
Lolcow Bunker Thread #21 - Poor Nonn1e Edition Anonymous 198870
Posting is enabled on
https://original.lolcow.farm/, however many nonn1es can't access it. For some it works with mobile data only, some with a proxy. (free proxy:
Bunker with no lolcow discussion:
>>>/b/195942Do not engage with nonn1es saying provocative shit to start infights. Report and ignore.Last bunker #20:
>>>/b/198323#20 -
>>>/b/198323Caps from Shaymin's discord:
>>>/b/198332 >>>/b/198466
Discussion about lolcow on Kiwi Farms:
>>>/b/198412#19 -
>>>/b/197747IHM appears:
>>>/b/198185 >>>/b/198203
>>>/b/198207Screencaps of the bunker discord:
>>>/b/198151 >>>/b/198154
>>>/b/198162 >>>/b/198164
>>>/b/198165 >>>/b/198174
Shaymin makes a bunker discord:
>>>/b/197998Nonn1e emails Shaymin asking about costs:
>>>/b/198070#18 -
>>>/b/197189Shaymin addresses Ian tinfoils:
>>>/b/197490Lolcow discussed in PULL's discord:
>>>/b/197485Nonn1e posts archives of lolcow's own caps threads:
>>>/b/197460Shaymin posts in /meta/:
>>>/b/197322#17 -
>>>/b/196568New thread in /meta/ on lolcow's future:
>>>/b/196973Josh weighs in on Shaymin's decisions:
>>>/b/196966#16 -
>>>/b/195893Shaymin resigns:
>>>/b/195616 >>>/b/195695
Posting re-enabled on
https://original.lolcow.farm/: >>>/b/195574Rdrama posts about lolcow:
>>>/b/195322#15 -
>>>/b/194696Shaymin answers questions about nucow
>>>/b/194754 >>>/b/194756
Nonn1es posting images on lolcow
>>>/b/194712#14 -
>>>/b/194105Nonn1e posts lolcow screencaps:
>>>/b/194620The last reply on lolcow: >>>/b/194349
Kpopfagging on nucow:
>>>/b/194302Shitposting on lolcow:
>>>/b/194255 >>>/b/194294
>>>/b/194307 >>>/b/194345
>>>/b/194568Nonn1es still can't access lolcow:
>>>/b/194202 >>>/b/194582
#13 -
>>>/b/193547Posting disabled on nucow:
>>>/b/193797/w/ isn't added:
>>>/b/193742Nucow screencaps:
>>>/b/193667 >>>/b/193670
>>>/b/193674 >>>/b/193679
>>>/b/193682 >>>/b/193724
>>>/b/193729 >>>/b/193730
Some nonn1es can't access lolcow:
>>>/b/193629Anonymous 198875
first for lolcow dying
Anonymous 198876
Second for fuck you all
Anonymous 198878
third for I hope admin pulls the plug
Anonymous 198881
fourth for i love you all
Anonymous 198882
>>198877Fuck you specifically, can we have one thread without anime fags?
Anonymous 198884

>>198870I feel so bad for cc, we really just started a fucking general thread on their site
Anonymous 198886
>>198851No, oldmin loved men and used to browse an imageboard for male programmers for a long time, so she allowed mask-off males to exist in the server. This policy lasted for a long time even after her offical "departure".
Anonymous 198889
>>198884that's the least of their issues
Anonymous 198892
>>198882Go to Reddit or Twitter already
Anonymous 198893
>>198884They need to survive. adapt. overcome.
Anonymous 198896
>>198886Damn, maybe catering to severely mentally ill radfems is not a productive strategy.
Anonymous 198897
>>198890it's kind of eerie to think of how easy it would be for us to just, put on the skin of cc
Anonymous 198898
>>198892>go to twitter or reddit>there are more animefags and anime pfps there Anonymous 198899
>>198890I love cats they are nice to the touch
Anonymous 198900
>>198892I wasn't that serious nona, and isn't twitter and reddit filled with anime?
Anonymous 198901
>>198898Then don't be in the anime fandom sides?
Anonymous 198902
>>198896still shitting yourself, i see.
Anonymous 198904
>>198897we're basically raiding them to post about lolcow
Anonymous 198907
>>198901they're like kpopfags, they leak everywhere
Anonymous 198908
honest question: do you guys really think lolcow might go down for a while/if not permanently until something else comes along? or is this just the admins being weird and cagey again?
Anonymous 198909
tf i didnt know that
Anonymous 198911
>>198904They can just ignore the threads right? And we're contained to /b/ (I hope)
Anonymous 198912
>>198896Raging troon or Oldmin seething? Kek
Anonymous 198913

>>198896Reminder how moids invade female spaces and how women were not allowed to speak without a husband present. Do not fall for it.
Anonymous 198914
>>198907I really don't get people bitching about anime pictures on imageboards of all places
Anonymous 198915

