Anonymous 191963
>>191939good idea nony, i'm sure there's a long forgotten one in the boards somewhere we can revive. i'd love to swap recipes with anons
Anonymous 191964
>>191922consider sewercide at this point
Anonymous 191965
>>191957because admin just got the site up and had no time working on it yet + it's customizable
Anonymous 191966
>>191961posting is disabled for everyone rn
Anonymous 191967
this is why i need a handler, pasted some shit I meant to send to a friend on here instead of what i really wanted to paste. Fucking retarded
Anonymous 191968
>>191955How many times are y'all going to give these dumb ass "updates"? She just rolled out the new LC like two hours ago, it's going to be buggy for a good while. Like wait until after Christmas to start bitching about how bad everything is. Shaymin doesn't have a reputation for being techn savvy so there's bound to be a long bumpy road for the new LC
Anonymous 191969
>>191954I once made a thread about cooking with lavender and got sneered at because flowers are for girls.
Anonymous 191970
Looks cute n0nnie.
Anonymous 191971
>>191968There's no reason these issues couldn't have been fixed behind the scenes before the cutover
Anonymous 191972
>>191965You guys keep saying it's customizable as if it is a good thing. I want lolcow not a fucking blog
Anonymous 191973
do any of you tech smart guys know a safe tutorial for a virtual machine? i tried to download one before but it didn't work
Anonymous 191974
>>191969Shows how uncreative moids are. Have to dismiss a whole ingredient because muh masculinity!!1
Anonymous 191978
i just woke up and i’m so baffled about new lolcow. it doesn’t even look like an image board anymore and why do you need to go to the original.lolcow url to see old threads? it seems very obvious that on a site dedicated to chronicling cows where old threads constantly get linked all the information should be on one site?? what was even the point of this update? we didn’t want a new layout we just wanted the /m/ board back and glitches fixed…. why can’t i post on my phone…. i am so done with lolcor
Anonymous 191979
>>191974I know, and he also said that roses taste bad, the genius was just eating straight rose petals.
Anonymous 191983
>>191963there was, i used to post on it a lot and it recently got bumped before maintenance. it's not very active though but we can try harder! i'd love to try nonichka recipes from around the world. sisterhood
Anonymous 191987
>>191978oldmin wanted and started working on this update years ago, shaymin just continued with it. no clue why they couldn't move threads over or even fix /m/.
Anonymous 191988
I actually think it looks pretty nice, it will probably prevent spam too right? Since now you have these small checks, I'm looking forward to seeing the finished result!
Anonymous 191989
>>191969I dated a scrote (for 3 days) who told me his dad said that drinking too much milk will give him tits and make him leak milk. I told him that was retarded, he also thought every woman had leaking breasts 24/7 and that was why we wore bras.
He was 22 and I was 20 at the time. He had a big dick though but was very retarded.
Anonymous 191991
Anonymous 191992
Cooking thread will almost certainly derail into anachan sperging You know I'm right.
Anonymous 191995
>>191978It needed to be updated firstly because of the old software and 2nd because it was hosted on cloudfare and we saw how that turned out for kf. Seriously, just fucking wait.
Anonymous 191996
If you could really splurge on ingredients, what would be your dream dish?
>>191992Hope the mia-chans can claim that one.
Anonymous 191998
thank you anon
Anonymous 191999
I want to beat my husbando to near death and nurse him back to health
Anonymous 192000
>>191971Have ypu considered admin actually has a life and a job? Holidays and new year might be her free time.
Anonymous 192001
>>191992>>191932>>191939theres a cooking and baking thread in /g/
it's just dead
Anonymous 192003

>>191996Barilla blurhapsody, 3d printed pasta. I'd love to make something like picrel.
Anonymous 192004
>>192001Oh, that's why I don't remember it since I avoid /g/ like the plague. I think /ot/ would be better
Anonymous 192006
>>191972I'm assuming they'll bring back the basic ib themes like yotsuba and futaba, and we'll probably have a wide assortment of user submitted themes. There's a lot of nonas that know css/html. Relax
Anonymous 192007
>>191972you can literally just make it look like the old layout then
Anonymous 192009
>>192004iirc there's a things you ate thread in /ot/ and some nonas shared recipes there
Anonymous 192010
>>192000then why did she schedule the update for now of all times? she could’ve pushed it back and no one would’ve noticed, she went a year without doing anything
Anonymous 192011
>>192007to stop the fighting either it needs to be a theme option or somebody should post it in a future css thread
Anonymous 192013
Screenshot 2022-12…

