
BIO CHAN thread #3 Anonymous 237226
Previous thread:
>>85849>>135972Thread for posting your artworks, memes and general OC for Bio chan.
>Who is Bio chan? She is a terf character often represented by wearing a science coat and with DNA-like hair that likes to remind trannies that they will never be their desired oposite sex. Bio chan as in "Biology chan": reminding troons of their inherent and inescapable biology. Her personnality changes based on the artist because she isn't fully established yet. If there are little tweaks and things you want to change/add feel free! There are currently 2 designs for Bio chan: one labelled GNC (with shorter hair as seen in in picrel) and one who isn't (with long pigtails and more traditionally femenine appearance). Feel free to draw either.
Anonymous 237243
my absolute queen, im so happy to see more of her!
Anonymous 237244

I can only draw on whiteboard rn I tried U_U, her hair looks sick though
Anonymous 237247

Minuscule part of a doodle i posted on the /img/ art thread
>>237244I love the vibrant colors…
Anonymous 238238
>>238237omg I forgot to add her hairpins
Anonymous 238333
beautiful art itt
>>238171this one especially made me lol
Anonymous 247614
haven't been on cc in a while, love love love
Anonymous 247962
bio chan hoodie.pn…

this seemed like a cooler idea in my head T.T
Anonymous 248173
>>237233holy heckies nona! you are amazing!
you should totally do something wintery! i like your style!
>>247962cuuuuute! it could also double for a crop top design!
Anonymous 248755
bioooochaaaan! love the drawings
Anonymous 250292
>>250238>”i diagnose you with ychromoid” Anonymous 250294
can someone draw her as some mad doctor/surgeon? one who specifically does extremely unethical experiments on moids (i totally don't have a thing for this)
Anonymous 250600
>>250599Spiked hairbands make it look like corona-chan
Anonymous 250605

drew this edgy one. bio chan had a change of heart and wants to help the troons reach their goal
>>250599random image of teto deep in my img gallery (its only the face and bangs i used)
>>250600i saw one artist draw her with those hair clips but yea i see it now
Anonymous 250610
>>250587>>250588>>250605aw these are so cute!! thank you for sharing. love you biochan!
Anonymous 250614

>this is called a uterus. It's something you don't have
Anonymous 250615
we are so fucking BACK!! AMAZING works !!! gg to everyone
Anonymous 250618

it's been a while and seeing all those good arts hyped me up!!!
Anonymous 251134
>>250874my best friend !!she teachs me maths after class
Anonymous 251172
>>251140>>251137>>251138When did this aggie happened?? Or was it an aggie with a friend or something, i love it.
Anonymous 251229

>>251209Posting some art from there here.
Anonymous 251233
>>251229LOOKS SO GOOD! she looks so perfect!!!!! and fancy!!!
>>251231i love this version so much too!! it's so real too ouiiin
>>251232im so moved to see the lil old version hairpins of biochan !!
y'all slayed it! i'll draw something too soon!!
Anonymous 251274
One day I will sculpt a Bio-chan figure out of clay and poast it, though I’m afraid it will be traceable back to my art account. Oh well. I love Bio-chan!!!
Anonymous 251284

This came out shittier than I expected.
Anonymous 251297
>>251284Kek, someone needs to do this but with the /lgbt/ boymoder mascot too.
Anonymous 251298
>>251297I could do it in a bit. what does the mascot look like?
Anonymous 251301

>>251298They use this anime girl to represent themselves and act as if they are uwu totally passing and self aware trans gurls/traps.
Anonymous 251303

>>251301This is the character it's based from i don't know the source of it.
Anonymous 251306
>>251301>>251303oh lol. I'm gonna have to scroll around to find a mtf selfie that matches since i'm not good at portraying trooniness through drawing, but it will be golden
Anonymous 251307
>>251306Thank you for your work nona this mascot gets on my nerves
Anonymous 251308
>>251284Where did the top left meme come from? And how were all the original sources from the top right found?
Anonymous 251310
>>251308oh i drew the ones on the top left based on the top right. I found it on lolcow. i guess they found them on reddit
Anonymous 251316

>>251303>>251297>>251301use it as a template if you find a more accurate troon. I had a few candidates but I think this one was best
Anonymous 251322

TiMs still getting hit hard by the classic YWNBAW copypasta
>>251316really great template! There's likely pics of them cosplaying that character and brown hair + black hoodie shouldn't be too uncommon anyway
Anonymous 251326