The bitching that anons did on lolcow wasn't even that bad, it all looked like fun to me
Anonymous 198916
>>198911 some early adopters of c.c who left are checking out the other threads and boards it seems. oh well. site is slow as hecc
Anonymous 198917
To be fair, that is the rule in lolcow as well. It does not state nowhere in the lc is a female only site, only that moids can’t announce themselves
Anonymous 198918
>>198908what happened to database anon? she was supposed to have the site archive and it looked like shaymin was going to rely on her to back the site up
Anonymous 198923
>>198907come on, i'm a kpopfag and i've contained myself all this time.
Anonymous 198925
>>198915exactly, people trying to blame shaymin's spergouts on anons "complaining" mostly in the form of questions or voicing their suspicions in bunker threads are asskissing losers
Anonymous 198927
>>198918i think she backed out because anons wanted her to become admin too and she didn't feel she was up to it. i am so fucking confused right now because shit is moving so fast.
Anonymous 198928

let me have my ariasdome of ariasposting back RN farmhands
Anonymous 198929
>>198925>>198915We know that she was lurking the threads here, didn't she reply basically directly to one?
Anonymous 198930
>>198913>>198906>>198902Normal conversation in radfem spaces. Never anything interesting or fun, never anything but bitter seething and attacking people for disagreeing, never content to sit in their own spaces but trying to take over non-retarded female spaces with their killjoy attitude.
Anonymous 198931
>>198923>kpop fag>bitches about animeyou're pathetic
Anonymous 198932
>>198913why did you post this screencap like three times in the past hour
Anonymous 198933
>>198924The pics of anime women can stay, I'm just sick of seeing moids REEEEEEE
Anonymous 198934
>>198931i never bitched about anime. that's another anon.
Anonymous 198936
>>198929Yes, she replied to two posts on cc in discord without saying that's what she did.
Anonymous 198937
>>198908Maybe it's for the best. I hope someone makes a better imageboard than lc and cc combined.
Anonymous 198938
>>198927wow she was the one they were relying on. well in that case, i don't think the old site will be archived or at least large portions of it will be lost
Anonymous 198939
>>198932That's how they are and why people hate them, but uhhhh actually you must be a moid if you're not into spamming shit like that everywhere all day long.
Anonymous 198940
>>198931You mixed up anons and it was a joke, relax why do some of you take shit so serious. What happened to the banter
Anonymous 198942
>>198938Newsflash: there's no one to rely on.
Anonymous 198943
mouth ulcer killing me. just bit it accidentally, kill me.
Anonymous 198945
>>198937i agree with this but i still want original lolcow to stay for archival purposes
Anonymous 198946
>>198938Where the fuck did shaynin lose the old site? Why does she need dbanon
Anonymous 198947
I think the oldmin is shaymin theory is true
Anonymous 198948
>>198938we literally don't even know if they discussed this
Anonymous 198950
she said there's one months time to find a successor.
Anonymous 198951
>>198945almost all of it is on wayback machine
Anonymous 198953
>>198944We all know moids are shit, get new images to spam retard
Anonymous 198956
Screenshot (16401)…

A reminder cause some you just don't understand
Anonymous 198957
>>198949they're on thread #19 iirc. or maybe in the summary ?
Anonymous 198958
>>198952>>198947Why do you think this?
Anonymous 198959
>>198949They were posted in the previous or the thread before that, sorry. It wasn't anything interesting, just some bitching and moaning about how evil Anons are for questioning her about technical things.
Anonymous 198960
>>198956we're using the same theme! merry christmas happy winter!
Anonymous 198961

>>198953What? I just posted that image because I felt like it.
Anonymous 198963
worst of all is oldmin taking a whole year to find a suitable successor and in the end it's shaymin who gives up on the site and has a bpd attack because anons said the layout was ugly
Anonymous 198964
>>198956Where are you seeing maleposters
Anonymous 198967
>>198948she did, i remember her mentioning she was talking to some people and apparently pulling the code or whatever for the site. but then some anons asked her if she would be admin of a new lolcow and she backed out. it was kind of a mess but i don't think she said everything directly on cc. some of it was through communication with other farmers whom she was talking to offsite.
Anonymous 198968
>>198960Aww Merry Christmas Nona! I hope you have a good holiday <3
Anonymous 198969
>>198961it got posted last thread. stop
Anonymous 198970
>>198937we should make a better one. I'm southern hemisphere so I could easily be a farmhand while my american sisters sleep. been farming for like 6/7 years would be fine to put my hand up
Anonymous 198971

>>198959>that DDD avatarwas kirdede anon one of the first ones to join that discord? LMAO
Anonymous 198972
>>198963>in the end it's shaymin who gives up on the site and has a bpd attack because anons said the layout was uglyKEKKKK real bpd moment
Anonymous 198974
>>198970it needs a kpop containment board
Anonymous 198976

>>198969Okay. And I am posting new images. Chillout. You brought up radfems for no reason in this thread. What was the point of that? To infight?
Anonymous 198977

I want to see more proof / what n0nnies think, but I believe it
Anonymous 198979
>>198958nta but i posted in an older bunker thread about how i was going to take the site from oldmin a few years ago but she backed out last minute. i wouldn't be surprised if it was still her.
Anonymous 198981
not ironically I'm starting to believe in this theory. they both have very similar behavior.
Anonymous 198982
>>198976i'm not the OP. and the OP was criticizing oldmin's handling of the site. not everyone likes radfem anons.
Anonymous 198983
>>198964I don't, I see anons accusing other anons of being men, are they men who knows but if they are I know ignoring them is gonna sting worse that replying. Hence my reminder for anons to ignore anyone they assume to be male. Which is a valid reminder considering every thread so far the suspected male posters get like 6 replies each post.
Anonymous 198986
>>198985i just got annoyed that the same pic was posted
Anonymous 198989
>>198956i've seen them and reported them and they got banned almost instantly. like some moid who was like xgm chads or whatever
Anonymous 198990