I'm looking for disscounts & why the fuck is this a game on the switch kek
Anonymous 192014
>>192010new theory just came up: shaymin sold lolcow for 2 bananas and a christmas tree
Anonymous 192015
>>191973Just download VM Workstation or what ever it's called and an .iso file of windows 7/xp/whatever
Anonymous 192016
>>191980stop being retarded then.
>>191971There's actually a lot of reasons. Bugs will pop up because instead of he testing with her PC in an environment she can control, the website is live, being accessed by people all over the world who all have different agendas when posting. Bug testing in a sandbox environment is hella different than irl application. It's going to take her some time to smooth out the kinks, this happens with every website ever.
Anonymous 192019
Stupid question but can you be a radfem while being married to a moid
Anonymous 192020
>>191999Same but he's stronger than me..
Anonymous 192021
>>192015thank you too anon im going to try virtualbox and if it doesnt work (it did't work the first time I tried it) i will try this one
Anonymous 192022
>>192019Let's all agree to ignore questions that will start fights.
(not sayings its deliberate bait, just that it may as well be)
Anonymous 192023
>>192019this is such a moid thing to ask
Anonymous 192024
>>192022Sorry I didn't mean it as bait, I was genuinely curious
Anonymous 192027
>>192021Np nona! I used that a while ago to download illegal software kek.
Anonymous 192028
is modding a 3ds completely really 100% risk free? mine is from my childhood yes im a zoomer and i would seriously lose my mind if i lose any of the data on it.
>inb4 look it up
i have but i keep getting mixed or uncertain answers, one time it's risk free the other it's not. i know i can trust you nons to tell me the truth.
also i'm not tech savvy AT ALL, would it be hard or is it beginner friendly? yes i know there's a manual but i'm dumb as rocks to begin with and seriously tech illiterate
Anonymous 192030
>>192029hell yes nonners. i love portobello mushrooms
Anonymous 192031

so bored i'm doing a puzzle what the fuck is my life? I have nothing to do today
Anonymous 192033
>>192028Don't do it if you aren't tech savvy or can't follow instructions
Anonymous 192035
>>192028https://3ds.hacks.guide/That site is all you need to know, I hacked 4 3DS when I have never done anything like it and had no problems.
Anonymous 192036
I hope the threads-disappearing-between-pages bug will be fixed with this.
Anonymous 192037
>>192031you are the worst anon on this imageboard
Anonymous 192038
>>192028depends on method
as long as you're not doing some crazy soldering mod chip it should be okay, everything is a lot more streamlined than before
just back up your 3DS system files before doing everything and have a good quality SD card so it doesnt crap out mid way
>>192027are you hacking the planet
Anonymous 192039
>>192019Depends on your definition of radfem. Political lesbians would say no while acknowledging that marriage is an institution and compulsory for a lot of people. I think the thing is, marriage itself is a reminder of women's oppression. Being with a moid is more ambiguous. Political lesbians hate the "not my Nigel" shit. Some het radfems thought it was possible but aknowledged the possibility that it could be cope. Personally I don't like not my Nigel, but I also don't like "my moid pisses me off sooo much" because it's like, why stay with him then?
Anonymous 192040
>>192031I pray for your soul but there is no redemption
Anonymous 192044
>>192019Only if you are the dominant (NOT in a deliberately organized, sexual fetish way) partner.
Anonymous 192046

Are all the old threads going to be restored?
Anonymous 192047
>>192044women can't be dominant over men in a male dominated society
Anonymous 192048
>>192028You should back up your files before you do it, save them to your pc or cloud etc (I am sure there are videos how to do it). It's not hard to do, but you need to follow instructions. The 3DS store is dead so you are shit out of luck getting games otherwise if you do not have physical copies, so hacking is good for the longevity of the console.
Anonymous 192049
>>192031Is alogging bannable here? Anyways, I hope you know you make me want to alog
Anonymous 192050
>>192028>>192033I'm not tech savvy at all and I managed to do it. I used this guide:
https://3ds.hacks.guide/ which holds your hand trough the whole process. But there is always going to be a risk when you do stuff like this so think it trough. It's been a while since I done it but I think you need a free game on the nintendo store in order to do the method I linked(unless the method has changed) so if you go trough this method make sure that game is still available. Read the whole guide trough before you do it
>>192038>ack up your 3DS system files before doing everything and have a good quality SD card so it doesnt crap out mid wayThis is good advice
Anonymous 192051
>>192045why everytime this specific anon posts this fat guy he goes samefagging "kekk omg you are the funnier anon here!!" like that? so cringe
Anonymous 192054
>>192049I seriously hope i'm not causing you real life anger, This puzzle is hard as hell though. It's good at wasting time.
Anonymous 192055
>>192044There is no way to be dominant over a moid, it's all a fetish to them
Anonymous 192056
If the goodwill runs out where do we go after cc?
Anonymous 192057
>>192047There is more than just sex that determines who has power in society. A rich woman can absolutely have power over men, just not ones who are anywhere near financially equal.
Anonymous 192059
>>192039ayrt thank you for the answer n0nnie. I'm just trying to learn about these kinds of things since I'm a privileged burger-chan that comes from an immigrant family from a 3rd world country so I was just genuinely wondering kek but I understand why the other anons were wary about my question
Anonymous 192062