>>251322whoops I thought this was the terfposting thread lol. But here's a few men that I found that have similar hair as the character
Anonymous 251376
>>251316kek moment !! I love those meme art with bio chan truly the best gg
Anonymous 251442
someone make bio chan a vtuber anti tranny and men
Anonymous 251499

sketch from a few months ago that i forgot about
Anonymous 251542
>>251499I love it!! She’s so cool!
>>251442I’d love that so much, I hate vtubers because usually they are pedopanderers, so this would be a great idea and I would watch her every day.
Anonymous 251607
>>251542very much true unfortunatly, i wish they could have done a better thing with this concept. RIP.
Anonymous 253502

TERF Miku is real and official!! Long-awaited Biochan collab is finally here!
Anonymous 260655

i am probably late to the party but do any of you know about Needy Streamer Overload? The MC looks so much like Bio Chan and there are so many sussy references (like she calls moids maleoids at some point) that it makes me think it's not a complete coincidence
Anonymous 260656
>>260655i love needy streamer overload. have you played it?
Anonymous 260670
>>260658i never finished it unfortunately
Anonymous 260817
>>260670there are soo many endings and it's difficult to steer it to where you want it to go
Anonymous 261106
>>260655i dont think this is a coincidence at all, looks so much like her!!
Anonymous 263122
are we still alive girls
Anonymous 263930

>>260655i thought the same the first time i played it! she definitely hates trannies
Anonymous 264881
>>263930did it come out later than biochan?
Anonymous 264914
I tried to give myself Biochan's DNA pigtails but keeping them spaced like that is really hard. Maybe I am just too used to braids.
Anonymous 264933
>>264881i think so, i remember knowing biochan when the game came out
Anonymous 265351
>>265332this is so cute! do the other characters here have names, i dont reconise them except for cece
Anonymous 265363
>>265351It's Elsie and 2X-tan from lolcow!
Anonymous 265392
>>265385I never thought i would see someone with your art style that would like bio-chan kek i like it
Anonymous 265419
>>265385Fascinating phenomena. You're my favourite biochan now
Anonymous 266785
>>237226>inherent and inescapable biologyAs a PhD in molecular biology, this is funny. Biology is much more complicated and flexible than what normies tend to imply. In reality trannies who took hormones and got surgery have changed their genetic expression, and the earlier they block their testosterone the more notorious the phenotypical effects are. I don't think they are biologically female perse but they are also not biologically male. Neurology is not my field and this is more an anecdote but in my experience interacting with both, some appear to be more female-like minded while others appear to be autistic moids with a fetish. The former tend also to blend as women.
Anonymous 266801
>>266785damn pretty good bait you got there sis
Anonymous 266808
>>250920holy shit this is fucking GOLD
Anonymous 269880
Can someone make an aggie or magma so we can all draw bio chan (I'm lazy)
Anonymous 269987
>>266785A lot of people here are also interested in molecular biology silly, we know biology is flexible but it just goes on to prove that you cant take hrt and change the way you look for a while and become a woman magically. Even xxy chromozomed people with klinefelter syndrome are considered males, the definition for male and female includes a lot more people than just "vagina female, penis male".This is why claiming that just because your hormones are a little differant than the average male youre suddenly not enough of a "male" (or vice versa) is insulting to intersex people or people with hormonal problems. Trans womens bodies was still meant to host the making of sperm, thats why the things they choose to do to themselves dont and cant change the way that theyre males. Saying that "they are also not biologically male" makes it really obvious you dont have a phd in molecular biology.
Anonymous 271675
>>271482WTF this art is so beautiful <3 thank you so much nona!! feeding us good tonight
Anonymous 271768
>>271213what is cece thinking in this pic?
Anonymous 275410
Seeing mtf troons on r/4tran4 literally use bio chan screenshots/art from these threads as reaction memes makes me wanna yeet myself out a window
Anonymous 275416
>>275410those males are doing what males like to do, getting in woman spaces and claiming for themselves.
a pair of tit's and estrogen on them will not change the nature of those things nona.
Anonymous 275431
>>275416I'm gonna be honest, i NEVER see troons. Not walking around in public anyway. Do people actually live in places where troons are all over the place? Is this a real thing?
Anonymous 275562
>>275431how uncomfortable is it for you to walk around with a diaper all the time because the axewound between your legs keeps leaking?
Anonymous 275578
I love Bio-Chan <3
Does she have a transphobic magical animal companion? Or would that just be Cece.
Anonymous 275579
>>275578We should give her cece as a charm pet