Shaymin really was like
Anonymous 198991
>>198986Sorry, I posted the same pic because the anon brought up radfems again for no reason, so I thought it was a bit annoying. You are right though, I shouldve used a better picture to show how degenerate male posters could be. Ill just stop replying to radfem posts in general, but I do think knows what theyre doing when theyre bringing it up for no reason in a new thread.
Anonymous 198992
which is weird to me. they're all acting like this is some super secret cia darknet project and that only a select few individuals can be trusted with their x-files. it's just an image board. why be so damn conspiratorial?
Anonymous 198993
atleast the admin isn't shoe's fucking minion. that was awful.
Anonymous 198996

>>198984>>198979Oh shit, deets?
I honestly also believe it's the same person. They behave the same. They have the same spergouts. She should honestly hand it over, I legit don't get the obsession with keeping it all for herself. Like, why?
Anonymous 198997
>>198990kekk the n0nnies who defended her in previous threads were coping hard
Anonymous 198999
>>198994i'm only one of those anons. i'm a former mod from regina's era no less. what's your issue?
Anonymous 199000
>>198990I hope admin doesn't actually work in webdev, imagine handing out products without consulting your customers or talking about what changes you make and for what purpose
Anonymous 199001
>>198995yeah i get that, it is still weird as fuck because i honestly don't see what the big deal is. if you've been around long enough you know ian is still likely involved so it isn't that much of a shocker.
>>198994girl go eat your cereal and stop being paranoid.
Anonymous 199002
>>198999>i'm a former mod from regina's eraEven more suspicious.
Also "you" can refer to multiple people
Anonymous 199003

>>198990I feel like she coded all of this last minute, "oldmin" also waited last minute to "fix" the website and to communicate with others. They both said January would be the deadline too. Idk all of this is sus
Anonymous 199004
guys oldmin was the one who posted a picture of her arms full of sh scars to prove she wasn't a troon or am I mistaking her
Anonymous 199008
>>199002lol like i give a shit what you think
Anonymous 199010
>>199004Which was the one complaining about white women using the site?
Anonymous 199011
>>199008Oh no, my feelings, they're hurt
Anonymous 199013
sad onigiri.png

>>199000it's because it's the same apprehensive oldmin as always thinking she knows best withot consulting people and then doing whatever the fuck she wanted and when people want to undo what she fcked up she always gets super ass mad pissed.
It happened when gc/pp threads and /2X/ were banned too.
Anonymous 199015
oldmin was in jp time if anyone remembers. it coincides with shaymin posting times as well.
Anonymous 199016
>>198990She's acting like someone forced her to update the site over christmas. Anons hated the look of it (which is the easiest thing to fix btw), not even mentioning the fact that it's broken as shit and the old content wasn't moved over. Then it's all "boo hoo you're all autists I should've spent the time with my family" like she didn't dig her own hole? The anons sympathising with her must not have seen anything documented in these bunker threads
Anonymous 199017
i sound like a broken record but it is just so stupid and frustrating at this point to me because i don't think any of us really give a damn who is doing what as long as they are doing it right. it's like they have something genuinely incriminating to hide, even though i know they probably don't. idk i need to go to the grocery store lol.
Anonymous 199018
>>199016she also started the update a day later than she said…
Anonymous 199020
>>199013I just know she should learn to take the L and communicate. And not do things out of the blue. This is what leadership enties. It's not just coding some random shit in your free time. Idk there's an aura about her that I simply do not like. I also buy the "they're the same person" theory.
Anonymous 199022
OP you fucked up the post links
Anonymous 199023
this tinfoil is making me feel schizo. no one would play that long of a con, would they?
Anonymous 199024
>>199020she also defended the mod spergout on /ot/ which was a mess.
Anonymous 199026
okay, since we're going full retardo mode; how do we get her to post her arms again for comparison?
Anonymous 199027
>>199024that's the best argument for shaymin and oldmin NOT being the same person, oldmin placed more value on no one but her being allowed to do IP reveals
Anonymous 199029
>>198915If anyone has it can they post the pic of Elsie that’s in the screenshot?
Anonymous 199031
>>199023they can and they will. No one who is sane becomes admin to lolcow
Anonymous 199032
you forgot the 13th thread bunker you idiot
Anonymous 199033
>>199023i mean oldmin basically said the site wasn't worth it and she was shutting it down, then shaymin miraculously appears at the last minute to run the site and acts checked out the entire time and sperged out. it honestly seems like oldmin had a change of heart but was too prideful to admit it and then couldn't commit like she thought and then was too prideful again like she is now.
Anonymous 199034

>>199030she 100% is
remember this thread she locked and hid becase they started criticizing her calling her a cow?
https://lolcow.farm/manure/res/5757.html Anonymous 199036

Yet "another" admin appearing just before the deadline like
Anonymous 199037
there's like at least 2 previous admins to shaymin
Anonymous 199038
>>199027i'm still convinced the mod who did it was just shaymin logged in as a mod.
Anonymous 199040
>>199033that's kinda cute kek. tsundere oldmin
Anonymous 199041
are you saying that we've only ever had one admin who keeps changing personas?
Anonymous 199043
I mean the first admin was a guy
Anonymous 199044
Shaymin and oldmin sound too different for them to be the same but it's not like you can't change your writing style, however if you're right, what's the proof? The burden of proof is on you nona
Anonymous 199045
>>199041we discussed admins earlier. regina was right before oldmin, and oldmin is probably shaymin because of various evidence.
Anonymous 199048
>>199043New tinfoil just dropped, all that ever changed in the Admin's person was his gender
Anonymous 199053