>>192056i think we have to integrate here, or at least that's what i plan to do
Anonymous 192064
i thought it was funny
Anonymous 192065
>>192057why do ex fds users view everything in such a individualist way? i'm saying that if men hold the power in society, an individual woman can't have power over an individual man in any way that matters
Anonymous 192066
>>192000Nta but I think this update has been coming for at least two years, with old admin having done some of the work (again, I think) so it's not like there wasn't any time to fix bugs or reach out to other people to fix any issues. Not to say the site should or would be working 100% perfectly after moving to a new server, but I'm just saying that there has been time.
Anonymous 192067
she is worse at least fujoshi dont spam ugly fat moids
Anonymous 192068
>>192059>I'm a privileged burger-chan that comes from an immigrant family from a 3rd world countrywtf does this have to do with your question retard. read a book
Anonymous 192071
I’m thinking about all of the emotionally unavailable men I would yearn for so badly and how in reality they were actually all insanely boring people kek
Anonymous 192072
just woke up where's my lolcor
Anonymous 192073
>>192068just explaining why im a retard anon but i forgot the only discussion you freaks like to have is yume vs fujo shit
Anonymous 192074
>>192069i hope she and he die of diabetes and stop spamming here
Anonymous 192076
My phone's home button is broken, so everytime it dies I have to use command prompt to restart it and it always makes me feel like a super smart hacker tech person
Anonymous 192077
It isn't working at all. GIVE ME LOLCOW BAKC!!!
Anonymous 192078
>>192067>spamIt's not spam, people just start spazzing the fuck out and assuming anyone posting what is obviously a shit post about Josh is the same anon and start telling people to die and shit. It's honestly odd and it didn't use to be like this.
Just like that Fujo shit, some of people in the bunker thread gets so fucking mad about dumb ass posts
Anonymous 192079
>>192073you may not be moid but you're annoying and dumb. Sorry about your mental delays nonz
Anonymous 192080
>>192076I feel like this whenever I use a basic keyboard shortcut instead of the mouse.
Anonymous 192081
>>192043After consulting with my team and excexuting a complex financial assessment, we have determined that lolcow is worth 3 Colombian pesos.
Anonymous 192082
>>192071same, I still have shit taste, just a little lest shit
Anonymous 192083

I don't want to work today. I just wanna sit in this thread and watch everyone sperg and infight.
Anonymous 192084
>>192078not gonna read this. you are boring and unfunny. stop with this shit you are not going to be the new pakichan
Anonymous 192088
>>192080You could not believe how many people think even those are some sort of wizardry
Anonymous 192089
>>192085Should I buy a Miku figure or Crystal Cafe?
Anonymous 192090
>>192086tfw you still can't afford it (I don't believe this btw)
Anonymous 192092
What other tabs do you have open? I'm listening to Rapture by Blondie, and hatereading reddit.
Anonymous 192093
>>192083i know right? i don't even know what they're fighting about anymore but it's kind of entertaining.
Anonymous 192094
>>192085dont listen to them cc, you're priceless
Anonymous 192096
I finally got my taco bell. I think they gave me the wrong burrito but it's ok because it's still delicious. I also got a chalupa.
Anonymous 192100
>>192092What are your favorite subreddits to hateread?
Anonymous 192102
>>192096So I called myself getting a mexican pizza, I was thinking
>Ohh dough>cheese>Beef>Taco sauceinstead it was
>Soggy Taco shells.>Beef (cold)>Soggy tomatos>nasty taco sauceit was my fault
Anonymous 192103
>>192092shitposting on /int/ and listening to kanye
Anonymous 192104
>>192092Some troon threads on the classic lolcow /snow/ archive that I'm catching up on.
Also, go read r/fourthwavewomen so you'll have a reddit sub you actually won't hate.
Anonymous 192105
I bought one of those huge platters of salami today because it was on special but it doesn't add enough flavour to toasties for my taste.
Help! what can I use ~500g of mild salami for?
Anonymous 192106
>get off my vag
Anonymous 192107
>>192092A taekook tinfoil video because some kpop anon brought it up in the other thread and twitter
Anonymous 192109
>>192100yall please dont judge my cringe ass but i like to read r/nosleep unironically
Anonymous 192110
>>192100NTA but BestofRedditorUpdates and the big relationship advice subreddits have been entertaining recently.
Anonymous 192111
>>192100egg_irl and purplepill for ragebait, AITA for some hearty keks.
Anonymous 192112
>>192085It's a prime number, congrats cc
Anonymous 192113
>>192102You've never had a mexican pizza from Taco Bell®? Damn n0nny the taco shell is what makes it good tho
Anonymous 192116
Sounds bad but how did shaymin get her name? I’m assuming something w shaymus or did she give it to herself?
Anonymous 192117
So it looks like all the cow threads will have to be remade and the old ones are achived (though I guess anons can just copy paste the most recent OPs)
Captcha is a good idea to stop moid spam. So far so good.
Anonymous 192118
>>192109same lol, some of the nosleep stories are good to read when you’re really bored and don’t want to think too hard
Anonymous 192122
>>192114nah pewdiepie is kinda ugly but not fat and hideous like this guy
Anonymous 192123
>>192120what do u be watching on youtube
Anonymous 192124
Can we make an iterim heather sparkles thread on cc?
Anonymous 192125
>>192117Also that hated corndog header is still there, unfortunately, and the old spoiler image, I hope one of the spoilers artanons made can be put in
Anonymous 192128
>>192120I use chrome groups and never cleared my tabs again
Anonymous 192129
>>192120My computer eventually starts to turn into a potato if I have that many tabs open at once. I wind up dropping them all down into OneTab, which is basically like having another bookmarks option.
Anonymous 192130
>>192120This stresses me out so much, backup the tabs you need as a favorite or in a file or something and close them aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Anonymous 192132
>>192125Will CSS be able to change the spoiler image?
Anonymous 192133
>>192117i hope they dont add those hard captchas. i cant pass them and im not a robot
Anonymous 192134
>>192116She took over the site bc she did not want the shayna threads to end
>>192123Some Business Insider and Architectural digest stuff, internet drama videos, LegalEagle, Our Changing Climate, doll and miniature stuff, chemistry videos, nail art, tech stuff
Anonymous 192136
>>192135Ikr like whoo is she trying to fool
Anonymous 192137
Any obscure but catchy music recs?
Anonymous 192138
If you'd believe it, I was never mean online until Lolcow.farm. I would'nt get into fights or insult. The past few months are the first time I've been directly an asshole to people online (I don't use social media like that)
Anonymous 192140
>>192135once i tried to post in a alien thread on /x/ and i couldnt because their captcha is impossible for me idk if im dumb or something like that
Anonymous 192141
>>192132Is the pork chop one still there?
Anonymous 192142
>>192134Oh sorry how could I forget, 4 hour long videos about my fave video games by some fat soyboy
Anonymous 192147
>>192133I would prefer that. It would not only stop moids and trolls but also filter out twitterfags.
Anonymous 192148
I feel so boring. My tabs are boring
>Sims 4 cc
>Locked paetron shit on sims 4 I may pay for to share and brag about later
>This thread
Anonymous 192150
It's funny because I had no reaon to be mean, nobody was insulting me on other gossip sites. I'd talk my shit and go. Now every time I make a post it's some bullshit. YOU MADE ME THIS WAY. Never told anyone who didn't have a dick to "Shut the fuck up" until like three weeks ago on lolcow.org
Anonymous 192151
>>191991Omg nta but I thought those bowls were supposed to be better than other ones because they don’t have to pull their whiskers back as much. Was I wrong this entire time? My poor kitties. What is the best bowl for a cat?
Anonymous 192152
Will terfposting and scrote hating be allowed site wide? I ask because I don't see anything in the rules about it and /2X/ is gone
Anonymous 192154
>>192043>>192085God damn the cowboards really generate a lot of traffic huh
Anonymous 192156