>>199033>i mean oldmin basically said the site wasn't worth it and she was shutting it down, then shaymin miraculously appears at the last minute to run the site and acts checked out the entire time and sperged outthis was sussy to me too
>it honestly seems like oldmin had a change of heart but was too prideful to admit it and then couldn't commit like she thought and then was too prideful again like she is now.this 100%… might be bpd
she "worked for so long" on the new website (with no feedback or pictures for us beforehand) that when anons started pointing out that it wasn't functional she had a fucking massive ass meltdown and ragequitted (like oldmin did lol sus) and she called us autistic too (like oldmin did).
Idk why she's so apprehensive about this, she wanted to finish the code herself and only herself and not give it to anyone else and that's why shaymin was never real, it's been theorized for months this was all a rouse to cover her ass. So the "new website" became her baby. Idk, I think she's super bad at being a leader becase leaders KNOW when to get help, and the website is in shambles.
Idk what did she expect? Maybe she isn't so good at coding let alone being an admin lol.
Anonymous 199054
>>199026Accuse her of being oldmin until she posts a photo of someone elses arms, then find source for said photo
Anonymous 199057
>>199053it took months to address the raids, months to ban the trannoid, meanwhile she coded a baby's first imageboard in the most incompetent way in secrecy with no care in the world. Just playing around. And she still asks us to be grateful. The only one sperging was her all along
Anonymous 199059
>>199031>No one who is sane becomes admin to lolcowThis
Anonymous 199060
>the github someone found yesterday is proof of that. it took her 3 years to make that new lolcow site. 3 years with the help of multiple people. let that sink in and keep that in mind the next time she chimps out about how much work she does kek
holy shit, what the fuuck? please post a screenshot
Anonymous 199061
i really want pepperonis.
Anonymous 199064
goodnite, dont fite, may everything turn out alrite
Anonymous 199065
And all people ever asked for was to not have hours of empty moderating space with CP being left up for everyone to come across. If she was so passionate about lynxchan and wanted to see this project through, I can understand that, but then she should've highlighted how that was helping with managing the site itself.
Anonymous 199066
>>199048Omfg worst tinfoil of all lol, and plausible sadly enough
Anonymous 199068
Oldmin typed a lot more informally, used discord emojis and a lot of abbreviations, even caps when emphasizing. Shaymin strikes me as a lot more distanced when she types and at most when she's informal she doesn't capitalize like oldmin but that's the only similarity. Again, nothing a person couldn't consciously change but the difference is there.
Anonymous 199071
>>199069admin was the tranny janny all along
Anonymous 199072
I just want to know why everything is done on discord and we didn't get a monthly newsletter or something… a responsible leader would had done this
Anonymous 199076
I'm internet illiterate can someone tell me what I'm looking at?
Anonymous 199077
and why didn't she communicate her intentions to everyone? I'm sure the vast majority of anons would support this
Anonymous 199078
there are plenty of chan style imageboards she could have copied. her generic style board was shit.
Anonymous 199079
Doing some digging I found “shaymins” site
Pretty impressive…ly weird
Anonymous 199080
>>199068check their posts on lolcow, it's different when she's using lolcow vs a casual conversation on discord
Anonymous 199082
Oldmins or shaymins? Everyone tries to speak more formally on imageboards, I'm mostly talking about discord where someone's typing style comes out more easily since it's less formal and you respond faster
Anonymous 199084
>>199072because shaldmin is a discord kitten
Anonymous 199085
>>199079I'm not clicking that link, post a screenshot.
Anonymous 199086
>>199068This reminds me of how a bpdchan suddenly went all corporate and formal on me though after randomly splitting.
Anonymous 199087
Why didn't she just tell us that if it were true? I feel like a lot of us would of been more accepting of a site change if that were the reason
Anonymous 199089

>>199084>becase shaymin is a discord kittenkekkkkkkkkkk
Anonymous 199093

>>199077>and why didn't she communicate her intentions to everyone?autists have a hard time commnicating
Anonymous 199094

>>199079Is this about acesofdiamonds?
>>199085It's just a neocities website
Anonymous 199095
>>199086kek the shaymin bpd theory is real
Anonymous 199096
>I honestly think the radfem drama mindbroke her
this made me kek
-why did you get into the arkham asylum shaymin?
-the radfem drama…..
Anonymous 199103
it would be so funny if shaymin started dating josh
Anonymous 199105
>>199101some anons are catposter-phobic
Anonymous 199106

>>199094>I have an entire section dedicated to gore, guts and true crime…wtf?? She's a fucking horrorcow. Is this really hers?
Anonymous 199109
>>199093so why didn't she ask a mod to communicate this in /meta/? this autism/bpd thing is such a excuse, i think she is just lazy
Anonymous 199110
when troons post this random people's shit is so obvious
Anonymous 199111
What? nenetl is a neocities user, she's nice kek
I know she's an infrequent lc user but she didn't strike me as shaymin. She's not an anime or shaynafag at the very least
Anonymous 199113
>>199104your kitties are beautiful an0n
Anonymous 199119
it's pottery if the admin of lolcow is still a bpdchan living in japan. feel like it's just as god intended.
Anonymous 199120
>>199117>>199094they're claiming this is shaymin/oldmin's neocities
Anonymous 199121
Kekkkkkk wtf? for real?
Anonymous 199123
>>199101I still want to marry red neck trailer trash cat poster
Anonymous 199125
She is an anime fag, she linked her anilist kek
Anonymous 199126
Doing some digging I found “shaymins” site
https://twitter.com/theirlbarbiePretty impressive…ly weird
Anonymous 199127
>literally 2 minutes worth of work
Anonymous 199131
What's the proof?
Anonymous 199134
>>199125PLEASE I need to see shaymin's anilist
Anonymous 199135
troon behavior. go away
Anonymous 199136
Screenshot (16479)…