>>192154is worth more then Lipstick alley and lolcow according to this site that is probably wrong.
Anonymous 192157
>>192152why do you think lolcow would turn into a male space out of blue? tf
Anonymous 192158
>>192152Did it get voted off, or is that something to do with the fact that it was a hidden board?
Anonymous 192159
>>192092a r/hobbydrama post about twin peaks, 6 different vintage magazines, an essay about tifs, some book I was recommended, pdf of another book, article about lowell george, and trying to switch my internet provider
I'm gonna listen to Blondie thanks
Anonymous 192160
>>192148Pretty sure you can get a patreon downloader that bypasses the pay wall
Anonymous 192161
>>192157I don't but you get banned for making pinkpill, peak trans or radfem related threads in offtopic. They would get locked or moved to /2X/
Anonymous 192162
(Is it illegal?)
Anonymous 192163
>>192152if terfing around gets illegal i'll be so mad. if there cant be a single space free of tranny pandering i will lose my mind.
Anonymous 192164
>>192152I was wondering if the new admin would change that too. I think for now, she might leave it as a hidden board, if anything.
Anonymous 192165
>>192163There's still ovarit, shit as it is.
Anonymous 192166
>>192148Also forgot to add but paysites must be destroyed has tons of sims 4 paid content for free too. Been using it forever
Anonymous 192171
>>192162I’d have to look more into it but on chrome there’s a extension you can use that downloads it all for free, I forget the name but I used it to get some sims 2 stuff lol
Anonymous 192172
>>192163I don't think you can change it anymore, the culture has become very anti-man and anti-tranny. Also notice the "freedom of speech friendly" bit in the description, plus adming linking spinster
Anonymous 192173
>Literally posting shit these people on their social media
Anonymous 192174
>>192168Technically it’s illegal for the creators to be putting sims clothes on patreon, it’s against ea’s terms and service. So downloading it for free isn’t illegal, paying for it basically is.
Anonymous 192176
>>192160I wasn't aware that existed. Neat. I always thought the only way to get around their shit was someone would actually sign up as a paypig, then just post everything online for everyone else.
Anonymous 192177
>>191888right, it seems really popular though. is it a fetish thing?
Anonymous 192179
>>192174I saw someone charging $25 a month for some shit they ported from IMVU. I take great pride in getting paid cc for free. I'm scared to use the bypasser though. Reporting to EA does nothing, a pants recolor can cost more per month then fucking DLC it's crazy
Anonymous 192181
why are random ips banned
Anonymous 192185
I'm banned for namefagging and spam on new lolcow but I didn't post before now.
Anonymous 192188
>>192185dont worry about that get a vpn
Anonymous 192189
>>192185It’s happening to everyone there’s no posting right now, probably due to some moids fucking shit up and making threads
Anonymous 192190
it's not multiple fresh ips
Anonymous 192191
>>192013there is a surprisingly large amount of porn games on the switch - they are targeting the soyboy demographic i guess
Anonymous 192192
How can you call yourself a lesbian and then go and suck troon cock. My best friend started dating one and I've lost any respect for her.
Anonymous 192194
>>192181Posting is closed as far I know, instead of giving the actual reason (still testing the site) they just "ban" you for a day
Anonymous 192195
Sorry if this has already been asked but is anyone else having issues seeing threads in /snow/ and /pt/? Are they still updating the new site?
Anonymous 192197
>>192195>Are they still updating the new site?yeah
Anonymous 192198
me a eurofag and i can finally see the new site woooo
Anonymous 192199
>>192192I mean they use strapons so at least it’s the real deal. Just being straight with extra steps lmfaoo
Anonymous 192200
>>192196wait n0nny don't make me sad, i miss the tif thread too
Anonymous 192202
>>192192she's just bisexual. many such cases
Anonymous 192203