Not OP of this theory but I scrolled through Shaymins supposed website and saw a familiar name, Rekka? There was someone in her discord with that name. I know it's a longshot but maybe it is her site?
>>199126Why do you think it's hers?
Anonymous 199137
>>199070>>199087this tinfoil got me thinking for real… didn't she say something about Ian earlier?
that's why I don't care as much if lolcow is shut down as long as we get a new and better imageboard
Anonymous 199138
>>199135this, reminds me of bl4ine posting random pictures and websites for "proof"
Anonymous 199141
Screenshot (16480)…

Also clicking on the swastika leads to this textpost
Anonymous 199142
>>199136why do people think this is admin's neocities?
Anonymous 199143
tf oldmin im a tech iliterate french 20 year old i dont even know how to write iliterate go away troon
Anonymous 199145
>>199142literally some rando linked it, didn't elaborate and people are going with it because…. because.
Anonymous 199146
It didn't even work right, I was banned when it went live and then I suddenly wasn't anymore and someone said that the ban system was completely broken in that any ban would affect every user of the site.
It would be more impressive if the site actually worked on a basic level and she had had imported threads and it was only CSS shit to sort out, but there was still placeholder text on it and it was a broken empty mess.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if anyone with vague tech skills could set up a lynxchan like that in the time the site was down with zero work done before or after.
Anonymous 199148
>>199136yeah, wasn't oldmin supposed to be mexican and hate gringos or whatever? the "white radfems" she says she hates in here
>>199034I'm mexican myself and everything this neocities thing about "ethics" sounds exactly like Chairo ideology ("progressive" radical leftist mexican propaganda)
Anonymous 199149
I do not believe that you all are believing in anon without any proof
Anonymous 199151
french people always gotta let everyone know they're french.
Anonymous 199154
Screenshot (16481)…

Lol and there's a post complaining about white kids, maybe she is oldmin holy shit, the whole blog does give off edgy emo cutter vibes
Anonymous 199155
>>199148there's literally nothing to even suggest that these are the same people,
surely there is more than one mexican lady who acts like this
Anonymous 199156
>>199151oldmin is such a bpd discord kitten that she is probably american
Anonymous 199157
checks out tbh. Bet she's reading the thread and seething too
doesn't she live in japan or something? why is she talking about colonialism from a place like japan.
Anonymous 199160
Is there any moid who is "constantly being cheated on" that is genuine and not just lying? It seems like these men either
A) lie about it to use it as an excuse to be ultra controlling to their current gf if not just fishing for validation
B) the girls didn't actually cheat but the moids were so controlling almost any interaction with the opposite sex with cheating in their book, or they didn't have any proof at all and "just had a gut feeling" and then declared she was cheating on that alone with zero proof
C) lie about it to excuse their own cheating or dismiss women's concerns for cheating
At least when women claim to have been cheated on constantly it's usually true since men will constantly seek validation and string multiple girls online along and women usually don't immediately hop into the next relationship days after one ended
Anonymous 199161
>>199155agreed but also this person can code and sounds unhinged so
Anonymous 199163
>>199133Most neocities users don't bother adapting for phoneposters. It's nothing weird kek
Anonymous 199164
>>199160we are not talking about moids right now sweetheart sorry bless your heart
Anonymous 199168
>>199161>>199162Guys seriously, this sounds deranged.
If there's any proof, fuck it if there's any hints, whoever has it, post it
Anonymous 199169
I stay all day in lc and never seen any of this.
Anonymous 199170
>>199160Nah I definitely know women who are serial cheaters.
Some men, like some women, have a thing for seeking out trash partners and end up taken advantage of by psychos. If all your partners end up abusive/narcs/cheaters, then you should reflect on what about you causes this to happen to you all the time and work to shut it down. I'm speaking from my own experience here.
Anonymous 199173
>source: trust me bro
Anonymous 199175
>>199173she's obviously being facetious
Anonymous 199177
Screenshot (16482)…

No one get mad at me I'm just lurking the site after that rando anon posted it and posting things I find hint at it belonging to Shaymin/oldmin. This is just a tinfoil
Anonymous 199178
>>199136That person is completely nuts, to the point that I wonder whether she is somewhere on the schizo spectrum.
Do you really think someone this obsessed with identity politics and culture warfare on neocities would have it together enough to run lolcow?
Anonymous 199179
I didn't see this you're making shit up
Anonymous 199182
>>199178This. anons here are so gullible
Anonymous 199185
>>199181nahh definitely bpd teen emo girl vibes
Anonymous 199188
>>199136I am the anon who posted the GitHub and found the site. You can go see my original post if you’d like regarding my involvement. I was able to cross reference some things and came to that conclusion. Sorry not blowing my cover but, she really is a discord kitten.
Anonymous 199189
cross reference what?
Anonymous 199190
>>199188>>199187>she really is a discord kitten.>the shaynatorium….KEKKK im sad that lc is down but you guys are so funny-mean
Anonymous 199191
>>199188we can't just decide something is true with zero evidence, you have to at least show us what you're cross referencing
Anonymous 199193
Screenshot (16497)…