ITT I laugh at the wagies who don't get a winter break
Anonymous 192206
what is the bypass check thing? is it the same as sage?
Anonymous 192207
Screen Shot 2022-1…

What's this all about? We have accounts now? I thought it was supposed to be anonymous
Anonymous 192212
>>192207It’s for mods to sign in, we can’t. You also can’t post. The site is also still being worked on.
Anonymous 192214
having access to lolcow but not being able to post feels like torture. Mods hurry up.
Anonymous 192219
Anonymous 192220
>>192219there's nothing to access but a few test posts
Anonymous 192221
>>192214lolcow is such a little tease edging innocent anons
Anonymous 192222
idk why the site loads on my phone but not desktop
Anonymous 192223
>>192221eugh, putting it that way makes me a little happier i can't get in
Anonymous 192224
looks like they're getting rid of w
Anonymous 192225
They could at least change the spoiler pic to something less porn-y
Anonymous 192226
If anybody cares it's because of DNSSEC I imagine cloudflare did it automatically but shaymin doesn't know how to verify it on her new host.
https://dns.google/query?name=lolcow.farmAnonymous 192227
I've been a lolcow user for over four years now. Never thought I'd last this long on such a retarded site but here I am, obsessed with lc based and pink-pilled. Over the years I've sensed that the site is a ticking time bomb, that eventually the whole thing would get taken down. After surviving the annihilation of the terf threads, kiwifarms ddos attack, and the many many cows that wish death upon lolcow daily, I started to relax into the idea that perhaps nothing could stop us. But now, with this new site update, it appears that the day has finally come. Will lolcow ever be the same?
Anonymous 192228
im so boreddddddddddddddddddddddddd
Anonymous 192229
>>192227if it all goes to shit i'm just gonna stay on this site until it crumbles too
Anonymous 192230
>>191875Hello, that can't be you BECAUSE IT'S ALREADY ME. Unless you're me?
Anonymous 192233
Wanted to ask this boy in front of me what perfume he's using, turns out it's a vape. Smoking has come far since I was a kid. Smells like literal candy btw wtf
Anonymous 192234
why does the new /m/ board say 'kpop' after fujo? will kpop be allowed back on lc? you know it'll only attract underaged twitterfags again
Anonymous 192235
>>192234I'm sad I'll be forced to look at ugly kpop males but I'll just hide those threads and live my life
Anonymous 192237
>>192234i miss the kpop critical threads tbh, wouldn't be mad if they came back
Anonymous 192239
i had a dream last night that elon munsk was my dad, and i liked it
Anonymous 192240
>>192233There's a reason why only teens and young adults use vapes kek.
Anonymous 192242
>>192237sometimes i miss it but honestly its for the greater good. kpopfags are like mice, you find one and then suddenly 100 pop out of no where. they'll also NEVER bother integrating.
Anonymous 192243
I like kpop alright but I was under the impression that the farmer consensus was that it brought too many newfags and weren't worth it. It feels like no one was asking for it.
Anonymous 192244

I hate coming to my dad's house because time passes so slowly. I'm also on a shitty mood today and all I want to do is go home and cry, but instead I have been sitting on the same spot in the sofa, watching shitty series and annoying quizz games with people trying to talk to me all afternoon. I have been here for 4 hours and it's felt like an eternity.
Anonymous 192245
>>192225Right?? I know it's a pic of PT but I feel so embarrassed to think someone would see that on my screen. It looks scrotey even with context.
Anonymous 192248
Being Meguca is Su…

fuck my life. I cant access the new site or the old site. I wanna join you nonitas and shitpost in /ot/ but I cant
Anonymous 192249
>>192242I miss those threads for all the sperging they brought, but yeah, the amount of newfags who don't understand imageboards will get annoying pretty quickly. Maybe now that ccc exists there won't be as many if the kpop threads come back, I just wanna talk shit about idols
Anonymous 192250
>>192242NTAYRT but same thoughts. Everything that's trendy in general brings loads of newfags. Genshin threads for example reek of new and underagefagging.
Anonymous 192251
>>192245it defeats the purpose for a spoiler image kek they could just use a non NSFW picture of PT
Anonymous 192252
>>192245We did an art contest for a new one but either admin didn't like any of them enough, or she just prefers to keep it og. It's not that bad of a pic honestly, the piggy banner and pt sucking on a corn dog are much worse for public viewing imo, hope theyre gone for good
Anonymous 192253
>>192248No one can post rn, we're all here nona
Anonymous 192256
>>192092found the twitter of a crazy person who is either living in their car or in a storage unit. it's hilarious but i think they might also need some mental health care so i feel a little guilty laughing about it.
Anonymous 192257
what cows do you miss?
fatvegfemme still lives rent free in my head
Anonymous 192258
Im such a creep. If irl boys were actually cute I’d be such a sex pest.
Anonymous 192262
>>192257I miss plasticandproud/Ariana, especially the times where she spent the entire time oversharing on social media
Anonymous 192263
If the site is acting up this bad right now I doubt you'd even want to use it anyway
Anonymous 192264
>>192257I want to a-log about ham on oldcow.
Anonymous 192265