Okay so I'm really creeped out but I clicked on this link in her journal entry page or whatever and it automatically downloaded a Microsoft excel doc that's like 1200 posts long and mentions admins, kiwifarms, terfs, and a whole bunch of fucked up shit. I'll post some screenshots after this, give me a minute.
Anonymous 199195
going onto lc now feels like the twilight zone
Anonymous 199200
>>199196What does that refer to? Like posts, links, people?
Anonymous 199202
okay… this is suspicious…
Anonymous 199204
>>199197Sorry I should've tagged my post here
>>199193It's a link that saved automatically from supposed Shaymin/oldmins site. I'll post more I find strange
Anonymous 199205
i'm still flabbergasted a person this obsessed with (sorry for the word but) sjw twitter-tier idpol would step up to admin lc.
Anonymous 199209
>>199205>sjw twitter-tier idpolthat's what you all call anything that isn't feminism lol, but i digress
Anonymous 199210
>>199208The 'E' row is interesting, wonder what it's referring to?
Anonymous 199213
>>199208This looks like blaine's site. "transphobia"? Blaine has a huge obsession with kf. How are we so sure this is not blaine himself who embedded the lolcow site himself or didnt upload the github himself?
Anonymous 199216
>>199209yeah, i'm sorry about my words, i don't how else to say it in english.
Anonymous 199221
>>199208why does she cares about transphobia wtf is this
Anonymous 199222
>>199213but would blaine be the owner of that neocities, though?
Anonymous 199223
That would make complete sense and why she was angry at oldfags peaking and wanted to pretend that everyone who didn't like troons came from reddit.
Anonymous 199224
this has to be psyop, this must just be how someone is trying ot bait shaymin to reveal her arms
please tell me this isn't fucking real; transphobia?
Anonymous 199225
Fair point, I just cant understand how someone who kept up MtF threads could post about transphobia. Now I can understand why she took down /2x/ and whatnot and accepted males in her server. Fuck.
Anonymous 199227
Screenshot (16499)…

I'm scared to click on anything, I don't even know if it would lead anywhere. But I see the term "bad acting" a lot which is something I also noticed her saying on discord. She uses "bad acting" like most of us use larping.
Anonymous 199228
fuck, i need to go out to meet with family right now but i can't peel myself away from my laptop.
Anonymous 199229
>>199193This file wasn't her doing, iirc it's like a warning list of bad websites that trannies share among themselves like shinigami eyes
Anonymous 199232
>>199222Im starting to believe it. I wanted to believe so bad that it wasnt a handmaiden and the people caping for her or whatever was just a part of the minority, but I don't know what I expected from posters who were against making this a women space. Any imageboard that has men in it, always has weird sexual posts. I should have seen it coming when I saw her take down gc threads. Especially her not banning moidposters quickly enough or cp threads.
Anonymous 199234
>>199227Are you purposefully dense? She gave this file as an example of online retardation, she didn't make the file holy shit kek
Anonymous 199236

Fuck. I was wishing that it was just misunderstanding. This is why I fucking loathe handmaidens. You start accepting any sympathy towards moids, specifically in spaces that are mostly women, and they start getting into the same degenerate shit moids are into. I thought it was weird that there was a bunch of posters on here who were supposedly against those kind of women, as this wasnt here the last bunker. Pic rel to moid degeneracy.
Anonymous 199237
why would a mexican discord kitten bpdfag against transphobia and radfems be admin of an imageboard with mtf threads and radfem stuff
Anonymous 199238
>>199229that doesn't make sense, the list is near incomprehensible to be just a simple catalogue of websites.
Anonymous 199240
>>199208>>199196I understand it now, those are all fediverse instances like spinster.xyz (twitter for evil people).
Why she would keep a list like that I do not know. Maybe she runs her own instance and that's her manual block log or something.
Anonymous 199242
>>198870this is supposed to be the 22th board, you missed this one in your resume, retard
>>195313 Anonymous 199243
>>199193It looks like she's making fun of the site and them calling everything "phobic" if you actually read it though
Anonymous 199244
Screenshot (16504)…

"Musk simps" lol
Is this a block list maybe? The higher up I go the worse the offenses
Anonymous 199245
>>199244Is the offenses posts that she banned? Or posters she banned? If so, I suppose that makes sense.
Anonymous 199247
So is there a lolcow discord I only have the really old one
Anonymous 199249
> She openly hated radfems
I do to and it has nothing to do with their beliefs and everything with the way they behave.
Anonymous 199250
>>199244>>199245It's a document about fediverse instances.
Anonymous 199252
>>199244why bot spam is level four and transphobia level seven??
Anonymous 199254
I'm talking about nenetl? It's obvious she didn't create that file as she's talking about it negatively
Anonymous 199255
>>199243yeah the sentence is structured as if she's criticizing the document rather than promoting it or implying she wrote it
Anonymous 199256
>>199249I see. In messages, she dmed me about a new site, so that may be it?
Anonymous 199258
Whoops. Wrong person I replied to. Meant this one. |>>199250
Anonymous 199263
Screenshot (16505)…

>>199245I think maybe? Or maybe different imageboards?
>>199250Sorry I'm not caught up, what's fediverse?
>>199254This proves the site belongs to Shaymin though right? Or at least more hints that it could belong to her
Anonymous 199265
>>199249She called a large amount of anons "TELFS", trans exclusionary liberal feminists, to her they weren't radical enough and didn't really embrace radfem beliefs. They were just liberals who happened to be against troon shit. So oldmin being some sort of Marxist feminist would actually fit.
Anonymous 199267
why can the site only be accessed through mobile data tho
Anonymous 199268

question: why are we still here if lolcow works just fine now ?
Anonymous 199269
>>199263Sorry I'm not caught up, what's fediverse?
Imagine twitter if everyone could host their own server and all these servers were connected in a big cloud. Of course many servers will host reprehensible material, so your own server will want to block them. That looks like a list of blocked servers.
It's pretty difficult to use, but there's a feminist one too.
https://spinster.xyz/about Anonymous 199270
Screenshot (54).pn…

>>199263Yeah, I looked at the site she linked earlier. This is for a fediverse she is working on:
https://fediring.net/ This was in one of her side sites on the site you linked earlier.
Anonymous 199273
What proof there is that persons blog or the excel file have anything to do with lc? What the excel is even about?
Anonymous 199274
>>199249ur dumb then
(why do you hate them? legit question)
Anonymous 199276
>>199265That doesnt make sense, though. Why is this fediverse that she's making against any kind of "bigotry"? I feel like thats a larp. Unless she just wanted to get more NEETBUX and cash it for alternatives to twatter?
Anonymous 199277
I'm so annoyed I got banned from cc after sperging in this thread. now where will I go if lc goes to shit
Anonymous 199280
>>199273Honestly, I was wondering that too, the fediverse and the excel sheets seem linked together. Maybe its a tranny who made their own fediverse?
Anonymous 199283
>>199208someone please explain this to me I don't get it?
Anonymous 199286
>>199229wtf? trannies are fucking crazy
Anonymous 199287
But where was the site even found? And most of the ”evidence” is just headcanons (like her being Mexican)
Anonymous 199288
>>199283The person people think is oldmin has a blog and on that blog she posted an example of thought policing gone insane, which is an excel file that contains an endless list of fediverse instances blocked for the most minor nonsense as well as all the evil phobias and isms.
For some reason people are now saying shaymin (?) makes her own fediverse which idk where it comes from.
Anonymous 199289
Screenshot (55).pn…

>>199283Someone found a neocity site from a github (which im trying to find), and they are posting excel sheets that are linked through said so site.
https://fediring.net/OP thought said so excel sheets was odd, but it makes sense.
HOWEVER, new thing I found interesting, I looked through the persons neocities and clicked on the questions marks.. And.. My thoughts were correct on this being a tranny,
Anonymous 199290
>>199236>that pictureI'm about to vomit.
Anonymous 199291
>>199286Yeah it’s a browser extension made by a pedophile
Anonymous 199294
>>199288I thought that could be a possibility, but by just looking at the sections at the side, you can easily find out that its a troon. I almost believed that person, but I am 100% sure it's blaine now. They are creating speculations and those excel sheets seem to be a fediverse some tranny posted.
Anonymous 199299
>>199289wtf is a fediverse? I'm scared now
if this person is admin then they have full access to our post history, secrets, and lives
Anonymous 199300
>>199297You staying up wayyyyy past your bedtime lol
Anonymous 199301
>>199297what is a proletarian feminist even?
Anonymous 199303
>>199300Yeah, I slept until afternoon. Get in the cage, wagie.
Anonymous 199305
>>199289>heck.computerThis doesn't look like the same person as nenetl, though?
Anonymous 199308
oh my fucking god
Anonymous 199309
>>199303Ayrt, I'm kidding I'm a neet too, it's 5:05AM for me lol
Anonymous 199310
>>199300Nevermind, im fucking stupid. Its a generator site LOL. My bad..
Anonymous 199312
lolcow was a psyop by trannies to keep a database of terfs
Anonymous 199313
I'm willing to believe she's at least a giant handmaiden. But it would be funny as fuck if she was a tranny this whole time and was projecting whenever someone got close to realizing what was going on. It makes sense she did this all in secret and so suddenly if she really doesn't have access to the backend code and shit. Ian made it so hard for others to deal with for a reason. LC is his legacy. I personally think he never left LC and has been purposely picking new admins that didn't know enough about the back end stuff so they wouldn't try and fuck with his code.
I think it would have been way easier if she abandoned old LC, let it be archived and built an ew and improved version from the bottom up. But that would bring its own issues
Anonymous 199314
>>199289That's a site that's a part of the webring nenetl belongs to, that's all. It's not her kek
Anonymous 199316
Screenshot (16507)…

I went back on the supposed Shaymin blog and she mentions being a native woman, did anyone ever catch if shaymin mentioned her race? And was oldmin native?
Anonymous 199317

>>199314Sorry s.. I got excited.. This is a bigger confusion to me, though. But I dont know why this poster would randomly post this site, the excels then dip.
Anonymous 199318
This is too much for me. Just tell me when lc is back.
Anonymous 199320
>>199297>https://heck.computer/home.htmlI'm confused. What's the link to this site, how is it related to the person running
https://nenetl.me? I know nenetl has an affiliate link to fediring, but there seem to be multiple people involved in fediring.
Anonymous 199321
Screenshot (16508)…

She also has "Tranny mutuals?" Maybe it's not Shaymins blog
Anonymous 199322
Or she lied to keep people confused and not succesfully doxx her
Anonymous 199324
Wasn't the issue with her trying to still use the same DNS and trying to scrape the old LC stuff to put on the new LC? or are you saying she broke both websites because she doesn't know how to code? If it's the latter, than I guess it also confirms Ian has always been involved in the background and any updates LC needed before now, he did.
Anonymous 199325
>>199267>>199272in my case it's the opposite, mobile+data doesn't work, desktop+wifi works fine
Anonymous 199326
So, it's been some goddamned rando all along? I'm taking a break.
Anonymous 199327
>>199320Its in the venus and fist symbol on the site. Again, idk if the site is actually her.
Anonymous 199328
>>199319>>199322Did anyone else find it really weird that Oldmin said Elaine was lying about doxxing her (which, she most likely was), but also claimed she was exposing her because she found out her and her "fiance's" identities? That never added up to me, but I didn't want to be accused of being Elaine for asking.
Anonymous 199331
>>199326Hahahaha I am so sorry, the excel doc freaked me out and I jumped the gun lol
Anonymous 199332
>>199157maybe ?.. since she asked for farmhands candidates from asia recently
Anonymous 199333

if admin doesn't deny these accusations, then they're all true. We need to ask her every time we can. She's a horrorcow.
Anonymous 199334