I don't like most of the new banners honestly.
Anonymous 192266
>>192257I miss her so much, she was truly my favorite cow and I'm still mad she never got moved to /pt during her prime. It's even her initials! But somehow Lillee Jean got moved to pt even before feebz went dark. LJ sucks.
Anonymous 192267
>>192264Me too I can't stand that fucking hAM
Anonymous 192269
>>192257i miss the trainwreck that is ginger bronson. she literally disappeared into thin air one day 5 years ago. i also miss soren's milk, he was insane and we were mutuals at one point on tumblr so her antics hit me a little harder.
Anonymous 192271
>awful layout was changed
>it still sucks
why the fuck doesn't lc just use a normal chan layout?
Anonymous 192273
Soredemo Machi wa …

Anonymous 192275
>>192255I don't think so, I have an american vpn and can't see it.
Anonymous 192276
>>192271Right? If it's not broke don't fix it.
Anonymous 192279
>>192271I'm not even going to pretend to praise the admin.
After months long periods of silence, miscommunication and snarkiness when they do reply, and an established precedence for lying, this is literally the most low effort update that they could have shat out.
Maybe if this was the product early on when "newmin" took the reins, but not at this point. This is just pathetic.
Anonymous 192280
am eurofag and can see the farms
Anonymous 192281

>>192265this has some 2006 vibes to it. and not in a trendy y2k way
Anonymous 192282
>anonymous forum
>has the option to login in
As if the site didn't have enough Twitterfags
Anonymous 192286
>>192265Ugly as duck. Admin broke the website. I hate u admin.
Anonymous 192287
So we'll have to start the threads all over again? This sucks. I'm just going to stick to cc now.
Anonymous 192288
What's up with lulcor I've been at work and don't want to spend my lunch break catching up with the goss
Anonymous 192289
>>192266truly a cow for the ages. I’m waiting for Jill to go full munchie but it won’t be the same
Anonymous 192290

>>192281Even Kikomi got the short end of the stick…
Anonymous 192291
I can open the site but there any no threads other than the test ones. Also, I hate the themes. They are too dark and I can't read anything.
Anonymous 192292
>>192255i'm a burgerfag and can't access the site either.
Anonymous 192293
Fucking hate dark imageboard themes, only edgy moids like them.
Anonymous 192294
saw a post where somebody was talking about how attractive some football moid was and somebody replied with THEY* so i thought what how did i not hear a peep about this pronouns change if we're in a religious country there's no way. so naturally, i look up his name and pronouns and nothing comes up so i think ok maybe its some inside joke im not getting? turns out there was another moid behind him in the picture this whole time that i just didn't catch so the replier meant two people instead of a pronoun change… looks like i too have been affected by the gender brainrot this is so humiliating…
Anonymous 192296
>>192291Girltalk is the only light theme, I'm using it
Anonymous 192297
Which is the new lolcow's address nonas?
Anonymous 192299
>>192295Ditto. They should have just prioritized on getting more farmhands to curb the raiding/newfaggotry instead of breaking the website and coming up with these ugly low-res banners
>>192290 Anonymous 192300
>>192297it's the same lolcow.farm
there's also original.lolcow.farm
Anonymous 192302
>>192293Same. I don't get the obsesion with "darkmode". At best, I don't really notice a difference, at worst it makes it harder to read and find things.
>>192296That's the one I set it to as well.
Anonymous 192305
>>192290>>192281>>192265I wonder if the adms made those ugly banners themselves. There were so many nice banners that anons posted as suggestions, why did they pick the worst ones?
Anonymous 192306
So are they seriously not restoring any of the old threads? Because that's ridiculous. Or do we just have to wait longer?
Anonymous 192307
>>192303I think they’re just testing things out. Wish we had communication!!!!!! I know there’s css (that I’m excited for) but I agree the themes rn are too dark
Anonymous 192308
>>192296same. i also hate how they removed the menu options from the top of the site. now in order to switch from /ot/ to /snow/ i have to click the menu or home page, just extra steps for something that used to be effortless. i will scream until my dying breath
Anonymous 192309
>>192303Why would that be Lain? It doesn't look like lainchan or like anything from the anime
Anonymous 192310
what lol.png

the random IPs getting banned thing is true lol, apparently i'm banned? i've been using lc for years and i've never been banned before. i haven't spammed or namefagged. i also don't use a VPN and post from my real IP address (bad practice i know,) so i didn't accidentally catch someone else's ban. weird
Anonymous 192311
>>192305They definitely did. I don't recall seeing these banners at all in the banner request thread on /meta/
Anonymous 192312
>>192301That's right, the poop is our shitposts!
Anonymous 192315
the site looked fine before… new themes and banners would have been nice but they didn’t need to change everything
Anonymous 192316
>>192310we're all banned until further notice, not just you
Anonymous 192317
>>192310also they removed the ability to appeal bans??
Anonymous 192319
I come with news from a friend who knows things about the internet! There is probably a problem with the DNS. It could take 72 hours at worse for everyone to see the new farm. But normally it should only take a few hours.
Anonymous 192320
If they restore the threads what's the first thread you will post in?
Anonymous 192322

Does this mean we can't just copy and paste URLs to cross quote anymore? Also what the fuck is dice rolling and tags. Found this under 'help' for nonas who can access lc.
Anonymous 192323
I miss the old lolcor. I feel like most old users will go and it will mess up the coziness of the site. If that happens I'll just go here permanently, who's with me?
Anonymous 192326
>>192308Same. I wouldn't mind the new layout if it wasn't for this.
Anonymous 192327
>>192320shayna thread absolutely and without a doubt
Anonymous 192329
>>192322These are probably just default lynxchan things, I tested the <pinktext earlier and it didn't work so some of them are probably disabled
Anonymous 192331
We could use the website if we knew the new IP from the new farm. Someone from Canada send HELP!!!
Anonymous 192332
>>192257>>192262oh my gosh i miss pheebs and pnp.
for me it will always be nemu, she was what brought me to lc. what i would give for just a drop of milk
Anonymous 192333
>>192306They couldn't even restore /m/, I doubt they will do it for the whole site
Anonymous 192334
>>192332Pheebs is definitely some kind of radfem, or radfem adjacent now.
Anonymous 192335
>>192320the autism thread. I miss my fellow autistic anons
Anonymous 192336
>>192322I actually like the font options.
Anonymous 192337
>>192306Can we make new threads yet or is everyone banned? I’m having a bad day and I just want to laugh at shatna
Anonymous 192338
>>192262whatever happened to pnp? did she just stop posting? i remember admin kept shutting her threads down so i figured that's why we stopped getting updates
Anonymous 192339
is there any other image boards nonas can recommend? cc is so slow that i regretfully have been browsing 4chan awating lc to open back up again but its obviously not great either because i hate scrote content. im spiralling without lc. has anyone used spinster here???
Anonymous 192340
>>192315i think the server change caused this or something and admin wanted to give us a little something but didn't realize the importance of recognizability
Anonymous 192341
>>192339spinster is so dead and you have to make an account so it's not even properly anonymous
Anonymous 192342
the admin wanted to switch to a more reliable database like mongo db
Anonymous 192343
Fujo s I just saw there was a Hikaru ga Shinda Natsu thread on /a/.
Anonymous 192345
>>192266Since we're all getting a fresh start, are there any threads that we think should be moved to PT?
I used to be an avid proponent of migrating Shayna but now I kinda like the meme of her having 100+ threads in snow
Anonymous 192346
i hate how you cant click the banner to take you to the front page anymore.
Anonymous 192347
>>192310I wonder if thats when the site will re-open?
Anonymous 192348
>>192338I forgot about pnp, i told my nigel about lc once and he saw her thread and apparently she used to constantly be in his dms when he was in college
Anonymous 192349
>>192339Spinster is garbage and overrun by tradthots now
Anonymous 192351
>>192348why would you show lc to a moid you retard we dont need any more of them
>inb4 he didnt postidgaf dont do it
Anonymous 192354

Wow, RIP LC. I didn't expect the boards to be nuked.
Why did the whole site have to be changed? Wasn't it enough to, say, just add one or two things once in a while and then test what people think about it? I don't understand this at all.
Anonymous 192355
>>192320pro-ana scumbags, i need to bitch about ganer
Anonymous 192356
Do you guys think that the downtime will impact the future activity of the site? If lolcow becomes as dead as cc I don’t know where I’ll go.
Anonymous 192357
>>192320Maskfag thread, monsterfucker thread, hornyposting husbando thread
Anonymous 192358
>>192356If the bunker threads and matrix saga and such didn't kill lolcow, this won't.
Anonymous 192360
>>192345My votes for cows that should be moved to PT:
- Shayna
- Abby Brown
- Nicocado
- Grimes and Musk
Anonymous 192361
>>192356i was thinking that too :( i hope not
Anonymous 192362
I don't like it either tbh, I hope some is keeping screenshots of cows who like to delete stuff (like Shayna)
Anonymous 192363
>>192356the down day has been like 2 days not 2 months chill
Anonymous 192365
>>192360shayna and grusk are the ones keeping /snow/ alive rn
Anonymous 192366
I've gone back to 4chan like one would go back to a shitty ex
Anonymous 192368
Screenshot 2022-12…