IM SORRY ADMIN FOR THINKING YOU WERE LIKE THAT.. Im sorry admin.. please dont take down lolcow
Anonymous 199335
Dont know if this is dead but I'm so disappointed in what's going on and anyone kissing shaymin ass is retarded. Nobody asked for this, she decided to do it at this time, then throws a fit.
Anonymous 199338
>and the discord server mod she hired once made an entire server just centered around pretending to be friends with Elaine and telling her lies about Oldmin. They're all psychotic
What in the actual fuck
Anonymous 199339
>If she does though, I know some people are thinking about releasing more concrete evidence because of how much she pissed them off with her behavior.
who tho? they should do it now
Anonymous 199341
You know what they say about farmers… Doesn't take much for one of us to become a cow. The gayops urge must be unbearable for her.
Anonymous 199343
I'm not admin, I just wonder why can't we have all the info now?
Anonymous 199344
Oldmin seemed to like fucking with people in general. I never heard about any Elaine thing, but even before all that, she seemed to get a power trip off gay ops.
Anonymous 199347
who else hype for eurovision? did you s see the new announcements?
Anonymous 199350
>from admin and her posse
this sounds so insane to me, the power trip is real
who knew a narcissist would become the admin of a website full of gossip
Anonymous 199354
twitterfag response
Anonymous 199355
I am not believing a thing until I see actual proof that blog schitzo is admin. Otherwise this is fanfiction.
Anonymous 199357
I love her more than anything in this world
Anonymous 199360
Wtf happened. The schizotranny Blaine had his stupid twitch podcast that I again autistically watched one time because he said in /meta/ that the nenetl girl was Oldmin / current Admin. It striked me as literally some rando because he literally just said “they’re both Mexican and both feminists”.
Anonymous 199363
>>199360Samefag, it was his “Buttmad @bait” thing he kept dropping on lolcow when he was in his peak spam time over the summer.
Anonymous 199364
is today the romanianon incident annoversary?
Anonymous 199365
>>199362For real. Seems like wild things always happen on Lolcow on Christmas.
Anonymous 199366
I can consider it, but it's literally irresponsible to take all of this as fact when there's not even strong hints and no one here even knows what this spread sheet is about
Anonymous 199375
>>199363Samefag AGAIN but I think the person being “so I just found her site… it’s weird” upthread is him.
Anonymous 199377
kys moid
Anonymous 199381
>>199375Again I’m saying this because I autistically watched his posting over the summer. He did post this neocities and said shit like
>UR ADMIN IS BEING BALCKMAILED YOU TOOK AWAY HER VOICE!!!!!!!!!!>FREE UR ADMIN ILL SAVE HERand then his twitch stream / podcast he showed the site and scrolled through it and said
>yeah well looks like she hates male dominated spaces is Latina and coding it MUST be her Anonymous 199382
>>199381Also, samefag I’m not trying to WK Shaymin because clearly she did fuck up but I 100% this is tranny gayops
Anonymous 199383
s please help this autist out. I want to gift my mom half the money of a sewing machine of her choice so she can sew sweaters for her doggo without hassle.
How do I tell that nicely in a christmas card?
Anonymous 199384
its the most wonde…

since it is the festive holidays i will be nice and share how I found out that the site belonged to admin.
if he/("she"???) does not address this before the end of boxing day I will show more evidence.
happy holidays s. have a nice milkmas.
don't give a fuck if it outs me if they are a tranny. fuck trannies.
Anonymous 199386
kys autistic xy
Anonymous 199390
>>199382And remember the tranny his own circle of retards he talks to (besides himself in the third person.) I don’t doubt this gayop is one of them
Anonymous 199391
>>199384kek this is from Elaine's wrong doxxing website. You cut out some comments
Anonymous 199401
>>199383"Dear mom, I want you to use this money to pay for a new sewing machine. I can't wait to see what wonderful creations you come up with! I know (doggo name) will appreciate it too. Love you, anon"
Anonymous 199402
its the most wonde…

honestly have no fucking idea who blaine is or whatever but i have logs verifying the account we talked to are the same.
Anonymous 199405
>>199402okay but how do we know this isn’t fabricated or inspect element or something
Anonymous 199409
>>199402Okay we're gonna need a little more than that my guy…
Anonymous 199410

whatever fucking tranny moid is in here trying to start a vendetta, just remember that you will NEVER be a woman no matter what happens
Anonymous 199411
Blaine literally had a twitch stream where he showed the nenetl site on there. They know what they’re doing.
Anonymous 199413
>>199402You could have just roleplayed this conversation with your tranny friends from all we know. You can’t even see the timestamps
Anonymous 199415
>>199383why do you always start your posts with the letter "s"? I've seen this a few times now.
Anonymous 199416
>>199411Samefag it was his retarded “podcast” he just said that the users both hated men and were Latina and that was it. He and Elaine are friends and they’re using this opportunity to do gayops
Anonymous 199418
>>199411>Blaine literally had a twitch stream where he showed the nenetl site on there. They know what they’re doing.no they don't.
Anonymous 199422

>>199136Her Tumblr, from here:
https://threads.nenetl.me/Idk, definitely the same sort of aesthetic as the ingenue account's pfp in
>>199034. She was also allegedly an anachan.