this post happened while I was asleep. I just want to say that's what a sleep demon is. Nicholas cage is your sleep demon.
Anonymous 192369
>>192363Posts like
>>192356 make me wonder how many users are underaged
Anonymous 192370
>>192360I think Grimes and Elon Musk should been in celebritycows threads. Well, he is sort of a celebrity, for better or worse.
Anonymous 192371
I wonder if we'll be able to get a proper pro-ana thread on nu-cow.
Anonymous 192373
>>192356Wasnt the website down for a few days some months ago also? And back then we didnt even get a notice, you really dont have to worry about it.
Anonymous 192374
okay so why can everyone access the site but me? like that's the tech behind that?
Anonymous 192375
>>192373True, sorry for being dramatic.
Anonymous 192376
>>192354Didn't they say they'll bring the threads back?
Anonymous 192377
Shayna drunk dancing with her mom's dog, I love how she has no respect, literally drinking and posting in her mothers house to post to coomers.
Anonymous 192378
PNP was my favorite cow and how I got into lolcow. I joined one of her lives the other day and she looked REALLLY out of it (def on some drugs) and had massive grey bags under her eyes. I’ve been watching her saga for years and it was def the most concerning version of her I’ve seen. Sad there’s no more thread since she’s so private. But you just know she’s full on stripper & prostitution & drug era now that Matt’s gone.
I also love Heather, shayna, and the ftm thread
Anonymous 192379
>>192365true, in fact momentum on the site has already been pretty slow. s haven't really been introducing new cows and there's not a lot of milk coming from the existing ones. i have a bad feeling that nuking the old site will kill a lot of what little momentum we had left on LC
Anonymous 192380
>>192371do you want that? why would anyone want that
Anonymous 192381
>>192370The thing I do not get about the celebricows thread is how if there are celebricows who are being especially milky they'll make threads for them. Isn't the point of celebricows to talk about milky celebrities? Idgi.
Anonymous 192382
>>192369I’m not underage and I’ve been using the site on and off for years.
Anonymous 192383
Heather has a new Ryan and there is literally nowhere on the internet to discuss it. I'm dying here
Anonymous 192385

I hate thi so much and I wish I could hate on it with lolcow!!!
Anonymous 192386
>>192369Of all the underage sounding posts itt, that's it? Farmers have been worried about LC dying for years because there isn't exactly much other places to go.
Anonymous 192387
Anonymous 192388
>>192378had no idea matt left, wow we really need to revive her on nu-cow
Anonymous 192391
>>192338she went private and the milk just ran dry. she's a stripper, does her shitty art on wood slabs and is still plastic surgery addicted. nothing changed she just started posting less and got boring
Anonymous 192393
are there any svenskanons with us here
Anonymous 192395
>>192390Was this on the banner thread wtf?
Anonymous 192396
>>192371retarded summerfag strikes again
Anonymous 192397
>>192386Kek, no. Do you want me to comb through this entire thread and link all of the underaged-sounding posts?
The histrionics, the dooming, and the "all-or-nothing" way of thinking is more common among very young people or adults with arrested development.
>>192382Then you'd know that even a week of lc being offline isn't going to stop the flow of traffic, at least not in the long-term. Oldfags know this isn't the first time that the site has gone down for several days.
Anonymous 192398
She is getting more face surgery in a couple weeks. She left Matt like 2 months after the wedding to go full stripper life.
I’m screaming that we can’t talk about Heather love bombing her balding Ryan
Anonymous 192399
>>192395IDK I saw it early and posted it kek
Anonymous 192400
>>192395No, I guess it comes from Komaedaanon?
Anonymous 192401
>>192078It "didn't used to be like this" BECAUSE HE WASN'T POSTED IN
WHEN WILL JOSH POSTERS GET THIS? HOW DO YOU NOT TAKE THE HINT? Are you legitimately retarded? Here i'll help you
>>>/img/2034>>>/img/2034>>>/img/2034>>>/img/2034>>>/img/2034 Anonymous 192402
>>192397Lol yes collect all the underage posts.
Anonymous 192403
>>192393no, this is a website for the civilised
Anonymous 192404
You know France is not in the Balkans right? That was a fake map in the previous thread. What if someone thinks that's real…
Anonymous 192406
>>192397don't be such a whiny little bitch
Anonymous 192407
>>192398NGL If PNP wasn't shitty, I'd admire how she lives life exactly how she wants. Wants to look a certain way? Changes her face, drops her scrote kek. I don't know, I sometimes do find it kinda cool how cows lack awareness and wish I had a bit of that so I wasn't such a mess
Anonymous 192408
I wonder how the schizochan who spams pictures of JC ‘ s girlfriends butthole is doing
Anonymous 192409
s was i the only one who got banned for 'spam'? i haven't used lc this week. i tried posting on the new websites meta thread.
Anonymous 192410
>>192401You are still fucking whining about a fat ass scrote being posted? Move the fuck on, you keep bringing the shit up and losing your mind.
Anonymous 192412
>>192381I am but a humble one year old newfag, but I don't understand why the celebricow thread isn't on /pt/. It seems pretty active, there's milk, so why isn't it on the gossip boards ?
Anonymous 192413
>>192406Nobody's whining but the retard who thinks a several years old imageboard like lc is going to lose most of it's user base because of a few days of downtime.
Anonymous 192414
>>192355same nona. think raw spinach, stay strong xox
Anonymous 192416
>>192408it's syd, seething makes up her entire lifestyle and personality
Anonymous 192417
>>192413that post has been buried, who gives a fuck?
Anonymous 192418
>>192407i'm almost certain that matt dumped her ass after she started whoring herself out full service
Anonymous 192419
>>192417I don't. You're still responding to me anyway.
Anonymous 192420
>>192410>still fucking whining>keep bringing the shit upThis was my only post in the thread dumbass.